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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Martin, After further investigating, if you tap NAME, and then tap a playback, the configured name will be remembered on reboot. If you enter a playback settings -> Advanced -> Playback Name, configure a name, and then power cycle, the names will be lost. If you however name a playback through the playback settings, then enter the console Setup, and then exit Setup, the name will be remembered (tap SETUP once to enter Setup, and again to exit). I have logged this information on our system as ZOS-8844. Any queries let me know. Edward
  2. Hi Martin, I haven't come across this before. Could you confirm the software version running on your FLX? If you name a playback, and then power cycle straight away, do you always find your playback name has been lost? If you name a playback, tap SETUP to enter Setup, tap SETUP to exit setup, power cycle the console, has your playback name been lost? Any queries let me know. Edward
  3. Hi Massimo, Welcome to the forum! Having multiple Release macros in a chase shouldn't be a problem. Sending a release macro to a playback that is already released shouldn't do anything. When using chases, they will always loop through all cues (in the order you define), as "Next" cues configured in Cue Settings aren't used. If you do wish to use "Next" configuration to allow you to, for example, run the chase through cues 1 to 10, and then loop back to cue 2 through 10, you would need to revert the playback from a chase, and configure each cue to automatically follow on from the previous, over your defined time. This would give you a "chase", however allow the first cue to only be ran once. If you save and then attach your show file either to a post or an email to me, along with a description of which cues/playbacks are causing the issue, I'll be able to take a look for you. Any queries let me know. Edward
  4. Hi Marco, The system information screen is displaying that you are running ZerOS This is out of date software, as the latest is ZerOS 7.9.4. In the more recent ZerOS updates we have found some Illyama touchscreens require a different driver to others. Therefore if you are happy to update to ZerOS 7.9.4, you may find in the calibration window there is a line of text displaying "Calibration not working? Press Update and try again.". Try this, and if this then allows you to calibrate the monitor correctly, we will add this model of the touchscreen to our list... http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/ORB-XF/975056031/Compatible-touchscreen-monitors-with-ZerOS-consoles.htm It is worth mentioning ZerOS 7.9.4 brings big changes to how Solution consoles operate, so it may be worth taking a look at the below video, which talks through the changes in ZerOS 7.9.2 and later... ZerOS 7.9.4 can be downloaded from our website here... Any queries let me know. Edward
  5. Hi Sven, No problem. The apps are still in public beta testing with 1 known bug still to fix, so we do not yet have a date for this release- was just giving a rough idea of when this might be, rather than giving no information at all. Edward
  6. Hello, If you have programmed an Effect to a playback, you can enable Fader Controls Effect on that playback. This is done in the playback settings by holding SETUP and tapping your effect playback, and choose "Effect" from the Fader Controls... buttons. The Effect speed and size will then be scaled by the fader. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  7. Hi Ben, Thank you for your comments. We don't have "Cheat Sheets" for Solution console, but have you checked out our knowledgebase? This contains many different articles and tips for using the console... http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/Solution-Series/ If you hold SHIFT and tap EFFECT, this will open the Effects window on the external monitor. You should see a button allowing you to Automatically Create Effects. This will create 32 effects, a mixture of Position, Intensity, Colour and Beam effects that you can apply to your fixtures. You will be able to adjust each effect, and then record your own effect palettes. PhantomZerOS is available to download from our website, and can emulate Solution consoles... https://zero88.com/forum/files/file/17-zeros-794/ This allows you to program and edit show files, to load back into the Solution. If you then run visualisation software such as Capture on your PC, PhantomZerOS can then talk to the visualisation software... http://support.zero88.com/988883201 As you mention the INSERT button is now fully customisable, but as well as this the channel buttons have a range of functions, and so do Playback buttons/faders. You can customise playback buttons in their settings, by holding SETUP and tapping a Playback button. What other button customisations would you like to see? Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  8. Hi Tobias, ZerOS is available to download from our website here... This is listed as FROG2 software, however is compatible with ORB XF if you wish to roll back the software. Any queries let me know. Edward
  9. Hi Sven, The latest beta version of the apps are compatible with iOS 12, which are due to be released in the next month or so. Any queries let me know, Edward
  10. Hello, To install ZerOS 7.9.4 from ZerOS, you will need to create a bootable USB stick, which can only be done on a Windows machine. To do this download ZerOS 7.9.4 from our website, and extract the zipped files... Then run the ZerOS 7.9.4 USB OS Creator software on a Windows PC, preferably running Windows 7 with admin rights. This will run an installation wizard, that will ask you to plug an empty USB stick into your PC to format. After completing, remove the USB stick from your PC, and plug into your Solution. Then turn the Solution on, and after around a minute you should see a screen on the external monitor to install ZerOS 7.9.4. Do this, and once complete switch off the console, unplug the USB stick, and then reboot. As with all software updates, all information stored on the console will be removed, so make sure you have a saved copy of your show file first if you wish to load it back into the new software. There is a useful video below, that guides you through the big software changes from ZerOS to ZerOS 7.9.2 and later... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CjnbGuTHbFA&t= Once you are on this software version, future software updates can be done by simply loading software updates into the console. Hope that helps, if you have any queries let me know. Edward
  11. Hi both, This issue sounds similar to one that we have discovered and is fixed in the latest public beta version of ZerOS, version If you would be interested in having access to this pre-release software, let me know and we can add you to the beta test group. Any queries let me know, Edward
  12. Hi Neil, We'll continue discussing this via email. Edward
  13. Hi Dan, If you're coming along to PLASA, you'll get to see the latest beta software... Above is a screenshot of the latest internal Phantom ZerOS. Edward
  14. Hi Nico, As Kevin points out, this is done by defining the cue number. You don't have to tap Ⓩ, if you have an external keyboard connected - you can simply tap DELETE [cue number], and tap your Master Playback button to complete the command. You can then confirm the delete. If you don't wish to have a gap in your cue stack, you can the renumber the whole playback, by holding SETUP and tapping your Master Playback's Go button, tap Advanced Renumber -> OK. Any queries let me know, Edward
  15. Hello, With the USB stick unplugged, tap "Other Windows", found top left of the Output Window, and from the drop down choose System Info, then tap System Info. At the bottom of this screen you should see a section labelled "USB devices...". Looking at this section, plug the USB stick in, do you see any change? If so the console is detecting the USB stick. Then tap SETUP -> Save Show -> tap Refresh after 10 seconds, do you now see "Removable Device" appear in Destination Device? Let me know how you get on. Edward
  16. Hello, It certainly sounds like a show file conversion issue. As Kevin says from Factory reset you should be able to push channel faders up, tap RECORD, tap a Playback button (submaster button), and that lighting state will then be stored to the playback. A double tap of CLEAR will allow you to fade the Playback up and show your lighting state. Any queries let me know. Edward
  17. Hello, Tracking mode won't effect recording to Submasters/Playbacks, unless you are recording fixtures with 0% intensity. If you tap SETUP -> Defaults -> Playback Defaults -> Raise & Lower -> Trigger on Raise, is this setting enabled or disabled? This should be enabled, otherwise the console will require you to tap the playback's button first before you raise the fader. Let me know how you get on. Edward
  18. Hello, Make sure the keep the original show files safe and don't overwrite them, just in case you decide to stay on the older software version. Then, after loading these files into the new software, re-save them with new names and email them to me along with the originals, and I'll be able to take a look to see if there has been an issue with converting to the new software. I'll then be able to make these fixes and send you back your show files compatible with the new software. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  19. Hi Kevin, All Playbacks (including the Master) should behave the same, and should "Go" into a cue at the fader level, even straight after booting. I would disable SmartTag for this Update. This will then only include programmer tweaks into cue 2, and leave your chase running untouched. Alternatively before making the update, hold CLEAR and tap FADER FUNCT. to manually stop the chase running- this will also help to see what your base lighting state looks like. Again, for recording this cue you could turn SmartTag off, which will not include your running chase, but will include programmer information. To remove your chase from your cue once the information had been recorded, you could have gone into the cue, selected your chase fixtures, tapped Z -> tapped the middle encoder button for intensity (Untag [Intensity]) -> UPDATE -> Remove -> Update cue. Yes, the effects engine is powerful, but not the clearest on how to use it. In the next software update we are looking to make a lot of changes to the effects engine, and we'll ensure there are knowledgebase articles to compliment this. Already logged as ZOS-8569. Any queries let me know. Edward
  20. Hi Tom, When ZerOS Monitor is connected to FLX S24, this shows you your Output Window and Cue list on the Programming Desktop, and your 4 palettes windows on the Palettes Desktop. The Groups window can only be accessed on the console's touchscreen, or using ZerOS Remote apps available for iOS and Android devices. Any queries let me know. Edward
  21. Hi Kevin, Are you still finding this an issue? This should have been fixed in ZerOS 7.9.4, and seems to be working for me. Now when you power the console and trigger a Playback, you trigger it at the fader level. Are you finding the button is "dead" until you lower and raise the fader? Edward
  22. Hello, Sorry to hear you've had issues after updating your Leapfrog's software. Please see the latest Solution manual below, correct as per ZerOS 7.9.2... https://zero88.com/manuals/IM9210 - Solution Manual Issue 2.0.pdf Leapfrog and Solution consoles operate identically, and therefore this manual will be applicable for Leapfrog. You can find the latest software changes listed in the ZerOS 7.9.4 release notes, which should have been included with the software download. Operation should indeed be as simple as the YouTube software overview video shows. If you are finding your old show files have not imported correctly, re-save them in the new version, and then email them to me. I'll be able to take a look and see whether there has been a conversion issue, and if so repair it for you. If you have any queries just let me know. Edward
  23. Hi Erics, After doing some further investigating, this doesn't seem to be working correctly. I have logged this as issue number ZOS-8793. Currently power cycling the console is required to rediscover them. Edward
  24. Hi Kevin, This is because cues 7 through 10 don't have intensity data recorded, and so will not display an intensity fade time. When it comes to then having a playback trigger/release, this is using the cue fade defaults (defined in SETUP -> Defaults -> Cue Intensity Fade).We are looking at reviewing this behaviour in a future software update. I have logged your example as a comment to ZOS-8747. When recording cues 7>10 you could have tapped RECORD, typed the cue number, dialed the encoder to 0/ tapped the middle encoder button and defined a cue time of 0 seconds, and then tapped the Master Playback's button to complete the command. Alternatively to update these cues with 0 second fades, go into each cue, hold CLEAR + tap Fader Funct. to release all other playbacks, tap UPDATE, dial the first encoder to 0, then tap the Master Playback's button. I can't see this happening when the fade times have been removed from cues 7>10, can you? Again, this is because playbacks 3 and 4 have intensity information with default fades of 0 seconds (as they act like a "submaster") and so the trigger and release is using these fades. Cue 8 is using the console cue fade defaults (3 seconds) when triggering/releasing. Global Tap Tempo only effects the speed of chases. Effect speed can be adjusted on the fly using Speed Override. You may find if you've clicked in the Output Window this is where the cursor is navigating in. A double tap of VIEW (or clicking into the cue list with touchscreen or mouse) will solve this and bring you back into the Cue list window. Why are you finding you're having to do this? Hope that helps and makes sense, as always any queries let me know! Edward
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