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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi Chris,

    The parameter table shown at the bottom of the Output Window in your screenshot, should show you whether an effect is running or not. You will see the effect palette number written instead of a value percentage for the parameters included in the effect.

    In your screenshot, cue 1 in playback 6 is displayed as yellow, meaning it hasn't yet been triggered. If you would like to preview this cue, make sure that you are viewing its playback, and then tap "Preview" at the bottom of the Output window. Selecting the fixtures included in this cue will then open the parameter table to show you what levels parameters are at, and whether any effects are included.

    Any queries let me know,


  2. Hi Matt,

    Thank you for the information.

    16 minutes ago, mattyiench said:

    I've noticed something really weird with the Grand master; i've switch on the desk with grand master at zero, i didn't see it was  at zero actually but all the faders works fine with it at zero. the black out button was  not flashing red..to make the grand master works i've to up and down it..

    The behaviour of the Grand Master you describe is correct, therefore I don't believe this is the cause of the flashing fixtures. After rebooting the Grand Master level will always be at full, irrespective of what the fader is currently set to. As you have found you can then level match the fader to grab control of the Grand Master level.


  3. Hello,

    After Loading in a Jester show file, you'll then have to leave the console's Super User/Setup mode. You can do this by going back to the main Super User/Setup menu. Therefore press OK on the Load Show success dialogue, and then cursor down to OK in the Load/Save options to take you back to the main menu. You'll then be able to press and hold the MODE button, which will take you into the mode you were last in. If you are taken to Preset mode, press and hold MODE again to enter Program/Run mode. If you are in Program mode tap MODE once to flip to Run mode. You'll then be able to run your programmed submasters and memories.

    Your safest bet is to only unplug/plug in USB sticks whilst outside of Super User/Setup. That way there's no risk of the console trying to read or write to it whilst unplugging. Even if you were to do this and the console did freeze, you would likely be able to power cycle and be where you left off.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know,


  4. Hi Phil,

    Different view options are available by tapping the SPECIAL key.

    To layout your palettes in quadrants, firstly view Desktop 2 using the desktop selection in the bottom left corner. You can name the currently viewed Desktop by tapping NAME and then tap the desktop select button. Now open the first palette window you'd like for the top left quadrant. To open different windows hold SHIFT + tap the relevant key. Therefore for Colour Palettes hold SHIFT + COLOUR. If it doesn't appear, under the Selected Window Options row of the MFKs, tap "Screen" until it opens. Then tap "Size", which will loop through the different sizing options. Repeat this until you have the 4 quadrants filled. This configuration will then be saved in the show file.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  5. Hi Matt,

    Hmm that's odd that the fixtures are still flickering despite RigSync being disabled.

    How is this system cabled? Is there one long DMX daisy-chain around all the fixtures, or does this run via a splitter/buffer? If so what make/model is the splitter?

    If you try addressing your fixtures in the range of DMX address 300+ do they continue to flicker?


  6. Hi Both,

    3 hours ago, kgallen said:

    Zero88 would recommend a powered hub, but if you're sensible with what you attach I think you're ok for an unpowered one in the keyboard/mouse application. Jon/Edward may disagree.

    It's possible the different USB ports can support different power requirements, but certainly on FLX I know Jon said they did lots of USB power load testing... 

    FLX has rugged power management, meaning if you try to draw too much current from a USB port it will be automatically switched off, rather than start to pull the voltage rail down. FLX S consoles however don't have this sort of management, so I would recommend routing through an active/powered USB hub before connecting more power-hungry USB devices.

    Any queries let me know.


  7. Hi Dave,

    Glad that solved the issue for you.

    Have you tested the fader button LED in test mode? If not that would be worth double checking. To do this switch your FLX S on with the SETUP key held down. The console will then boot into Test mode, and you’ll see an image of the front panel in the touchscreen. Every button you now tap should light, as shown on the touchscreen. Test button 2 and see if it lights. If not unfortunately there is a hardware fault with your console. Your best bet will be to contact your distributor you bought the console from, who should be able to arrange a replacement for you if you can show it’s an out the box problem. 

    If you have any queries let me know. 


  8. Hi Dave,

    Ah I see the issue. If you tap SETUP -> System Settings, and scroll down to the Operational Settings section, it sounds like the "Show Record and Update Window" setting is set to Internally. The default option is When Held, which means in most cases you can access the num pad in the Quick Access functions, but if you require access to the Record/Update options you can press and hold RECORD or UPDATE. Therefore set this to "When held", exit Setup, and now you'll be able to tap RECORD -> Z/SHIFT -> type your cue number -> tap your playback to store this to.

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  9. Hi Matt,

    2 hours ago, mattyiench said:

    Actually, i've active Rigsync and I didn't try my desk without this on, i'll try it tomorrow. The fixtures who are randomly flickering are only LED unit... Some of those are old fixtures (all of them work fine with

    RigSync was introduced in ZerOS 7.9.3, which probably explains why this has only recently just started to become apparent.

    2 hours ago, mattyiench said:

    A position cue with 2 positions, with pan and tilt both, when clear the programmer, the 2nd cue only react on the the tilt..I clear the cue stack and it works fine...

    Thank you for attaching your show file. I have taken a look, and there's nothing obvious there that may be causing this. As this show file doesn't have movers patched, I haven't been able to recreate the position issue you described. You can try reinstalling the software if you wish, but I don't believe this will solve your issue. When you say the playback didn't work, did values appear in the Output Window when you raised it, or did it seem completely "dead"? At the point of recording that playback, was the fader at the bottom of its travel?

    2 hours ago, mattyiench said:

    Yesterday I've try the desk with a Robe Pointe, the RIgSync works fine.

    Robe are top of the range fixtures and Pointes are RDM enabled, so you would expect them to receive RDM data correctly. It is only fixtures with poor RS485 implementation and are not RDM enabled, that mistake RDM packets for DMX data, resulting in a fixture flickering.


    16 minutes ago, JWylie91 said:

    I have tried parking the unit to prevent the desk sending DMX data to it incorrectly, however the unit continued to flash randomly. This can be rather distracting when some dimmer scenes are on stage. 

    If RigSync is enabled, the console is still sending the DMX data to the fixture correctly, which is why parking your fixture doesn't make any difference. Unfortunately the issue is caused by the fixture incorrectly interpreting the data it receives. You should find disabling RigSync solves this, as only DMX data will then sent from the console. You may also find that addressing the problem fixtures to a DMX address greater than 255 also solves the flickering, due to data rate.

    Any queries let me know.


  10. Hello,

    2 hours ago, LisaEkbom said:

    So I can mix different playbacks and they do not affect the output of the following cues?


    By default, playback intensity information will mix Highest Takes Precedence (HTP) and Colour, Beam and Position will mix Latest Takes Precedence (LTP). Therefore as Erics suggests, if you are just dealing with dimmers you could record each one to its own individual playback, to allow you to mix the dimmer's playbacks with the recorded cues with HTP behaviour. 

    Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


  11. Hi Matt,

    53 minutes ago, mattyiench said:

    I need to downgrade to or 7.9.3. Can someone can tell me how can i do?

    Since I've upgrade to 7.9.4, i've some issues that i don't understand:

    -dmx signal seems to be not stable, like if the desk loose for a mms the signal, fixtures flash many times without doing anything at anytime.

    -fader doesn't work properly, i've to clear them severals times before to make it works 

    -some weird things in the setup appears...

    -load and reload show in the set up to make things stop flashing ...

    I need help, i've try many things, like reset the desk to factory default, clear everything, make a new show, clean the desk physically also...

    The desk is running a lot this month and i need to find quickly a solution..

    Sorry to hear you've experienced problems with ZerOS 7.9.4. Software versions are competently independent from one another, therefore you can upgrade or downgrade to different versions without any issues. You just need to be wary of compatibility if you're loading in show files that are saved in a newer version of ZerOS to the software version you're loading them into.

    Regarding fixtures flashing randomly, what are the fixtures that are causing issues? Have you got RigSync enabled? This is found by tapping SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> RigSync. RigSync enables RDM on the DMX line, which some fixtures interpret for DMX, shown as random flickering. We haven't heard of any other issues like this, so it would be interesting to know the cause. Would you be able to send me a specific show file you used that demonstrated these issues? It would be interesting to see if there is anything in there that has caused the issue, although I appreciate you have tried factory resetting the console too.

    If you have any queries let me know.


  12. Hello,

    18 minutes ago, nbaldwin said:

    Any update on this Edward? We're very keen to try out the beta version.

    A further development is that the issue of losing USB function is not limited to programming submasters. Eventually it will just stop working but as long as no submasters are programmed, USB loading and saving seems to be restored by turning the console off and on again. This isn't the case if submasters have bene programmed: as I've previously mentioned, the only way to restore USB function in that case is to delete the submasters.

    You should find you now have beta access. Once you're logged in, you should be able to access this link...


    If you still don't have access just let me know.


  13. Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the description. Tapping the button labelled "Z / SHIFT" should at any point (other than in Setup) take you into the Quick access functions, containing a number pad. Is it only after tapping RECORD that you find Z/SHIFT doesn't seem to be doing anything? Pressing and holding Z/SHIFT shouldn't ever open the Quick Access Functions, as the button is then acting as a shift key.

    Therefore you should be able to set your scene, tap RECORD -> Z/Shift -> type your cue number (for example 2.5), and tap your playback button. Whilst doing this you should see "RECORD 2.5" written in the command line along the bottom of the quick access functions. 

    If this isn't what you're seeing, can you confirm the software version your FLX S in running? You can check this by tapping Z/SHIFT -> System Information, and in here will be a line of text displaying the Software Version. The current software version is ZerOS 7.9.4. It would also be useful whilst you're in this screen to tap "Event Monitor". Is there any text displayed in here, or is it a blank blue screen?

    Any queries let me know,


  14. Hi Dave,

    This is done by defining the cue number you wish to record. Therefore create your lighting state you wish to be inserted, tap RECORD, and then type the cue number you wish this to be stored as. This can be done by tapping Z, to allow you to type on the syntax pad, or if you have a USB keyboard plugged in, you may use this for numeric entry instead. After typing your cue number, you can then tap your payback's button to complete the record command in the usual way. For more information, please see the article below...


    You should be able to copy an existing cue to a cue number with a decimal place (and then delete the original if you so wish). Can you remember what the error message said that you were presented with when you tried to do this?

    Any queries let me know.


  15. Hello,

    On FLX S consoles, the console's "programmer" has the highest priority. Therefore when you move a channel fader, you bring that channel's intensity into the programmer, where it has the highest priority over all cues. To clear out these high-priority values, indicated in red in the Output Window, you'll need to tap CLEAR, to ensure the CLEAR button isn't lit. Doing this will instantly remove these red values, however a fade time can be applied to this to make it more subtle. This is done by enabling Programmer Time, found on the fourth encoder wheel in the Z window.

    There is no way to mix channel faders and playbacks with highest takes priority behaviour. I have however logged your request on our software tracking system, so that we may look to implement this functionality in future.

    If you have any queries, please let me know.


  16. Hi Matt,

    Thanks for letting us know, are you using any other protocols, or have you just got the console's Remote connection enabled?

    We are close to releasing the new iOS and Android apps, which have major behind-the-scenes changes that should prevent issues such as these, as well as bringing other features including an Apple Watch app. If you are keen to try these new apps as soon as possible, send me an email, and we'll look to add you to our beta testing group.

    Any queries let me know.


  17. Hello,

    7 hours ago, lifecommunitychurch said:

    I also bought two secondhand Sunstrips. How do I patch them as individual fixtures? 

    If these are "standard" sunstrips containing 10 individual generic cells, then patch 10 dimmer fixtures per sunstrip, with the first DMX address of the 10 matching that set on the sunstrip. You will then be able to create a group of these 10 dimmers, for if you want to control the whole sunstrip together. If your sunstrip is more complex as Kevin describes, then send us an email and one of the team will be able a dedicated file to control it.

    7 hours ago, lifecommunitychurch said:

    I guess there is also no news on the software update?

    ZerOS 7.9.4 has been released, however ZerOS doesn't yet contain multi-cell fixture support. This is of course still on our software road-map.

    If you have any queries let us know.


  18. Hi Martin,

    2 minutes ago, Martin Burton said:

    exiting the setup screen there's a very quick message on the external screen saying saving....

    That's correct, when you exit Setup, information currently stored in the console's RAM is dumped onto the on-board storage.

    3 minutes ago, Martin Burton said:

    I'll keep you posted on the crashy restart it did just now, first time I've seen that happen. Internal screen showed the colour pallets, but literally every other button didn't operate or any of the LEDs lit when buttons selected etc.

    Thanks for the information- keep me updated on whether this happens again.


  19. Hi Martin,

    2 minutes ago, Martin Burton said:

    Saw an error, co processor is missing during boot up ? That normal ? was highlighted in red on the external screen.

    Please could you tap Z -> System Information -> System Text -> scroll up until you get to this red text, and then take a picture of this and email it to me? Please could you also email me to serial number of the console, as found on the back panel. 

    3 minutes ago, Martin Burton said:

    won't show any page numbers, cannot select anything either so looks a bit stuck !

    Do any front panel buttons light? When you're in Setup is the SETUP key lit? If not then this is related to the error the console is reporting.

    If you have any queries let me know, I will look into why the console is reporting this error. You should find power cycling solves the issue.


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