Well you for your quick info, it was really helpfull. With this info I "pushed" a zero88 desk into the (college) theatre. Maybe they found some money somewhere, which will get us 4x Coemar 250XL Wash + the Fat Frog, else it will be the Jester. I have used a sirius 24 for a couple of years, and love the relative ease of use (which I see in the (phantom)frog also).
I will post when the final verdict is in. (It might be the Fat Frog anyway since they were truly impressed by the phantom frog, also in combination with educational training)
Don't just love "CEO's"? Even before I came in friday everything was already ordered! So now we got the Fat Frog with the Coemar's... Stage should be ready in the beginning in May, I hope the Fat Frog will be avaible right away (the supplier normally doesn't supply Zero88 (which I thought was strange, since he is sort of speducked in schools/theatre's for which zero88 is ideal in my eyes).
For zero88 marketing:
Choice of zero88 was because:
1) Ease of use (a.o. to be able to use all channel preset to more complicated memorry's with or without fixtures)
2) Studiness
3) My familiarity with zero88
4) Phantom frog
a) Training purpose for new operators/ students/ external users
Programming for operators, whenever they have time, without going to the auditorium (or the auditorium being aviable)
c) The "CEO's" were truly impressed by a "(phantom)frog demo" (oh look it got a kinds of buttons, which we already understand..