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Everything posted by BjMae
Thats absolutely right! But I'd rather like to have it working the same way as PanTilt shapes, with size, offset and speed for everything on wheelgroup 3 or 4 on the beamshape section... It would be easier to work with that way I guess...
I'm not 100% sure on this, but a year ago or so, I wrote a lib file for JB Varyscan "6" and "4" movingheads and scanners, and for the movingheads, I had the same problem. I think the solution is to write 128-0 or 128-128 for pan and tilt values... Or if your movers don't stand upright at 50% 50%, try to find out where they stand upright and use these parametres... Again, i'm not sure this is how to do it. I have written so many lib files on so many different desks last year, and there is limitations on my personal harddrive. But give it a shot and tell the rest of us how you made it work! This, in fact, is a good start on a new topic: Our self-made lib files on a tread here. Where we users can upload our lib files for other frog junkies to use. Imagine; you are touring Europe with a fallen Star Soprano, and in Uzbekistan the only movinglights the venue can get you is a couple of Deutsche PanzerTechnic scanners you've never heard of... Then you go to frogsupport.com to get the lib file you need from an Uzbec lampie who posted it here a couple months back, two days after he got the FatFrog from a Russian gangster who traded the desk for a religious Icon in Budapest. Wouldn't that be great???? regards, Bjørnar Mæland Stavanger, Norway
How do I change the dimmer curves on a Betapack II??? The manual doesn't say anything about it...
The tour: 4 shows in four Norwegian westcoast towns before doing radioshows each day at the biggest music festival in Norway, The Quartfestival in Kristiansand. The Norwegian Broadcasting Company(www.nrk.no) had to travel a bit to get to the festival anyway, so they simply made a tour out of it. A two hour live radioshow at markets in the town centres in the afternoon, and party at some club, with local bands on stage at night. The bands performing at the parties also played live on the radio. The pictures I sent you is taken at a small club called Checkpoint Charlie in Stavanger. (www.checkpoint.no) The desk always performs great when dealing with dimmers only. One thing missing is the ability to use dimmershapes... And why isn't the F.R.O.G function made to work with dimmers? If you could tag a number of dimmers, and apply a shape or a F.R.O.G to it, hours of randomchase-programming would be saved every week -Bjørnar www.hove-lysdesign.no
By far only shown at Nachspiels at Folken, Stavanger, Norway... Performed by ShittoBelGrande drunken staff. Who knows, maybe it comes to an exhibition near you soon??
A very good show. Three very great bands. The smallest stage I've ever worked on. Height: 2,10m-2,40m. Two BetapackII, 1 FatFrog, 72 Par16's 50W 12V, 12 PinSpots, 5 mirrorballs, 4 Par64 500W, 2 Codas, some drapes and a Solar250... And a par16 with 250W 24V bulb under the frontvocal micstand. Smoking heavily after 4minutes of use... Pics?? ...Follow the link. Norwegian Broadcasting Company touring with a radio show, throwing a party after broadcasting is the story... Rock'n Roll for life. :twisted: http://www6.nrk.no/galleri/bildegalleri.ph...punkt&h=550
Yeah, And if you can make them with some kind of easy pen-attachment (not the gaffa-solution) I'll do a cucumberwalk for you at Plasa...
But how the heck do you patch multiple channels to one fader???? I haven't been needing it yet, but as far as I can see, there is no way to do it right now when you use the arrows and +- keys to select channels... Does it work?
It's out there, somewhere. Already cracked. A lot of people here has it. Or you can buy Wysiwyg report. That's 2D drawing.
It could be very handy to invert all attribute channels. Some fixtures has shutter open as value 0, but you may want it shut, sometimes the colours you use most lies on the second half of the colourwheel, sometimes the fixture is manufactured just opposite of what you use it for... But please consentrate on making the partial record by channel and partial record by fixture first. That will be the biggest step in the right direction for the Frog range... :mrgreen:
For i.e an Iris effect output from FROG, this is how I want it to work: You tag your fixtures, press B.S, press FROG and take over every other beamshape attribute than Iris. Then you set the min and max values for beamshape in the FROG window. Now, the Iris of all your fixtures does exactly the same thing, but there should be an option to "delay" or change the intervals between the fixtures, so that you get a more "random-ish" look. But still in control of it. Try the shape generator on the Pearl, and you'll see what I'm talking about. This is a fantastic effect for many parameters, but especially for Iris, Zoom, Focus and Shutter... Hope you understand better what I would like you to fix ... ...and if you're looking for a beta tester, you'll find an email-address in my profile... :wink:
I have been lucky enough to have some time alone with the FatFrog on an empty stage today, and really got time to play around with the desk, and there is one thing (besides the very partial partialmode described earlier) I am missing most of all...: A SPREAD FUNCTION in the FROG function. I wanted to create a circle moving effect with a random Irischase, but couldn't figure out how... I know many fixtures can do this by themselves, but almost as many doesn't. Am I stupid, or is there no way the FixtureRandomOutputGenerator can generate a random output of only one parameter of a fixture? I see that the LCDwheels aren't used for anything in FROGfunction. What about making one wheel Fine spread and one wheel Coarse spread?? :idea: :?: Hope you figure out how, because this is almost as important as the Sirius-partial partialmode :mrgreen: Thanks in advance! Did anyone say release 6.x??
I was sitting at work today looking in the European mail order catalogue from Music Store Professional in germany, when I spotted the Fat Frog amongst Scan commanders, Jands Events and GrandMA's. And by looking at the text, it really looks like it's hard to sell British products in Germany those days, just see: "Zero88 Fat Frog Lightpult. New, amazing multi functions mixer from UK, BSE - free and without any mouth and claw desease, the Zero88 Fat Frog. A frog with endless possibilities..." Sorry guys, just had to be mentioned...
The venue I now work in, have had a sirius250 for a couple of years, which actually was a great desk for doing live gigs on band you haven't heard or seen before. On the Sirius250 there were fantastic palettes working in both program mode and Run mode. This is, for me, the biggest loss now when the Sirius died after long time with illness. Zero88 were really good to us, and gave us a FatFrog in exchange for the Sirius. We are extremely grateful for it. But for a club like ours, run by students, where we have smaller bands coming without their own Light designer, the ability to program positions, movement and shapes without beamshape and colour information, for to put in the beamshape and colour information from palettes live, makes the whole programming session faster. I simply doesn't have the time to program all the cues I'm using during a show between soundcheck and show. And that is the reality when you are working on a FatFrog... I know i can use a palette to change an attribute after raising the submaster above the LTP trigger point, but in most shows I want to fade between two or more positions with lights on, and a soon as the next submaster, containing the next position is raised above the LTP t.p., all beamshape and colour info will go out... In my opinion the frog needs either an OFF button (like on the Pearl), to switch off all colour and beamshape information when programming Pan/Tilt things, or a better definition on what will be recorded when recording in partial mode. On the Sirius, there were both Full scene, partial scene, full chase and partial chase. This gave the user full freedom to program the way he liked, and that is the bottom line of what I'm missing. Freedom to do it the way I like it, the way that saves time for me... It sounds like I'm expecting to get a Rolls Royce even though I have paid for a Honda, but I'm totally aware of the fact that this is a low budget desk. But you asked for opinions - you get them :wink: Thank you for giving me your valuable time, I'm looking foreward to take more of it at Plasa! -bjørnar