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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Tribo,

    This is probably down to the fixture file. Most RGB fixtures that don't have a dedicated Dimmer channel have a Virtual Intensity, which allows the console to scale the RGB values as if the fixture has an intensity. If this is a fixture in the current fixture library let me know which one it is, and I'll go in and edit the file so the fixture does have a virtual intensity.

    As a separate note, for Virtual Intensities to work on Fat Frogs you need to be running the latest version of FrogOS, version 10.12 available here...


    This will also allow the submaster faders to fade the colour up. You will however still see colours snap if you fade red of one fixture up over the top of green on the same fixture for example, as the Colour attribute uses Latest Takes Precedence rules.

    Hope that helps and makes sense, any queries let me know.


  2. Hi Eddie,

    I updated your software last time I was at Pump House, so you should be on ZerOS 7.9.4. What version are your apps?

    That's interesting disabling Art-Net solved the issue. Were you using Art-Net? Were any other networking protocols enabled?


  3. Hi Both,

    Derek- apologies, I didn't see your topic dated May 1st. Also just to confirm, the latest version of ZerOS is 7.9.4, available here...


    Can you confirm what version of the apps you are running?

    We are in the process of testing the latest version of the Monitor and Remote apps that we're hoping to release soon.

    Any queries let me know.


  4. Hi Erics,

    Setting the button function to "Latch" will always take the Playback data to the level it was at when it was recorded. Therefore in your case it will take the strobe to 255 irrespective of the fader level. If you want to use the fader to preset your Strobe rate, and then tap the button to activate it you will have to choose either "Go Snap" or "Go Fade" as the button function. To then turn the strobe back off, you can press and hold CLEAR and tap the Playback's button.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  5. Hi Kevin,

    Chases currently don't let fades from a cue fade into subsequent cues. Once a cue has finished fading out, the next will play. This is of course different to a normal Playback, where you can have Auto-With cues, that allow for the previous cue to fade simultaneously/underneath the current cue. Therefore allowing chase fade percentages to be greater than 100% would allow you to have this functionality.

    Hope that makes sense.


  6. Hi Dan,

    Thank you for your detailed query. Currently there isn't an easy way to do what you're after. I have however logged this on our software tracker as ZOS-8653 as a request. To implement this, we would look at allowing for a Chase Fade percentage of greater than 100%. You could therefore set "Ramp Down" and apply a fade percentage of 400%, which would fade the step of the chase out over the following 3.

    Any queries let me know.


  7. Hello,

    Have you completed the software update, and are now receiving the message “Operating System Missing”? If so, try installing again. 

    ZerOS 7.9.3 has now been superceded by ZerOS 7.9.4 so download this, and then try creating a bootable USB drive again by running the software on a PC.

    ZerOS 7.9.4 can be downloaded here...


    Any queries let me know. 


  8. Hi Eric,

    Home, Default and Topset values can’t currently be set on FLX S. We are looking at implementing this in the future, but in the meantime don’t forget you can save your show file, load it into Phantom ZerOS running as FLX, set your levels and save the show, and then load your show file back in to the FLX S. 


  9. Hello,

    This sounds like the 24 dimmer channels were still patched. If so, you will only be able to patch to DMX 25 or greater. Therefore first of all, you would have had to go to DMX patch in Setup, and tap each channel button and tap CLEAR to unpatch them. You would have then should have been able to patch your LED fixtures to 1,7,13,19. 

    Hope that helps,


  10. Hi Labby, 

    Looking at the fixture's manual you will probably be best to control the star cloth as a fader per channel. Therefore to patch a single star cloth patch 5 dimmer channels onto your faders. If you went to Delete fixtures 31-35 and nothing happened, this means they are already unpatched, and ready for you to add new fixtures to. Therefore tap Add Fixtures, tap Next, and now press and hold fader button 31 and tap fader button 35. Enter the DMX address, and click finish. 

    From the manual it looks like if you put channel 5 to full, channels 1-4 then become your 4 zone intensities. Therefore after coming out of Setup, push fader 35 to full, and you then should find 31-34 can control your zones. If you wish, you can configure channel 35 to stay at full by default. To do this push the fader to full, tap RECORD, press HOME, and choose "Defaults" from the MFKs. 

    Hope that helps, 


  11. Hi Uli,

    The order parameters are displayed on the encoders is the same order the parameters are listed in the Fixture Editor Software. Therefore a quick way to order for example "ColMac" after RGBW parameters, would be to assign it to the "Position" attribute, and then assign it back to the Colour attribute. This would then send it to the end of the colour attribute.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  12. 16 hours ago, uli-s_kn said:


    I also tried the old Method today, but haven't had a internet connection at the venue. Now, at home, I read this entry. So for the newest Version I have to load the "ZerOS OS Creator USB - v7.9.4 9-3-2018 BF.exe"-File into the desk.



    Hi Uli,

    Yes, copy the ZerOS OS Creator USB executable file onto the root of a USB stick, and then plug into the console. Tap SETUP -> Load File, choose the software update, and the install will begin.

    Any queries let me know.


  13. Hi Labby,

    What mode is the star cloth operating in? How many RGB sections of control does it require? Do you want it assigned as a fixture, or as fader per channel control?

    To assign faders, first, you’ll need to unpatch channels 31 through to however many available fixtures you need. To do this tap SETUP -> Press and gold fixture 31 and tap the lady you wish to get rid of to multi select. Then tap DELETE. Then go to Add Fixtures, find the Star Cloth, and then click next. Press and hold 31, and tap the last fixture number. Set the DMX address to 250, and click finish. 

    You will then be able to control your Star Cloth. Going to SPECIAL -> Button Function -> Select will enable you to control the Red, Green and blue cells of the fixture. 

    Hope that helps and makes sense, any queries let me know. 


  14. Hi Erics,

    Thank you for your comments. I will make a note of your request.

    Currently if you select a fixture and go to the Colour Picker tab, the value fader on the right hand side of the touchscreen will be the current colour of the fixture. If you have multiple fixtures selected in different colours, you will be able to see multiple cross-hairs on the picker, showing you the colour of each fixture.

    Hope that helps.


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