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Everything posted by Uriahdemon

  1. Uriahdemon

    Print Patch

    Hi Ed, this would be a real bonus if we could print a patch list. Unless I have got something wrong (and that is quite often) using the print screen option will give you an image of black background with white text. I tried this and of course this eats black ink and the white text is pretty hard to read. Rgds Mac
  2. Hi Ed, Thanks for the reply. There has been no changes on the setup at all apart from loading different shows over last weekend. Something I have done quite a bit on the first weeks use. As soon as I get access to my desk I will carry out the advice you provide above and get back to you. Rgds Mac
  3. Hi, I have recently bought a Iiyama ProLite T2452MTS to use with my FLX. It worked absolutely fine for the first week or so and now I cannot get any response from it at all. I can bring up the Calibrate Screen but it is not accepting touch commands. I am using ZerOS 7.9.4. Any help much appreciated please....??
  4. Hi Ed, now working a treat, thanks very much for your help. Now for me to get an unlock dongle and set up the laptop as a tracking back up. Best Rgds
  5. Hi Ed, I am well, hopefully the same with you. OK, I am giving this another go this evening and to start with I made a fatal (numpty) mistake. I had actually plugged the ethernet cable into the internet port in the router. I plugged it into one of the ethernet ports and I now have ZerOS Remote talking to the desk. I did not try Capture at the same time last night but have now configured it as you state above i.e. 'FLX plugged into one Ethernet port of your wireless router, and your PC plugged into another running Capture'. The trouble I have now is that the desk is not talking to Capture. I used a direct connection from the desk to my laptop previously and all worked fine but unfortunately not now. The Network Overview info is as following: DHCP - IP Address - Capture - Transmitting on - Remote - Listening on - - 1 connection active IPAD address when looking at the Router wifi link info - Capture is Enabled and 'Use DHCP Address' is enabled. On FLX - Remote is Enabled as is DHCP Hopefully the end game with this set up is to be able to: When programming use Capture for visualisation so just the FLX console into the router and router connected to laptop. When in live scenario use ZerOS Remote connected to router and laptop running Phantom OS with unlock dongle as a back up just in case. Thanks again for your help, much appreciated. Mac
  6. Thanks Kevin, much appreciated. On reading this I am pretty sure I have covered off all the recommendations but I still cannot get the FLX to connect to the router. I have the FLX set up to run CAPTURE, would anything done there affect connection to the router. Also if and when I manage to set up the router would any of that set up config affect what I have in place for CAPTURE. Slightly off topic I know none the less important. PS... I have tried 3 different cables
  7. Hi, I am having quite a bit of trouble trying to get my iPAD running ZerOS Remote to connect to my FLX desk. That is not entirely surprising as I am not too sharp when it comes to networking setups. I was wondering if anyone has or can point in the way of some basic advice on how to do this. I have 'Remote' enabled etc but still no joy at all. I am guessing it is to do with IP addressing but not too sure where to start with it all.
  8. Thanks Ed, its sorted now but dont understand what I did to rectify it. I just plodded on trying different approaches and one seemed to work when checking the next day.
  9. Hi all, I have just updated to V7.9.4 and this evening customising some cues and playbacks. I have an existing playback for moving heads (movements) and am trying to record a couple of other movements I am after. I am using Phantom OS with a visualiser and all looks good. Unfortunately when I record the cue to an existing playback on playing an On/Off effect has been introduced and I cant fathom out why. Does anyone have any ideas please......?? Thanks in advance for your help.
  10. Thanks Ed, all good now !! Rgds Mac
  11. Thanks very much Ed, I will have a look later and see if I can extract what I need. Best Mac
  12. Hi John/Ed, Please bear with me as I probably have this wrong. I was looking to update my software to ZerOS 7.9.4. On the link above, namely - zero88.com/software/zeros I was hoping to download the console software and the Phantom OS 7.9.4 software for my PC. I do a lot of programming away from home on a PC and visualiser hence the requirement for both. I am currently operating 7.9.2 and the two .exe files used for that are Console - ZerOS 7.9.2 (USB Installer - 86MB) and PC - Phantom ZerOS 7.9.2 (PC emulator). Now for the part that is confusing me. When I go to the link both the console and Phantom software is the same link and titled ZerOS_7.9.4.zip (87.6MB). If I try to install this to the PC I get the prompt to load this on a USB device but I want to obviously load it on my 'C' drive. I would be grateful if you can please advise what I am getting wrong please chaps....?? Thanks in advance. Mac
  13. Hi Jon, I have not gone into exactly what is not getting copied but will do this evening. Are you saying that I should ignore the prompt i.e. copying without all properties......??
  14. Evening all. It seems my FLX desk will only recognise a FAT32 formatted USB stick. The problem is that my PC (Win7) gives me the bothersome problem of not copying files with all its properties if being copied to a FAT32 formatted USB stick. Has anyone else come across this problem and if so how do you get around it please....??
  15. I have read the manual and it mentions offset however does not explain what it does. Can anyone help please...??
  16. Hi, I am attempting to set up a set of new pallets to include within them various effects and associated sizes and speeds etc. I have a position pallet named 'Home Effects' which brings my movers around to a starting position and I then add an effect and adjust size and speed (I will make a separate post regarding Offset). I was hoping to record this to an effects pallet however on doing that the 'Home Effects' information is discarded so the movers are not operating as required. Am I doing something wrong or is this simply not possible using pallets....??
  17. Thanks..... I have not played with the fixture editor as yet so will have a look...... I was trying to keep away from it but hey ho.... time to dive in.
  18. Hi All. I am going back to stage one to set up my desk as I have quickly realised that the programming becomes so much easier with a healthy and flexible set of pallettes available. Unfortunately when playing with the colour pallettes when automatically creating them there are a number that appear without the colour slash (logo) indicator on them, a number that appear with the wrong colour slash (logo) indicator and a few which repeat the colour but with either no or the wrong colour slash (logo) indicator. Am I doing something wrong.....?? Any help much appreciated please.
  19. oops, I am such a numpty !!!
  20. Hi, can I please have an FF for an ADJ VBar Pak LED Bar. I have attached the manual. Rgds Mac ADJ V Bar.pdf
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