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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by Borg

  1. Hi folks, I was using a fat frog the other week doing a show, and half way through a song the desk just crashed, similar to what a PC does, the VGA monitor went blue, the LCD screen showed "desk saving 0% done" and there was no response from the Go Button, the Grand Master, well anything, i wasn't doing anything with the desk at the time and the memories are Go not Auto. Fortunately the dimmers are set to fade, so at the end of the song where there was a blackout i just plugged the desk out and it blacked out (the next 3 scenes were managed by follow spot!!) I left the desk off for 30 seconds and tried turning it back on and got nowhere, i tried again and it took some time but it worked. There are no memory problems and the battery, which is rechargeable (it is a oldish desk) reads 4.6volts. Has anyone else had this problem?? If anyone can help, please do! Thanks Will Harrison
  2. Thanks for the help Will
  3. Hi, I have two problems 1 - where do i download it from??? 2 - once i have downloaded it how do i load it on the the desk (or do i have to do that at all) If anyone can help please do (I am a slight novice at using the frog systems) Thankyou Will
  4. Hi I have bought a set of chauvet mini legends moving head lights and i have been having a go at adding them to my DMX system with a fat frog but i am having a lot of problems adding them as a fixture (well no sucess at all!) i can easily controll them using channel faders 1-6 etc. I dont no if it is because i dont have a CFT for the lights to load onto it but i am stuck! if anyone can help please do! Thanks Will Harrison
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