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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi both, No this is not something you can do currently, you just have your Programming and Palettes desktops, with Groups remaining on the internal touchscreen. Edward
  2. Hi Erics, Thank you for this information, we will bear this in mind if others have issues with these fixtures. After deleting a fixture manually, this won't be discovered automatically again. This is because otherwise you'd never be able to delete a fixture on the DMX line even if you weren't using it. Therefore to rediscover deleted fixtures, you'll need to tap SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> RigSync -> Discover All. This should then patch them back into the console. Thank you for letting us know, I have logged this as issue reference ZOS-8784 on our software tracker. Edward
  3. Hi Kevin, If you just want this to run through once to achieve a single sunrise effect, I would look to use a playback with auto cues to create the effect. Doing this allows you to define accurate custom auto follow-on times, and fade down times can run over subsequent cues, which is something you can't do with a chase. Therefore you could program each of your cues into a playback that's triggered by your Master Playback. Hope that helps, Edward
  4. Hi Erics, I have emailed you the updated Astera AX5 fixture file with RDM information included. Any queries let me know. Edward
  5. Hi Erics, We are aware of this issue when entering RDM Personality IDs of greater than 9 in the Fixture Type Editor software. If you could email us at FixtureSupport@zero88.com, with all the relevant Personality IDs for each mode of these fixtures, we will be able to send you an updated fixture file containing the correct personality IDs. Any queries let me know. Edward
  6. Hi Norman, Please find attached the updated fixture file for the GLP YPOC 250... GLP YPOC 250 Details Update.ift Copy this file to USB, and then plug into FLX S24. Then tap SETUP -> Load FIle, and choose the file to load in. Then go to your Fixture Schedule, and select all your GLP YPOC 250 fixtures. Tap Change all Profiles, and you should see there is an updated version in the library that you can replace your existing fixtures with. This new fixture now contains details such as colour and gobo information. For future fixture requests, feel free to send us an email to "FixtureSupport@zero88.com" - our dedicated fixture support email address. If you have any queries please let me know. Edward
  7. Hi Norman, Colour and Beam auto palette information is stored in the fixture profile itself. Looking at this fixture in version 36 of the library, this information is missing. I will therefore update this fixture for you, and post back later with an updated file when the colour and beam details have been implemented. Edward
  8. Hallo, Der Großmeister sollte auch Verfolgungen verhindern. Wenn nicht, senden Sie bitte eine E-Mail an support@zero88.com, da es sich anhört, als ob ein Fehler an der Konsole vorliegt. Hello, The Grand Master should inhibit chases as well. If not please send an email to support@zero88.com as it sounds like there is a fault with the console. Edward
  9. Hallo, Auf dem Lightmaster XLS gibt es keinen Blackout-Button. Der GrandMaster kann verwendet werden, um die Gesamtleuchtstärke von der Konsole aus zu steuern - dies steuert Kanäle, Hinweise und Verfolgungen. hello, There is no Blackout button on the Lightmaster XLS. The GrandMaster can be used to control the overall light level from the console- this will control channels, cues and chases. Edward
  10. Hi Kevin, That's correct, "Special" parameter information in the fixture library is what ZerOS uses to morph fixtures at the point of a fixture swap-out. Edward
  11. Hi Kevin, An effects palette can be applied to a different selection of the same fixture type, however offset information won't be transferred, as this is specific for every selection. You can however apply the existing effect, tweak the offset, and then record the as a new effect palette for the new selection of fixtures. If you have recorded a CBP palette with a certain type of fixture, that same palette can be applied to all fixtures of that type. Therefore for a certain set of fixtures you could record all your colours with just one, and the palettes would work for all fixtures of that type. When dealing with palettes where each fixture has different parameter information (such as fanned positions or colours), when applying these palettes to fixtures not included in the palette they will use the first fixture's attribute data. Hope that helps, Edward
  12. Hallo, Ja, es ist möglich, den Master Playback Fader in den Grand Master zu konvertieren, wobei der Master Go Button zum Blackout wird. Stellen Sie hierzu sicher, dass nichts auf dem Master-Playback aufgezeichnet ist und halten Sie SETUP gedrückt und tippen Sie darauf. Sie werden ein paar besondere Funktionen sehen, von denen einer der Großmeister ist. Ich hoffe, das hilft, Hello, Yes it is possibe to convert the Master Playback fader into the Grand Master, with the Master Go button becoming the Blackout. To do this ensure there is nothing recorded on the Master Playback, and then hold SETUP and tap it. You will see a few special functions, one of which is Grand Master. Hope that helps, Edward
  13. Hi Kevin, ORB XF now comes under the "Legacy ZerOS" section of the Knowledgebase... http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ Hopefully now that the search engine has had some time to realise how people are wording questions and what they are after, you will start to find it is more effective. Edward
  14. Hi Kevin, A Blue Rainbow effect means Blue stays at 50%, with Red and Green fading on and off. Therefore for your effect you could apply a Blue Rainbow and get rid of Blue, to leave you with a Red/Green effect. Reducing the Green then gives you less Green and more yellow. Effect offsets do indeed use the order of fixture selection, which is why groups are very useful when it comes to applying effects. However as you said, as soon as you apply something like a "Fan V", it will use the current order of your fixtures and manipulate the order in which the effect runs. You therefore could get a "Fan V" look simply by applying a forward, offset if you had selected your fixtures in the correct order! Edward
  15. Hi Kevin, Example 1: Select your 5 fixtures, and apply their colour. Apply either Effect 14 (Fader) or 15 (Smooth). Hold SETUP + tap EFFECT to enter the effect options. Hold SHIFT, and choose "Fan V". Release SHIFT and press OK. Now hold SHIFT and dial the offset wheel until you get the offset that works for you. If you find the effect is running in the wrong order, dial the Speed down to a negative value. You can adjust the amount of time the fixtures are off vs on, by dialing down the intensity, leaving the effect size at 100. Or alternatively make it a much more subtle effect by decreasing the Size. When you're happy store this as an effect palette. Example 2: Using your Effects palette you recorded, apply something like a "Blue Rainbow" to your fixtures. Go to colour, and dial out Green and Blue, and dial red to full. This should give you a Red through yellow effect. You can then apply your desired offset, following the same process as above, and when happy save this new effect as an effect palette. You may want to do this as a Record All, to store colour information too. Your other option here to get much more precise colour choice, is to record a 2 step chase. You intensity effect would track through steps 1 and 2, where step 1 can contain the fixtures in your chosen shade of red, fading through into your chosen yellow in step 2. Example 3: Before recording the effect palette above, tap EFFECT until you just have the colour effect's parameters on the encoders (marked "E27" for example). Then hold SETUP and tap EFFECT, and configure the shifted function to either be Fan First or Fan Last. Confirm, and then hold SHIFT and dial offset, to leave intensity fanning from the middle, however have colour chasing from the side. Hope that helps and makes sense, any queries let me know. Edward
  16. Hi Patrick, If you are continuing to have difficulty updating the software, please see the guide below... http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/ORB-XF/998317101/Advice-when-performing-ZerOS-software-upgrades.htm Be aware that performing software updates will clear all information from the console. If you have any queries let us know. Edward
  17. Hi Kevin, No it won't- each currently active playback will need their own release macro- don't forget if you want to manually release all playback and UDKs except the Master, you can hold CLEAR + tap FADER FUNCT. Personally I'd use an effect for this. Using different LED fixtures running different effects at different speeds/offsets is likely to give you more than enough flexibility. You'll have 7 intensity and 13 colour auto effects available to play with, and when you've mixed these and applied your desired speed, size and offset, you can save this new effect to an empty effect palette. If you have customised colours for this effect too, you can program a Record All palette to store the whole look. Do this by holding SHIFT and tap RECORD, and tap any empty palette. Hope that helps, Edward
  18. Hi Patrick, You will receive that message if the console has been Factory Reset. Therefore if you haven't manually reset the console before turning off, there is an issue with your desk. What software version is the console currently running? You can find out by pressing "Other Windows" in the top left of the Output Window, and choose "System Information" from the drop down. In this screen will be a line of text displaying "Software Version". The latest version of ZerOS is 7.9.4, available to download from our website here... https://zero88.com/forum/files/file/17-zeros-794/ Depending on your current software version, you may need to create a bootable USB drive, which the console can then use to upgrade the software. You can do this by downloading the software from the link above, and run the "ZerOS 7.9.4 OS USB Creator" on a Windows PC, preferably Windows 7 with full admin rights. This will guide you through the process, and ask you to a plug a USB stick into your PC. Once the wizard has completed, boot the console with the formatted USB stick plugged in, and you should be prompted to install the console OS. Have you recently received a "Non-Volatile RAM" warning message too? If so, the internal battery will need replacing. If this is the case I can guide you through how this is done. Hope that helps, if you require any further information or assistance let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Kevin, Regarding syncing with music, is this going to be done manually, or triggered using MIDI? What audio software are you using? MIDI Timecode triggers will be able to do the work for you, especially if you configure them to run simultaneously with the audio cues- then all you'll have to do is trigger the audio cues in the correct place! 😉 How complex is each dance going to be? If for example they will contain more than 10 or so cues, I'd be tempted to program the complex dances/ songs onto separate Playbacks, having them triggered from cues in the Master Playback. These can then trigger their own chases at times, if required. Regarding "pausing" a chase, I'd change the button function of the chase from Tap Tempo, to Pause, and the shifted function to Go (Fade). This can be done by holding SETUP and tapping your chases button -> General -> Button Function. Then when the chase is running, a single tap of its button will pause it on the current cue, and then a SHIFT + tap will resume. In the Playback's chase settings, you can configure a defined BPM, or use the Global BPM - Global Tap Tempo can then be assigned to a fader... http://support.zero88.com/1011580981 For more on the fly control where speed will need to be varied, you could do all of the above just using Global Tap Tempo assigned to a fader. This allows you to vary the speed live, but then snap the fader down/ give the button a single tap to pause your chases, and then a double tap of the Global Tap Tempo fader's button will set a new speed. Regarding pausing a single effect or several effects running in a cue, you could do this using the Speed Override control. Speed Override can be used to control the speed of the current effect running in the currently viewed playback. Speed Override can be assigned to a fader- allowing you to snap the fader down to achieve pausing the effect. This can be done in the same way as Global Tap Tempo - hold SETUP and tap an empty Playback's button, and choose Global Tap Tempo. You then have a couple of options to resume the effect. Either move the fade back up to 50% again to achieve your recorded effect speed, or, under the Z button press encoder button 2, which will reset speed override. If you wanted you could program a macro that presses Z -> Encoder button 2 -> Z, and then have this triggered by a cue/UDK! Hope that helps, any further queries don't hesitate to post or message! Edward
  20. Hi Jeroen, FLX S consoles don't have the ability to copy channel data. This is something the ORB series consoles can do... http://support.zero88.com/975363271 Edward
  21. Hi Mike, We have logged "ZOS-8734" on our software tracker, which should improve loading in files and avoiding duplicates. Edward
  22. Hi Jeroen, If the new set of 4 fixtures are the same fixture type as the existing 4, any palettes you recorded with the original fixtures will also work for the new ones. Therefore you could select your new fixtures and apply the palette you used to record the playback. You can then simply Update the playback, which will then include the new fixtures. Hope that helps, Edward
  23. Hi Jeroen, Currently there is no way of combining ZerOS show files. Therefore, in this situation it would be best to have one show file that contains all fixtures, and then maybe have Page 1 of Playbacks for your LEDs, and Page 2 for your moving heads. Edward
  24. Hi Peter, What show file are you using? Have you created one to match the Capture file? Feel free to email this to me (EdwardSmith@Eaton.com) and i'll take a look. A standard CAT5 patch cable will be fine to connect your laptop to FLX S48. On the FLX S48, tap Z-> System Information -> System Text. In here, there should be text showing the console is looking for Capture. Does this find your laptop (this should display your PC's name)? Are there any errors? Let me know how you get on. Edward
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