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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by ryandell

  1. Hi, OK, that makes controlling the board a bit easier, thanks ryan
  2. hi, I am programming on a pc and would like to know what the keyboard shortcuts are for the fat frog. thanks ryan
  3. thanks for the help ryan
  4. Hi, Thanks its all done now i have got them onto the board, if i wanted to save them to disk would i just go through the procedures of saving them onto the disk as i would any other file ???? thanks very much ryan
  5. Hi, yes basically what i want to do is be able to assign them on the "import from floppy disk" option so i know that they work and then put them onto floppy thanks ryan
  6. Hi There, i have been trying to open a fixture file that i have been given on phantom frog the link is here : http://support.zero88.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=4056 does anyone know how to open it using phantom frog ???? help or advice would be great as i am planning a show thanks ryan
  7. hi, thanks very much this will come in handy, thanks ryan
  8. hi, is it possible to program a chase into the alcora board as tonight i am using it for auditions and want to use a flash chase for it. Any help on how to would be kind thanks ryan
  9. Hi Paul, well it's ok now we dont want to do that chase anymore, but if we have to I will bare that in mind Thanks Ryan
  10. Hi, Really need help with programing a chase with 2 minimacs as i am trying to get them to pan the back of the room slowly have tried to programme 100's of changes but I want to know how to do it fluidly would i be able to programe it/record it live thanks quick reply would be helpful Thankyou Ryan
  11. Hi josh, That does make life alot easier i would imagine Well, they are actors not robots. Cheers Ryan
  12. Hi, Eldar I posted a similar topic here is the reply As it stands, your best move is to make one; I don't think zero actually sell them. It's not terribly hard to do if you have a little electronic knowhow; either get a receiver, a transmitter, an encoder and a decoder and get out the soldering iron, or bodge apart a wireless doorbell... I made one which cost me about £40 to put together and has up to 15 signal combinations Cheers Ryan
  13. Hi, I have a small gig coming up for charity, I wanted to hire mover's but all I can get in the local area is a spotknight, Stairville MH150 and a robe mover the hire company wont elaborate on and a set of 4 roboscans and that is all there is. I was just wondering what the best one would be out of the 4 sets would be. Thanks Ryan
  14. Hi, 8) Just wondering if you still do the merchandise line 8) Thanks Ryan
  15. WELL, I did a little party for my family I had my other scanners running, i went away to have something to eat and thought my my lights would by ok (my faithfull scatscans) as you can guess from the title i came back to find that one of the lights was of (thermal switch kicked in) went to see what it was and to my horror 8O discovered that the light was absolutely covered in moulten plastic the fan had broke and in the 20 mins i was gone the whole of the bottom (dmx iec and the controller lead) had just melted gettin them fixed the funniest thing that has happened to me
  16. ryandell


    Hi Yes I think I have mastered the UDF's, Thanks for your help Ryan
  17. ryandell


    :? so they are beaiscaly like generics, but what i want to know is how you would asign a fixture individualy, like if i had 5 fesnels how would i assign them individualy to the UDF's, Thanks Ryan (its probably all been said before) :oops:
  18. ryandell


    I hav mastered adding fixtures naming ect but cannot get my head around the UDF's are they like generic faders or like faders that tie groups of lights into one fader like submasters, just wondering how they work It's always the easiest things I have trouble with Thanks Ryan
  19. Thankyou very much for the file I have been after it for ages Ryan
  20. I have some Scatscan's and i cannot find the fixture to put on the offline editor (phantom Frog 2) , if you can find the adressing can you tell me please Thankyou Ryan :?
  21. wow got the hang of it now, its good how there is 20 stacks in one fader.The naming of the playbacks is easier than the fatfrog's naming of submasters thanks ryan
  22. yes thankyou very much for your time
  23. it was the bottom bank how do i make the cue stacks ???? thanks for your help
  24. playing on the new phantom frog program just wondered how if i can programme the manual playbacks like submasters is this possible
  25. I cannot find the remotes anywhere,for a fat frog , we were focusing for our show i was in our box, communication was difficult to say the least Thanks Ryan
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