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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by TheSwelasp

  1. Hi all, I'm currently programming for a live DJ event I have coming up. I've programmed the board full of chases on sub masters and am looking to 'sync' the chase steps to the beat. I've tried the audio input mode, however, it seems somewhat unreliable from my testing and have therefore concluded that a manual beat setting would be ideal. I've read through the user manual and it looks like this may be able to be achieved using the "<Beat>" flash mode to advance the chase accordingly set to a beat that the operator is able to control by clicking the "Insert" buttom in time to a beat. The issue is that I physically cannot find a way to enter <beat> mode on the flash/preset mode screen. Am I missing something? Any help would be massively appreciated. Thanks in advance USER MANUAL QUOTE FOR REFERENCE: "Sometimes it is desirable to set a chase to match the beat of music. To do this, firstly you need to set the Flash Mode to . Once this is done, press the INSERT button twice (once on each down-beat of the music) to override the speed of the chase running on the memory stack."
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