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Edward Z88

Zero 88 Alumni
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Everything posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hello, Thank you for the information. Does this issue seem to be present with all the movement effects, or just horizontal line? Have you any other fixtures in your setup, if so do they show the same issue with this effect? To confirm smooth data is being sent from the console, tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> DMX Outputs. When this effect is running across these fixtures, are the Pan values smoothly changing? If so, are you able to reset the fixture or just its P/T motors, and see if this solves the issue? Edward
  2. Hello, I haven't seen this before, the effects use a waveform engine to smoothly "chase" between parameter values. Are you using 8bit Pan and Tilt on a fixture with a long throw distance? In which case you may be seeing physical stepping between DMX values. If you tap "No Effect", and then tap Horizontal Line again and slow it down does this show the same issue? What Speed value on the encoder wheel do you find you start to see this stepping? Any queries let me know. Edward
  3. Hello, Currently FLX S consoles will always boot into Channels fader function. In a future software update, there will be an option to choose the fader's function on startup. The full-size FLX does this already as part of its Recovery Mode. Any queries let me know. Edward
  4. Hi Martin, Ah right no currently there isn't a shortcut for Preview. With SmartTag disabled and all attributes deselected, no information will be recorded for any parameter, so no changes or zeros stored. Any queries let me know. Edward
  5. Hi Martin, Really glad to hear you got on well using FLX in anger for the first time. In response to your queries, the shortcut to enter Blind mode is SHIFT + (Z), you can then tap (Z) to leave Blind mode and go back to Live. To record a blank cue with a defined number, ensure you have a blank stage, and simply tap RECORD, and then type the cue number you wish to store in as. You can then tap the playback’s button you wish to store onto, or you can tap NAME, to give this cue a name into the currently viewed playback. If you wish to record a blank cue whilst having information in the programmer or whilst other cues are running, tap RECORD, ensure SmartTag is disabled (has a blue stripe on its button), and then ensure all the attribute buttons along the bottom of the Record option menu are deselected. If any of the attributes have a red stripe, tap them twice, to make them blue. You can then type your cue number, and choose the playback, and no information will be stored in the cue. Hope that helps, any further queries just let me know! Edward
  6. Hello, We have not come across any of these issues before. Could you confirm the software version running on your FLX S48? You can find out by tapping Z/Shift -> System Information, it should be either 7.9.4 or 1- When the FLX S48 boots correctly do you receive any errors? If you tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> System Text, are there any errors reported? 2- Is it only the faders that stop responding? Is it only when in playbacks? If the faders stop in both channels and playbacks tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> Event Monitor, are there any values displayed when you move the faders? 3- Does it seem the playback has stopped working? Are you sure it is triggered? Does power cycling solve the issue? I would recommend going back to the Zero 88 distributor you bought the console from and report these issues, and they’ll be able to arrange repairing or replacing. Any queries let me know. Edward
  7. Hello, Great glad to hear that solved your issue. If you have any further queries just let us know. Edward
  8. Hello, Yes, ZerOS Remote and Monitor apps are compatible with all current iPad models and legacy models too. For more information, see our article here... http://support.zero88.com/997472681 Edward
  9. Hello, There is a new version of the Android apps coming soon, that has many stability improvements, new UI and other enhancements. Edward
  10. Hello, If this is something you’d like to use regularly, you can lock the first encoder wheel so that it is always the intensity control for your selected fixtures, without having to tap Z. To do this tap SETUP -> System Settings -> Always Show Encoder Wheel -> Enabled. Edward
  11. Hello, From your description, it sounds as if these fixtures are not receiving RDM information correctly. FLX S consoles have software running in the background called RigSync, which allows for a 2-way communication between FLX S and your lighting rig, keeping the two synchronised. You can read a little more about this on our website here... http://support.zero88.com/995963301 Some fixtures mistake this RDM data for DMX if they have poor implementation. Therefore to resolve this issue, simply tap SETUP -> Inputs & Outputs -> RigSync -> Disabled. RDM traffic will then stop, which you will probably find stops the fixtures flickering. If you have any queries let me know, Edward
  12. Hi Eric, OK let me know how you get on. Yes you sometimes see the saving text when copying cues, whilst the console saves those changes to the internal memory. Using a powered USB hub, the maximum number of WINGs you can plug into FLX is 6, resulting in a total of 168 channel/playback faders. Your easiest option here is to use something called Programmer Time. Programmer Time is found on the last encoder wheel when you press the Z key, and when enabled, applies a fade time to programmer commands. Therefore in your scenario of putting the playback up, making tweaks in the programmer, you may then enable Programmer Time and double tap clear, and your fixtures will fade to their new information using this time, rather than snap. You can find out more about Programmer Time here... http://support.zero88.com/1011402011/What-is-Programmer-Time.htm Thank you very much for your comments, we highly value customer and user feedback. If you are using FLX on its own, when you name playbacks and channels those names appear in the MFF (Multi-Function Fader) window. This therefore mitigates the need to label the console. I do appreciate when using multiple WINGs however it becomes important to label these extra faders. At PLASA this year, we previewed ZerOS 7.9.5. In this version coming soon, ZerOS contains an extra external desktop, giving you your groups window and two colour windows, ideal for use with colour mixing fixtures. In this version ZerOS Remote will also be able to view a different desktop to the one currently viewed on FLX. Therefore if you connect a laptop or tablet to FLX, this becomes your second screen. You can then in theory connect as many remote desktops as you like over the network. Yes we agree. Again when we previewed ZerOS 7.9.5 at PLASA with new auto-effects, we received great feedback on them. Feel free to email me direct regarding this. If there is any specific information you feel is lacking, then do let me know, and I'll look at adding it to our knowledgebase. Again thank you for your comments. If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  13. Hi Neil, I would recommend dropping us an email to support@zero88.com, where Keith will be able to talk you through it. Edward
  14. Hi Eric, If you tap Go, and then part way through the fade tap Pause, the cue transition will be paused. In the cue list window you'll be able to see the progress bar is paused, and both the Pause and Go buttons will be flashing. Pressing Pause a second time however, will go back to the previous cue. On FLX, SHIFT + PAUSE will act as Snap back, snapping back to the previous cue ignoring fade times. If a cue transition has completed, double tapping Pause will go back a single cue. To resume running the cue list in the usual way, tap Go once, and you'll either continue the fade time that was paused, or go into the next cue. Hope that helps, Edward
  15. Hi Eric, The article below goes through all of the different colours and symbols shown in the Output window, and what they refer to... http://support.zero88.com/1011707591 If you'd like further information on this just let me know. Edward
  16. Hi Peter, To record a cue with a defined cue number rather than recording the next sequential cue, tap RECORD, but before tapping the Playback button tap Z/Shift, and type the cue number you wish to record. Therefore in your example to leave a gap of 2 cues after cue 25, create the lighting state you wish to become cue 28, then tap RECORD -> Z/Shift -> type 28 using the numpad -> and tap your playback's button to complete the command. This is the same process for inserting a cue. If you have a USB keyboard connected, you may use the numerical keys on that to define your cue number, rather than tapping Z/Shift to access the keypad. Hope that helps, any queries let me know. Edward
  17. Hi Eric, I believe what Emmanuel was after was the ability to configure a playback's fader to be "Manual Fader 2-Way" rather than an HTP Master, giving you the ability to manually cross fade between the cues using the fader, a little like you can with a 2-preset lighting console. Edward
  18. Hi Eric, The issue of ZerOS adding too many additional addresses to a fixture is an issue we're aware of, logged as ZOS-8873 on our software tracker. If you tap any of the fixture's assigned DMX addresses, rather than tapping the "Address" column header to add an additional address, the additional address is added to the fixture correctly. I haven't seen this before, and haven't been able to recreate. Were you multi-patching generic dimmers, or specific fixtures? Are you able to re-create this with your show file? If so please could you send me your show file, and I'll take a look to see what's going on. After patching your fixtures, had you pressed SETUP to exit Setup and save your changes? FLX does not automatically save when you are inside Setup which is why you see the Saving text scroll when you exit, to save the changes you have just made to the internally memory. Therefore if you turned the console off whilst still in Setup those changes will be lost. Hope that helps, if you have any queries just let me know. Edward
  19. Hi wildswan, Could you expand a little on what you are trying to achieve? I'm guessing you have some playbacks containing single cues acting as your random access playbacks, that whilst playing back your Master Playback at full you wish to flash over the top? By default, you should be able to raise your playback faders or flash them, and intensity will be mixed with your Master Playback with HTP (Highest Takes Precedence) behaviour, and any other attributes will mix LTP (Latest Takes Precedence). If you are seeing nothing happening on stage when you raise the fader or flash the playback and its settings haven't been changed, this may be because the lighting state contained in your playbacks is already on stage coming from your Master Playback. Feel free to send me a copy of your show file, along with a description of which cues and playbacks aren't working as expected for you, and I'll take a look to see what's going on. Any queries let me know, Edward
  20. Hi Sven, The App Store version is actually different to the Build version number found in the About screen. You are running the latest release apps. Hope that helps, Edward
  21. Hi Sven, I can confirm the current version of the ZerOS Remote and ZerOS Monitor apps (v3.3) are compatible with devices running iOS 12. If you have any queries let me know. Edward
  22. Hi Sandy, OK thanks for trying that. If you’re happy to, please send me an email to EdwardSmith@Eaton.com, and I’ll be able to arrange getting you access to the latest beta software. This should solve the problem, and greatly improve the performance of your Leapfrog 96. Alternatively you can of course wait until ZerOS 7.9.5 is released. Any queries let me know. Edward
  23. Hi Sandy, OK thanks for letting me know. Did you try Jon’s suggestion... Neil tried out our latest beta version, which I believe solved the problem. I haven’t heard from him recently though. Just to confirm, are you finding if you Factory Reset the console, you can read USB storage devices ok, but as soon as you start programming the console USB devices don’t appear? Any queries let me know. Edward
  24. Hello, That's correct. The behaviour of the Grand Master changed in ZerOS 7.9.3, so that now on boot the Grand Master level will be at full, irrespective of fader level. This allows you to then grab control, by level matching the Grand Master fader. This allows for any Playback fader to be configured as a Grand Master, and also means that if you're not someone who ever uses a Grand Master, you don't need to touch it. It also means that if you were in a lighting state, turn the console off, when you reboot FLX will recover the lighting state, even if the Grand Master has been adjusted since. If you have any queries please let me know. Edward
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