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Everything posted by JWylie91

  1. Brilliant, Cheers Jon!
  2. Hi, After programming on the FLX today I realised that it would be pretty handy to be able to colour code my palettes instead of simply all the available ones being the same blue colour. I just feel like being able to define groups of effect palettes or positions by a colour coding system may help speed up workflow and desk usability when programming or 'busking'. Not sure whether this has been suggested before or whether anyone else would find this useful but figured it would be worth a suggestion. Cheers Joe
  3. I'd also be interested in an answer to the above, it's a feature i've used in the past on other consoles so would be interested to know whether there is a way of doing this on the FLX, If not I would like to have it added to the future features dev list? Thanks
  4. That's perfect Edward Thanks for the quick response as usual. Cheers Joe
  5. Hi Edward, I don't suppose the session you ran on the 3rd March was recorded and currently available? Not been on the forum for a while so I missed it and I would be interested in giving it a watch. Thanks
  6. Brilliant, slightly relieved it is a bug and not just myself doing something stupid. Thanks for your help. I look forward to the update. Joe
  7. Cheers, This morning I've cheked the desk and the issue still occurs with newly made intensity effects however the one that I left yesterday that wasnt working now works. It appears that either changing something in it's settings or rebooting the desk kickstarts the playback into playing the effect properly. I factory reset yesterday to attempt to flush out any settings that may cause this but with no success. Thanks
  8. Hi Edward, That was my understanding of M.O.Dark settings. So after testing it appears I was prematurely celebrating, I have now come to the conclusion that the desk is only correctly playing back a playback containing an effect once I change something in that playbacks settings. I've tested with a couple of settings and once I click okay on the playback settings window it starts to operate as normal. I have attached the showfile I am experimenting on, Playback one is currently outputting the effect properly as I have altered a value in its playback settings whereas playback 2 hangs on the 50% intensity value as I am yet to change anything in the settings option. Just to be clear I have done a fresh software install and also this showfile is new, not one produced on a previous software version. Thanks Joe FxTest.zos
  9. Hi Edward, After updating I was still experiencing the same issue, I have however managed to resolve it. It appears that the default setting under Move on Dark had Don't Move Effect selected. Once this was deselected on my playback the effect started working as expected. I have not set this and it was already selected in the defaults for Move on Dark. I have therefore deselected it in my defaults. I hope this is useful to anyone who comes across a similar occurance in the future. Thanks Joe
  10. Hi Edward, Correct, they fade down to 50% and are displayed as green, I definitely have the size at 100, I shall update to 7.9.8 today and report back if this is still happening. Like I say, i've used the desk for a good few years now and haven't had this trouble prior to this beta version so hopefully its just a glitch somewhere. Thanks for your continued support. Joe
  11. Okay no worries, I was unaware of that function and it is now responding correctly to the dmx lamp off from the desk. Another thing that I'm probably just missing is in regards to recording effects on this beta release without smart tag enabled, as this is my preferred method of programming. However when saving an effect such as chase 1/2 in cue 2 where cue 1 is simply bringing the intensity up to 100 the effect seems to be being registered and the intensities of my Rogue R1's drop to 50 when calling cue 2. The fixture also shows the chaser 1/2 effect in the intensity section of the cue window, however there is no movement of intensity values or visible effect. I'm finding this is similar with effects I build in the waveform window. the only effects that seem to respond normally are position based ones. I'm probably just missing something that may have been changed slightly however it's bugging me. Thanks in advance for the help. Cheers,
  12. Hi Edward, Thanks for the speedy response, I can confirm that I haven't disabled any function on the fixture, lamp off was working fine prior to loading this Beta software version on. I have tried it on a second fixture just to be sure and still no lamp off control. Cheers Joe
  13. Hi guys, When I create auto macros for my Mac 250 Entours I used to always get a Lamp on and a Lamp off macro auto produced. Currently I am experiencing the following issues: No Lamp off in shutter options when the Mac's are selected - I cannot lamp them off other than manually on the fixture. Lots of auto created macros however no Lamp on macro No response when selecting Lamp off in the macro menu Fortunately I tested this with a Mac that was situated on the floor and not in my rig so I could manually lamp the fixture off easily enough. Cheers Joe
  14. We've had the FLX from very early on, I had worked with a colleague of mine back then who had some experience with older ZerOS consoles so I guess I picked up that method from him. You learn something new everyday 😃 Cheers! Joe
  15. Installing it by loading the .exe file directly on the desk has worked. I was not previously aware of this method, Thanks guys.
  16. It's just the only way I've ever upgraded in all honesty and it has never failed me. I shall head back to the desk now and try the other method. Cheers chaps
  17. Hi, I've tried installing this beta version on to our FLX today and no matter how many times I run the usb creator (which builds successfully), when i put our zero88 usb that I always use the lighting desk throws up this error when I try to do the install. Any Ideas??
  18. Brilliant, Thanks Edward, Just hit me as something that required flagging up. Joe
  19. JWylie91

    Renumbering Query

    Hi all, Just happened to notice something I thought I would question when demonstrating how to renumber a cue stack to my colleague. We had a simple cue stack created and I had demonstrated how to set instructions for cues to jump to specific 'next cues' should he ever have a need to jump around the stack. He then asked me about recording cues in between stack numbers so I showed him which led us onto the renumber function. Upon renumbering the cue stack I noticed that the 'next cue' instructions hadn't updated and would require manually changing. I would have thought that the system would have updated normally to keep the next cue links correct however they failed to update. It seems a bit awkward if you have to go through all of your cue stack checking these numbers each time you renumber. If this is how they have been designed to work then I guess I will have to remember that for future programming however I thought it may be worth looking at for future additions. Cheers Joe
  20. Just wondering whether there is an update to the feature discussed a while back in this thread? It is still a feature that I feel we would greatly benefit. Many thanks Joe
  21. Legend! That'll make tomorrows rehearsals a little more interesting
  22. I was leaning towards that thought... Any update on how to access said elephant?
  23. Intrigued by what is meant by this 'hidden gem'? and more importantly how to find it...
  24. Hi Edward, Downloading and loading in the new library file that you provided did the trick. I have also managed to load my previous default showfile created in 7.9.4 and the effects appeared when the auto create button was selected. Many Thanks Joe
  25. Tried multiple installs now of 7.9.5 and no luck getting the effects to work, Just loaded my old file that still has effects palettes and none of them do anything. I have also looked at making a new effect in the waveforms option and there are no function options to allow me to assign any movements such as Sine etc. I have no choice but to reinstall 7.9.4 and hope for an update on the issue soon...
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