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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello,

    Looking at the fixture file attached, this is going to appear under the manufacturer of "PUMP HOUSE". After loading in, you shouldn't need to restart the console. When going to Add Fixtures does the manufacturer "PUMP HOUSE" appear?


  2. Hi Skippa,

    This is a possibility, but not something we’re looking at implementing soon. Our Fixture Software available for PC allows you to make your own fixtures, and then adding them in is simply done using USB storage. Fixture Library 36 to be released in a few month’s time will bring the fixture count to over 8,000, and in a future update the fixture library will be improved, greatly increasing this. 

    Any queries let us know. 


  3. Hello,

    As Kevin explains this should be as simple as recording your UDK, and entering it’s settings. What settings do you see at the moment when pressing and holding SETUP and tapping your UDK?


  4. Hi Tessa,

    This is down to tagging. In the record options menu, ensuring Colour, Beam and Position have a Blue stripe next to them will ensure this isn’t recorded. Alternatively, make sure that no parameters other than intensity are tagged. A tagged parameter is displayed as a light blue background in the encoder display. You can tap this display to manually untag the parameter. 

    You may find the article below is a useful read...


    Hope that helps


  5. Hi Zeus,

    We have seen this a couple of times on FLX S and it is not hardware- it’s software. This has already been solved in our internal beta software, so you should find ZerOS 7.9.5 to be released later this year solves the issue. 

    Any queries let us know. 


  6. Hi Zeus,

    If you are seeing previous playback colours being “overwritten” with the latest used Playback, it sounds like Release on Lower is disabled for the Playback. To change this go into the Playback settings by holding SETUP and tapping the playbacks button, tap Raise and Lower-> Release on Lower -> Enabled. 

    I you then want to be able to cross fade from playback to playback, your best option will be to enable fader controls colour for these playbacks. Again go into the Playbacks settings, and tap Colour under fader controls. 

    As Kevin also suggests, you need to be aware of something called SmartTag if recording a fixture with 0% intensity- SmartTag needs to be disabled to allow you to do this. This can be done by pressing and holding RECORD, and tapping SmartTag so that it doesn’t have a red stripe next to it, or by holding SHIFT and tapping RECORD, to do a record all or snapshot of the current lighting state. 

    Hope that helps, any queries let us know. 


  7. Hi Eric,

    Firstly just to confirm, FLX consoles should not be connected to the internet- FLX networks should be dedicated. To connect Capture to FLX, you’ll need a straight Ethernet cable to connect the console to your computer, and you’ll need to enable Capture in the Setup of FLX, and assign a static IP in the same range as your Ethernet IP on the laptop. Therefore this could be one on, the other on, both with subnets of You should find Capture detects FLX, and they start talking. In System Information where you saw there was no DHCP server, check Capture is transmitting. If it isn’t, check your settings, and try disabling and enabling Capture output from FLX. For connecting Capture on Windows to FLX, take a look at the article below...


    Any queries let me know. 


  8. Hello,

    As soon as the Clear button is pressed first the selection will be cleared, and if pressed a second time the Programmer will immediately start to fade out using the Programmer Time - this includes fixture intensities and any other parameters. These can be seen fading in the Output Window (SHIFT + VIEW to quickly view this). 

    Hope that helps


  9. Hi Paul,

    We’re not aware of any problems related to this. If programmer data is cleared by pressing the clear button, the LED will go out straight away. The only time this will be delayed is if Programmer Time is enabled (found on the last encoder in the Z key)- in which case the LED will go off after the Programmer Time has completed. 

    Is this what you’re experiencing?


  10. Hi Daniel,

    Playbacks triggered from cues will always trigger at their full recorded value, ignoring fader level. If you need this to trigger at a lower level, you can update the steps of your chase in Playback 1, by holding SHIFT+ tap it’s playback button to snap into the step and make the edits. Tap UPDATE and it’s button to save.

    Hope that helps,


  11. Hi Ted,

    This can be done on FLX in the Waveforms section of Effects. With your fixtures selected, using wave forms you can apply different functions to each parameter, and then define a Speed, Size and Offset for each.

    We are looking at implementing quick effects in a future software update, so you can very quickly achieve Random Flickers for example.


  12. Hi Eric,

    That is correct, we are going to adjust the auto select sensitivity. The buttons are used to select the fixture, so that you can control it further. Therefore if you wish to turn this setting off, all you’ll have to do is manually select the fixture you wish to control further- you don’t need to press the button before moving the fader. 

    If fixtures seemed to be randomly turning on, can you remember what colour the fixtures intensity was displayed as in the Output Window? This will help to determine why that might be happening- such as an auto cue for example.


  13. Hi Eric,

    I understand your problem now. This is due to the sensitivity of “Auto Select Channel on Fader Movement”. This is to be revised in the next software update, to stop this happening. In the meantime if this is causing you problems, you can turn it off by tapping SETUP -> System Settings, and Disable the option.

    Any queries let me know. 


  14. Hi Eric,

    When you turn a Playback into a chase, the fade times are no longer used, and are purely there for if you revert the chase back to a playback. To set the fades, go into the settings of your chase (hold SETUP + tap your chases button), and set he fade percentages. This sets the percentage of the duration of each cue that the transition is fading. 

    If you don’t want to calculate the BPM for a chase’s speed, you can use Auto cues in a normal Playback as Kevin describes. 

    Hope that helps


  15. Hi Eric, 

    If you don't see fade times available for a cue, it means there is no values changing from the previous cue. For example if in cue 1 you have recorded your fixtures at 100%, and you then tap record to save cue 2, you won't see any fade times, as cue 1 is identical to cue 2.

    Regarding fixtures selecting, do you still see the issue happening if you tap SETUP -> System Settings -> Auto Select Channel on Fader movement -> Disabled?

    Let me know how you get on. If it happens again, please take a picture of the Output Window and the console's faders.


  16. Hi Monster,

    You should find that this will behave in the same way as colour, using LTP rules. Therefore if you use palettes, and then add in a Playback, the playback gives the position, colour and beam the latest command. When you then release the Playback (pull it down to 0%), it will send the fixtures back to their defaults. What you might want to do though, is enable Fader Controls Position, and disable Release on Lower for this Playback. That will allow you to apply a palette to your fixtures, raise the Playback to fade into your programmed state, then lower your fader and you will fade back to the look you had before. To do this hold SETUP + tap your Playback, and enable Fader Controls Position so that it has a red stripe next to it. Then tap Raise & Lower -> Release on Lower-> Disabled. Click OK, and this should then work as desired. You can then repeat this for any playbacks containing positions you may wish to mix with your palettes. 

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  17. Hi Lee,

    Sorry to hear this. It sounds as though your console will need to be serviced. This can either be done through our distributors, or direct to us. Please find your local distributor below, and contact them regrading a repair...


    Alternatively if you'd rather the console comes back to us for repair, please email support@zero88.com and this can be arranged for you.

    Any queries let us know.


  18. Hi Zulu,

    Yes, for FLX S consoles to edit a cue live, go into the cue, and use the channel faders/ attribute controls to create your updated scene. When you're happy, tap UPDATE, and tap your Master Playbacks Go button. Your edits will be stored, and the programmer will be automatically cleared as the console grabs the edited fixtures and puts them into the cue.

    Hope that helps, 


  19. Hi Both,

    Apologies for the late reply, we have been attending ABTT trade show. Eric, when you say you see a light randomly come on, and its channel select button light, can you please let us know what the console is displaying this as. In your Output Window, is this a Red intensity value with the channel number in an orange select box? Is there anything displayed?


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