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Uriahdemon last won the day on September 21 2024

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  1. Good afternoon everyone. I tried to find a more appropriate forum for this but no joy. I have two FLX desks and two wings for sale. I also have a custom made flight case for tour work which is fitted out for an FLX and 2 wings plus touchscreen. Lastly I have a USB Unlock Dongle for PhantomOS. Any genuine interest then please email me at rtmckie@sky.com Rgds Mac
  2. Apologies on picking up on this so late. Ed was such a great tutor and producer of fantastic reference material I hardly visit the forum now. None the less I would also like to say a huge and genuine thanks to Ed. He even put time aside in the evenings for Skype calls to help me understand and run ZEROs. Good luck Ed in your chosen new direction and thanks again. It was folks like you who fuelled my loyal support for and in Zero 88. All the Best.... Mac
  3. Evening all, Just thought I would ask if there is anyone nearby to help out an Elton John Tribute . Using in house rig and I will pass on contact details if interested.
  4. Good morning all. I have been using the FLX for quite some time and intend to carry on doing that. I may have an opportunity to introduce a Solution XL into a venue and wondered what I can expect. Are the workflows for the Solution XL the same as those for the FLX given they are using the same software. Any good/bad points and given the desk is now a legacy product what is the lifetime expectancy for ongoing support on it please. TIA
  5. Just to clear this up. I was trying to trigger the SOLO cues via MiDi which did not work. All other cues on the MiDi work fine but just not SOLO. They trigger fine when using the desk. Thanks Ed for your time and effort on this
  6. Thanks Ed. I will read through this and have a play, much appreciated. Good luck with the production you are working on. Sounds pretty complex !!
  7. PS.... just tried the Chase 1/2 effect and adjusted the size and achieved 100%. Unfortunately on recording it is showing 50% in yellow in the Output Window.
  8. Thanks for the help Kgallen, much appreciated. I will have a play with the size on the Chase effects and see if I can get the intensity as needed. I have had a look through the effects attributes and cannot see anything right away that allows me to adjust the effect intensity. Thanks again !!
  9. Good morning all. I am trying to use 'Effects' i.e. Chases, Ballyhoo etc i.e. featuring intensity effects. I would like to then record them at various selected speeds to palettes. The problems I am having are: A. The intensity defaults to 50 as opposed to the desired 100 B. Selection of the palette results in the effect immediately being applied as opposed to me wishing to do it via an intensity MFF i.e. gradual introduction as opposed to immediate. As usual really grateful for any help please....??
  10. Hi Ed, thanks for the reply. They are replacement fixtures for some of mine that are nearing the end. Unfortunately the fixture file for them is different as they jigged the DMX channels around quite a bit. I was just looking at the quickest way to replace them with the minimum of re-programming.
  11. Afternoon all, I have a number of cue stacks built using groups. I would like to add some additional fixtures to the cues and thought if I just update the group that would then work. Unfortunately it did not. I was wondering if this is possible or not and how to go about it please if it is.....??
  12. Good morning Ed, I had a play last night and it does what it says on the tin. Thanks very much again for the help !!!
  13. Good evening Ed, what are you doing working at this time on a Saturday night my friend. I was really surprised to get a reply. I will have a look at your guidance in the morning and thanks very much !!
  14. Evening all. My programming and show execution approach for movers until now has been to record cue stacks of attributes, select each cue and then increase intensity. I am looking to be able to now select those attributes from palettes then increase intensity as needed. Unfortunately the intensity playback cancels all the other attributes (well the way I have it configured) and I have to set them all again once raised. Can anyone please suggest anyway of recording an intensity MFF which is entirely neutral and allow the attributes selected from palettes to remain...??
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