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Edward Z88

Vari-Lite Admin
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Posts posted by Edward Z88

  1. Hi @Mark Alington

    1 hour ago, Mark Alington said:

    I am still not getting any readings on DMX input even though all the options on the desk match all in the instructions.

    I know earlier software versions did not allow DMX in for FLX S24, but I was really looking forward to using this. Should I be getting a signal?

    Please confirm you have chosen which DMX port you wish to use as your DMX Input, as per the link below...


    Once you have configured your DMX input port, you should be able to exit Setup, and tap Z/Shift -> System Information -> DMX Outputs -> DMX In, and see the levels of the incoming DMX signal on your configured DMX port.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  2. Hi @Amy Worrall

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:

    Well, I survived! First night was yesterday. With very little time in the venue and no tech run (gotta love amateur theatre), I'm glad I prepared myself by getting help from you guys :)

    Glad you survived! Thank you very much for taking the time to leave this feedback.

    My responses below:

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:

    I was using a FLX without a monitor. A few things were annoying because of that:

    FLX is easier to use with an external monitor. If you don't have a physical external monitor, you could turn a Windows PC or an iPad into one by connecting them to the console's network, and run the ZerOS Monitor apps.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • having to use shift+view to get the output window, as opposed to having it as one of the things that View will cycle through. (I constantly wanted to swap between the cue list and the output window, and I pretty much never cared about the fader display -- LX tape was sufficient to label my faders!).

    It is possible to record yourself a macro to get back to the Output window, which could then be put on a UDK. If you'd like information on this let me know.

    We also want to make various improvements to the FLX touchscreen, to bring it more inline with FLX S.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
      • I didn't like how you had to press and hold record or update to get the record options, and when you did, you couldn't see the command line. I frequently wanted to issue the command "record cue N", where N was the number of an existing cue I was replacing, and to also specify tracking mode or some other record options.

    In Setup -> Settings -> Record & Update, you can configure the Record & Update Options to always appear on the internal touchscreen when RECORD or UPDATE are pressed.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I wish that the current and next cue numbers were persistently displayed somehow, even when e.g. looking at the outputs window or a set of palettes. Maybe they could go on one end of the command line?

    This is a great suggestion. I have logged this on our system as reference number ZOS-3600.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I wasn't so keen on how the command line just fills up with multiple unrelated things. For those that don't know Eos, it clears the command line after each command is finished -- Eos maintains selection separately to the command line, so clearing the command line doesn't lose your selection. This wasn't too big a deal, I did get used to it.

    ZerOS uses the command line as its Undo history, allowing you to undo selection/control changes. With fixtures selected, a single press of the CLEAR key will clear selection, and clear the command line, leaving programmer values as they are.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I really really really missed having a Time key. On Eos, to edit the time of the cue you're in, you can just type "Time 3 <enter>", or for a different cue, "Cue 6 time 3 <enter>". Time entry by navigating with the arrow keys on the cue list was probably my biggest slowdown.

    None of our current ZerOS consoles feature a TIME key - this is something you will only find on our Neo X consoles. To quickly increment/decrement a fade time value on FLX, tap on the fade time, and then hold SHIFT and use the Up/Down arrow keys.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I loved the auto colour and gobo palettes feature. They saved loads of time.

    Brilliant - glad to hear it.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I did record a few "everything" palettes (e.g. having intensity, colour, position etc in just one palette, aka Eos Presets). They worked fine -- I put them under Colour, fairly arbitrarily. I think it'd be more understandable having a separate home for them, but this was fine.

    Feature suggestion logged as ZOS-5952 on the system. I have made a note of your request.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Am I correct that the desk only holds one show file at once, and auto-saves? I was very confused about whether the Save option through Setup, and the save option through the Z key, did the same thing as each other and whether they always saved to USB.

    That is correct - FLX will only ever have the current show file stored on it, and it auto-saves after every change you make when outside of Setup. Setup -> Save is a bit like "Save As" - that's where you go and initially save your show file to a USB drive. Z -> Save Show, is a way of quickly saving a new revision of the show file to a USB drive - with the console simply adding an incremental number to the end of the show name.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Is there an Undo? I couldn't find one. Would have helped a lot when i replaced colour palette 8 instead of position palette 8!

    There is no "programming undo". To undo what you've described above, the only option would be to load in an earlier revision of the show file from a USB drive. This is why regularly tapping Z -> Save Show is best practice.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Is there a way to swap the encoders from fine to coarse mode? They were scrolling very slowly for me.

    Yes - to do this hold SETUP and tap the key of the attribute you are working in, for example SETUP+COLOUR. You can then change the encoders to Coarse/Fine, or simply adjust the encoder sensitivity.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Probably a small thing, but I missed Eos's "expanded" output tile view, where every parameter of every light was visible. (I'd want it as an option, since it would drastically increase scrolling!)

    On ZerOS, you can open an equivalent of this window in table form in the Output window on the external monitor, by selecting the fixtures you'd like to view. There is too much information to display this nicely on the internal touchscreen.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I liked how Zeros displayed the fixture types above the output window items (And that I could name my dimmers and those names would appear there.)

    Great 🙂

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • It was great to show all the possible things that could be updated, but the tap targets were very small!

    Update Options window UI enhancements logged as ZOS-5728.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
      • It wasn't immediately clear to me what "also update references" did -- was it so that if I changed a palette it would update the cues that referred to the palette? If so, when would you ever _not_ want that?

    This is described here...


    The console uses the logic that if you have manually adjusted parameters, breaking the palette reference, and are about to update the cue, you have deliberately chosen to break that reference. However, if you wish to reinstate the reference, you can enable "Update References".

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:

    I think I mostly grokked how to remove things from cues (via update->remove), but I still wasn't perfectly clear. There was a toggle for Smart Tag in the update dialog, but I wish there was also the toggles for selected vs tagged, and all params vs tagged params. I wasn't sure how to specify "remove this entire fixture" vs "remove this parameter of this fixture", and I didn't grok what smart tag remove would even do. I know you guys explained it to me, it just hasn't quite sunk in!

    This is described here...


    • To remove an entire fixture from the current cue, select the fixture(s), tap HOME > UPDATE > Remove > ENTER. This can only be done with SmartTag disabled.
    • To remove a fixture's attribute from the current cue, select the fixture(s), hold CLEAR and tap the attribute you wish to remove (CLEAR+COLOUR) > UPDATE > Remove > ENTER. This can only be done with SmartTag disabled.
    • To remove an individual parameter, select the fixture(s), tap the attribute key to access the parameter (COLOUR), tap the parameter on the touchscreen to tag it, so that it goes blue on the encoders, UPDATE > Remove > ENTER. This can only be done with SmartTag disabled.
    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
      • I still miss the Eos Blind Spreadsheet though. The ability to see precisely which move instructions are in any [cue, palette, preset, submaster, etc], with blank spaces where no instructions are found… and an easy press of "at enter" once you targetted the thing you don't want, and you get instant feedback by seeing the number go away…

    Our old "Orb" series consoles have the "Fixture Levels" window. Bringing this to FLX could be interesting.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Minor nitpick, but I kept wanting the Groups key to be near the Color/Pos/Beam/etc keys. I'm not actually sure why, since on Eos they're nowhere near each other either.

    The main reason the GROUP key is not alongside the attribute keys, is so that you can very easily use the GROUP key in syntax - GROUP 1 @ 75 ENTER

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Playbacks were pretty intuitive. I managed to set one up that did LTP mixing of intensity params, and it worked fine.

    Nice 👍

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Clear-clear to remove manual values was fine. I wish there was an option to remove them with a fade, aka Eos "Sneak"… if there had been, I'd have used syntax to modify lights during the live show, knowing that I could put them back when I wanted without the audience noticing.

    There is - tap Z and then enable Programmer Time on the fourth encoder wheel - this fade time will then be used by CLEAR CLEAR.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • Patching was fine. I liked the <channel> <at> <address> syntax for updating DMX addresses. I wish that if you typed that into the patch window for a non-existent channel, it'd get created automatically.

    This is a great suggestion. Logged as reference number ZOS-8097.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I missed the Eos "%+" and "%-" buttons. I liked having easy access to make a bunch of lights brighter/dimmer all at once. (I didn't try using an intensity encoder on ZerOS though -- I know you can lock that on if you want, but I didn't get time to see if it would have been an intuitive workflow for me.)

    To reduce the currently selected fixtures by 50%, type @, and then hold SHIFT and tap the Down arrow key, and then type 50 ENTER. @ -50 will be typed into the command line. You can also use SHIFT and Up arrow to access @ + syntax. More information here...


    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • We ran into an odd bug where the grand master was down but the desk ignored the fact. Once we moved it to the top, it started working normally again. 

    Upon booting FLX, it will always set the internal Grand Master level to full, irrespective of the fader position. The Grand Master fader can regain control of the Grand Master by taking the Grand Master fader to full.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I didn't quite get the logic of when the "pause" button would immediately do a "back" action, vs which situations pressing it once would cause it to flash and you had to press it a second time to go back. I would have expected the latter to only happen during a fade… but actually it happened _most_ of the time, but not all -- sometimes a single press of pause _did_ go back. 

    If the Master Playback is currently paused, only a single press of PAUSE is required to Go Back. The Pause button will be flashing if the Master Playback is currently paused. If it isn't flashing, two presses will be required to Go Back. Bear in mind, if you record a cue without SmartTag, the Master Playback will be in a paused state - the theory being you have just snapped into the cue you just recorded, ignoring fade times.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • I was bitten a couple of times by the fact that bringing the master fader down released the cue list and reset it to cue 1. I was trying to edit some moving light positions, and I went to the relevant cue, then brought the master fader down so as to see what I was doing (with manual values in the movers in question)… but it released the cue and I had to start over. I solved my issue by only bringing it down to 10%…

    Hold SETUP and tap the Master Playback's GO button, to open the Master Playback's Settings. Choose Raise and Lower, and set Release On Lower to disabled.

    14 hours ago, Amy Worrall said:
    • How do you "clear" (aka release/sneak) just _some_ manual values? I know you could do it by manipulating the command line, but suppose my command line was ages long. This was definitely a workflow I missed -- often, I'd bring intensities down on some other lights while I was editing the ones I cared about, then I wanted to clear that intensity reduction but keep my other changes ready to update into the current cue. I miss my "@ enter"!

    To clear a whole fixture, you can use the "Clear Fixture" command. To access this, hold SETUP and tap an empty UDK. From the dropdown, choose Clear Fixture, and click OK. Now, select a fixture, and tap your Clear Fixture UDK, and the values of this fixture will be cleared.


    Thanks once again for taking the time to write up this feedback. Please let us know if you have any questions.

    • Like 1
  3. Hi Pete,

    1 hour ago, Malvern said:

    Alls well the Node hasn't got a name but for some reason the dmx 1 port was 0 then dmx port 2 and so on so has to re configure on pc. Also the Node wouldn't work with DHCP but would with the addresses 2xxx. Anyway finally got it working. Thanks anyway.

    Great - glad you were able to figure it out.

    1 hour ago, Malvern said:

    One thing where do I find the dmx grid for each universe.

    In Setup -> Add Fixtures -> Next -> Universe Preview, you can see which DMX channels are patched vs available on each universe.

    In Z/Shift -> System Properties -> DMX Outputs, you can see the raw DMX output on each universe.

    Hope this helps.

  4. Je suis heureux d'apprendre que vous avez de nouveau mis à jour le logiciel ZerOS 7.14. Non : d'après votre description, il n'y a eu aucun problème avec votre précédente installation du logiciel. Il y avait simplement un problème avec votre fichier d'émission d'origine. Encore une fois, maintenant que cela a été corrigé, vous ne rencontrerez plus le problème avec la fonction de fader « inconnu ».

    Pleased to hear you have updated to ZerOS 7.14 software again. No - based on your description, there were no issues with your previous software installation. There was purely an issue with your original show file. Again, now this has been corrected, you won't encounter the issue with the "unknown" fader function.

  5. Hi Pete,

    What Ethernet to DMX gateway (“node”) are you using?

    What protocol are you using? sACN or Art-Net?

    What IP addresses are you using?

    How is the gateway connected to the console? Direct, or via an Ethernet switch as part of a larger network?

    Once you have patched fixtures onto a Desk Universe, you can then choose how those universes are routed from the console. In Setup -> Universes, the top-half allows you to choose which protocols you’re using. Then, scroll down to a Desk Universe, and you can then choose how that universe is sent. For example, which DMX port, which protocol universe?

    The Ethernet to DMX gateway will be able to send any protocol universe from each port, so you need to configure the Ethernet to DMX gateway to tell it which protocol universes you want it to receive and send from each port. 

    Hope this helps. 

  6. 11 hours ago, Tommox said:

    I already had the idea of creating my own Grand Master Playback, but I use the Grand Master on the Master Playback and the button as a blackout effect. With a separate master playback, that would be a flash button. Of course I could create an additional Blackout Playback, but I prefer to use the Grand Master as a single playback.

    A custom Inhibit playback's button can be configured to "Latch". With the Inhibit playback fader @ 0, you can tap the inhibit playback's button to achieve full output. Then, a second press of the playback's button gives you a blackout just for the recorded fixtures. Pressing the inhibit playback's button again, restores the inhibit playback to full output.

    11 hours ago, Tommox said:

    The problem is still that I can't correctly record the devices without dimmers, including the Hazer, into a playback. I had already activated fader controls, but I don't think that really helped or was even necessary with Smart Tag. 
    How can I correctly record devices without dimmers, e.g. a snow channel or the channels of the hazer, to a playback, preferably without Smart Tag? As I had already written, I can't somehow mark the devices without dimmers in blue, only their parameters. So what do I have to mark, also in the Record Options, so that I can save these "Beam" devices without dimmer to a playback?

    I'm not sure why this isn't working for you, as it should "just work". To record a fixture without a dimmer to a playback, select it, and dial its encoders to the required levels/use palettes/use other fixture control tools. Then tap RECORD, and with SmartTag enabled OR disabled, simply to a playback's button. The adjusted parameters will be recorded in the playback. The moment that playback is triggered by raising the fader, the recorded levels will be recalled over the playback's fade times. If you enable "Fader Controls" on the playback, the playback fader can then be used to crossfade the fixture's parameter levels from their current values to the recorded values.

    11 hours ago, Tommox said:

    As already written, fader controls, then supposedly Beam?, I can surely activate afterwards, but that just hadn't helped me when the playback didn't work at all.

    Both the Generic "Haze" and "Snow" fixtures have a single control parameter in the Beam attribute. So to crossfade these parameters when recorded to a playback fader, you would need to enable Fader Controls Beam in the playback's settings.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

  7. Hi @Tommox

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum.

    14 minutes ago, Tommox said:

    I use a Grand Master on the master playback, but I don't want to affect the brightness of the theatre lights, because I use the Grand Master as an effect and I want the stage to stay bright.

    The Grand Master will always inhibit the total intensity output from the console. If you would like to be able to inhibit the intensity of only certain fixtures, rather than all fixtures, you can create your own custom Grand Master just for certain fixtures, using an "Inhibit" playback.

    To do this, set the fixtures you would like to be controlled by your custom Grand Master to full intensity. Then tap RECORD, and then tap the button below the playback fader you would like to use as your custom Grand Master. Then hold SETUP and tap the button of the playback you recorded. In the Playback Settings, set the Intensity Mixing option to "Inhibit", and click OK. This playback fader will now act as a Grand Master, but only for the recorded fixtures.

    Once you have set up a custom Grand Master, I would patch all other fixtures "normally", with intensity control, to avoid the issues mentioned in your post.

    22 minutes ago, Tommox said:

    I just want to be able to drag my snow fixtures or the hazer without dimmer channels with different values on the channels up and down to these stored values via playback faders. How can I save these values to a playback fader that can then adjust them from 0 to the value?

    To achieve this, you would need to enable "Fader Controls..." for the attribute you want to be controlled by the playback fader. To do this, hold SETUP and tap the playback's button. If you would then like the recorded Beam parameters to crossfade from their current levels to the recorded levels, tap Beam under Fader Controls, and click OK.

    I hope this makes sense. Please let me know if you have any questions.

  8. 2 hours ago, delfine said:

    justement je suis sceptique puisque me dit Edward que vêts un fichier corrompu qui m’y le bordel.

    @delfine's show file was partially corrupted, causing the multi-functional faders to be in an unknown function when the show was loaded. We have recovered the show file, which prevents the issue from occurring.

    Le fichier show de @delfine était partiellement corrompu, ce qui faisait que les faders multifonctionnels étaient dans une fonction inconnue lors du chargement du show. Nous avons récupéré le fichier show, ce qui évite que le problème ne se produise.

  9. Bonjour @delfine,

    Il semble qu'il y ait quelque chose de commun dans tous vos fichiers d'émission qui soit à l'origine du problème lors du chargement dans ZerOS 7.14.

    Pour résoudre le problème, vous devrez nous envoyer chaque fichier d'émission, pour nous permettre de réparer les fichiers d'émission.

    Si vous souhaitez restaurer le logiciel de la console vers ZerOS 7.13, je vous recommande également de restaurer Phantom ZerOS vers Phantom ZerOS 7.13, qui est disponible à partir du lien ci-dessous...

    S'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir si vous avez des questions.


    Hello @delfine,

    It sounds like there is something common in all your show files that is causing the problem when loaded into ZerOS 7.14.

    To resolve the issue, you would need to send each show file to us, to allow us to fix the show files.

    If you wish to roll back the console's software to ZerOS 7.13, I would also recommend rolling Phantom ZerOS back to Phantom ZerOS 7.13, which is available from the link below...

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

  10. Salut @delfine
    D'après votre description du problème, il semble que votre fichier show soit partiellement corrompu, ce qui entraîne des problèmes lors de son chargement dans ZerOS 7.14. Veuillez nous envoyer une copie de votre fichier d'émission à support@zero88.com. Nous pouvons ensuite réparer le fichier show si nécessaire et vous envoyer par courrier électronique une version mise à jour que vous pourrez charger dans ZerOS 7.14.

    Faites-nous savoir si vous avez des questions.


    Hi @delfine

    Based on your description of the issue, it sounds like your show file could be partially corrupted, which is causing issues when loading it into ZerOS 7.14. Please email us a copy of your show file to support@zero88.com. We can then fix the show file if necessary, and email you an updated version for you to load into ZerOS 7.14.

    Let us know if you have any questions.

  11. Hi @Flabbe

    On 12/09/2023 at 06:04, Flabbe said:

    As i said, i'll emulate the FLX console with Capture to see how the waveforms work with the moving lights we have.

    I think i'll also test it "live" because a theatre close to us have a FLX console. They had a Solution XL before.

    Thanks again guys for the advices. I'll let you know. I hope there will be an unboxing for early 2024 😅

    No problem at all. If you have any questions, just let us know.

    • Like 1
  12. 12 minutes ago, ADCtech1855 said:

    Thanks for getting back to me. I'll try and get over to the venue and grab some show files to send over at some point this week.

    That would be great - thank you.

    13 minutes ago, ADCtech1855 said:

    Yes, this is correct. The desk was installed to replace a Jester, along with the 4 LED spots and a single PAR in June 2022, and worked perfectly fine up until last month.

    Thanks for confirming. 

  13. Hi @ADCtech1855

    Welcome to the Zero 88 Forum. Good to hear you have a FLX S48.

    5 minutes ago, ADCtech1855 said:

    Recently, the desk has started re-patching and re-addressing all connected fixtures when loading a showfile, leaving the existing channels unpatched.

    Sorry to hear this. When you save a show file, ZerOS will include the unique RDM IDs of all of the RDM fixtures in the show file. Upon loading the show file, ZerOS will then compare the RDM IDs in the show file with the RDM IDs of currently connected fixtures. If there is a match, they will "link", meaning the show file will work with the fixture that's already discovered and patched. Duplicate fixtures therefore won't be added. If the RDM fixtures currently patched in the console have different RDM IDs to those already patched, the fixtures from the show file will be added.

    The behaviour you are seeing therefore suggests ZerOS is seeing different RDM IDs compared to when the show file was originally saved, which is unusual. 

    Would you be able to email us a couple of show files to investigate? If so, please email us the original show file you wish to load. Please then load this show file, and then save a new show file which includes the fixtures that have been duplicated rather than linked. We will then be able to compare the RDM fixtures in the two show files.

    11 minutes ago, ADCtech1855 said:

    Since Rig Sync on/off is stored per-showfile, I can't solve this by disabling rig sync and setting the patch manually, because as soon as someone loads a showfile with rig sync enabled the patch gets messed up again. Is this a known bug, or is there a fix for this?

    To avoid this issue, I would recommend unplugging the DMX line from the console, and then load in your show file. Then disable RigSync on the console, and then reconnect the DMX line. The console will then simply output DMX on the currently patched addresses. You can then save an updated version of the show file, this time with RigSync disabled.

    11 minutes ago, ADCtech1855 said:

    The FLX has worked just fine for over a year with RigSync enabled and kept the patch between shows loading in. The only thing that has recently changed was I added a second ColorSouce PAR to the rig in August.

    To confirm, was this working correctly in ZerOS 7.13 software, until that second ColorSource PAR was added?

    If you have any questions, please let us know.

  14. Hi @Flabbe

    On 9/9/2023 at 7:41 AM, Flabbe said:

    Mes questions sont :

    • Quelles sont les différences fondamentales entre une FLX s48 et une FLX ?
    • Est ce que la FLX permet vraiment de mieux gérer les asservis et de personnaliser les effets ?
    • Est-ce que Varilite va continuer à développer le software et apporter des améliorations, sachant que la FLX commence à dater (2015) ?
    On 9/9/2023 at 7:41 AM, Flabbe said:

    SO ! ^^ My questions are:

    • What are the fundamental differences between a FLX s48 and a FLX?
    • Does the FLX allow you to better manage moving lights (live and programming) and personalize the effects?
    • Will Varilite continue to develop the software and make improvements, knowing that the FLX is starting to date (2015)?

    Merci @van den abbeele Eric pour les informations détaillées.
    Il existe de nombreuses différences entre FLX S48 et FLX. Les différences fondamentales sont détaillées ici...


    Les consoles FLX incluent également davantage d'outils de mélange de couleurs et le moteur d'effets "Waveforms". Les consoles FLX S sont simplement limitées aux « effets automatiques ».

    Les consoles FLX disposent d'un puissant module de processeur Q7 ARM, ce qui signifie qu'elles peuvent recevoir des mises à jour logicielles pour les années à venir.

    J'espère que ça aide. S'il vous plaît laissez-nous savoir si vous avez des questions.


    Thank you @van den abbeele Eric for the detailed information.

    There are many differences between FLX S48 and FLX. The fundamental differences are detailed here...


    FLX consoles also include more colour mixing tools, and the "Waveforms" effects engine. FLX S consoles are simply limited to "Automatic Effects".

    FLX consoles feature a powerful Q7 ARM processor module, meaning it can receive software updates for years to come.

    I hope this helps. Please let us know if you have any questions.

  15. Hi @Ian_p

    On 9/9/2023 at 12:30 PM, Ian_p said:

    When a scene is triggered - with fade in, out and colour all the same time, the backlight and windows come in first, followed by the wash and face light. 
    it looks ok as it looks like I’m doing it on purpose but it’s not the effect I want.

    On 9/9/2023 at 1:23 PM, Davidmk said:

    How big is the lag? Can it be explained by a combination of dimmer curves and heating up (of lamp filaments)

    As per @Davidmk's post, this sounds like a classic case of LED dimmer curves vs halogen dimmer curves.

    When LED fixtures are at 10-20% intensity, they can often be pretty bright, depending on the make/model. When halogen lamps are plugged into a dimmer set to 10-20% intensity, you often can only see the slightest glow.

    Many LED fixtures have a setting on them, allowing you to change the dimmer curve to respond more like generic dimmers. Some fixtures allow you to change this setting remotely from the console.

    If you cannot change the dimmer curve of the LED fixtures, you may need to program two separate cues in the console - one to bring on the dimmers, and the second to bring on the LEDs. The second cue could then be configured to run simultaneously with the previous cue, using an "Auto With" trigger. You may then wish to delay the Up time on the LED cue, or tweak its fade time, so that the LEDs and dimmers fade on together.

    Hope this helps.

  16. On 9/9/2023 at 4:19 AM, DALX said:

    I am currently using Setup > Select Address (single or column) > Unpatch > OK then select Unpatched Fixtures > Delete Key > OK to delete

    On 9/9/2023 at 10:10 AM, Jon Hole said:

    Also, much more easily, it's possible to select the fixtures whilst in the Fixture Schedule (using the channel buttons) and press "Delete".

    This procedure is described here...


  17. Hi @beyond the blue

    On 9/8/2023 at 5:56 PM, beyond the blue said:

    Is there anyway to fast forward and pause a long fade (15 minutes) to see the lighting state at say 10 minutes into the fade before recording it?

    You wouldn't be able to preview this transition prior to recording the cue. I would recommend recording the cue, and then as per @Davidmk's suggestion, you could use Speed Override to "fast forward" the transition, and then pause it. The fade progress bars are displayed at the bottom of the Cues window.

    If you then needed to tweak the cue you've just recorded, allow the cue transition to complete, and then edit and update it.

    As well as using the Speed Override encoder, you can configure a Speed Override playback fader. Please see the link below...


    Hope this helps.

  18. 1 hour ago, beyond the blue said:

    At the moment the light is snapping to (blue) and then dimming over the 12 minute fade time.

    If the fixture is already in blue in the cue with the 12 minute fade, you’ll just just need to set the colour fade time of that cue to 12 minutes too. To set the colour time, tap the cue’s colour column, and then tap the first encoder wheel’s button. You can then type 12.00.00 into the numpad to achieve that. 

  19. Hi @beyond the blue

    1 hour ago, beyond the blue said:

    One of the queues is a dim sequence over 12 minutes, one of the lights in the sequence needs to change colour as it dims , how do I program it to do this without ruining the rest of the lights in the sequence?

    To do this, tap on the cue that has the 12 minute fade time in the Cues window, so that it goes yellow. Then hold Z/SHIFT and press the GO button, to snap into the cue. You should then see the fixtures in their recorded values that they get to when the fade time has completed. You can then select the light you need, and change its colour. Then tap UPDATE, and tap the playback's GO button.

    Now, go into the previous cue, and press the GO button to run the cue. If the colour fade time needs tweaking, tap on the value in the cue's Colour column, and then tap the first encoder wheel's button, to open a number pad. You can then type in a colour fade time for the cue, and click OK.

    I hope this helps.

  20. Hi @Zebroid66

    Thank you for the information.

    20 hours ago, Zebroid66 said:

    By the way, in firmware ZerOS Version 7.13.2, I have a bug where the indicator for the fader page keeps flashing all the time.

    This is an issue we are aware of on Solution consoles, caused by opening the "Panel" desktop. This issue will be fixed in the next ZerOS software update.

    Please let us know if you have any questions.

  21. Hi @Kauz

    4 hours ago, Kauz said:

    :o oops! I should have checked the latest software prior to asking the question. With the release of 7.14 you guys were 50 days ahead of my post. Thank you for resolving this issue and reminding me of the new release! After the upgrade I got the Go button operational again by means of switching the fader function back to "HTP master".

    No problem at all.

    4 hours ago, Kauz said:

    Is it now also possible to use the Go button while the fader is configured to "Manual Fade" mode?

    No - this functionality is not possible. When in Manual Fade mode, the GO button is disabled, and the fader movement is the only way of activating the next cue. 

    4 hours ago, Kauz said:

    Sidenote: My use case is a multi user issue. If I would leave the console in "Manual Fade" mode after a show, less experienced colleagues will be confused because the Go button doesn't work. I am afraid I will have to write a checklist what to do before leaving the desk to "operators". Maybe I can assign at least some tasks to macro.

    Have you experimented with the Speed Override control? This allows you to use the GO button to trigger cues, and a secondary fader to speed up or slow down the fade transitions. This also means you can lower the intensity output of the Master Playback using the Master Playback's fader, which is not possible when set to Manual Fade mode.

    Please click the link below for more information...


    Let us know if you have any questions.

  22. Hi @Kauz

    5 hours ago, Kauz said:

    it looks like I experienced the issue mentioned above just yesterday with a recent ZerOS version on our FLX. 

    It sounds like you may not be running the latest software on your FLX. The two issues below have been fixed in ZerOS 7.14:

    5 hours ago, Kauz said:

    s mentioned above, there is no easy way to make the Go button work again. From my humble user perspective this feels like a bug. Moreover, I am surprised that there is a (theatre) console on the market which doesn't (at least) support switching between automatic and manual crossfade during a show.

    The ability to change the playback Fader Function from "Manual Fade" back to "HTP Master" has been implemented, reference number ZOS-8363.

    5 hours ago, Kauz said:

    ZOS-5803. Can you give a rough prediction when we might see this improvement in ZerOS?

    On 10/16/2020 at 3:16 PM, Edward Z88 said:

    We are aware of this issue, where after manually releasing a Manual Fade playback it can no longer be triggered. This is logged on our software tracking system as reference number ZOS-5803.

    ZOS-5803 has also been implemented. Both of these reference numbers can be found alongside the various other changes and improvements in the ZerOS 7.14 release notes...


    I hope this helps.

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