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Everything posted by Kirkup_xp

  1. Hi Carl The release notes are also stored on the desk under the Online Help section - press Help (Special Page 1) and select Release Notes.
  2. Hi Jezrael Can you confirm whether you're using Smart Tags Enabled or Disabled? There are some known bugs in Smart Tag which are being fixed in the next release of software, due out very soon.
  3. Hi Ismael That should be all you need. What desk are you using as a DMX Source? What behaviour are you seeing? If you open the DMX Output Window & click into the DMX-In tab, can you see the incoming DMX? The passage Carl quoted refers to fixtures (including Dimmers) patched to the DMX-In during the Add Fixtures process, or moved to the DMX-In location using Edit Fixtures. In either process, when prompted for a location, instead of pressing an MFK or Preset fader, press the flash button on the DMX In desk to assign the fixture to that location. In this situation the fixture you're patching won't have a physical location on the desk (ie it won't be on an MFK or a Preset fader), so you'll need to use the DMX-In to control it, or access it via Command Line. Hope this clears things up a bit. Let us know how you get on.
  4. No, however you can assign the dimmer channel of a fixture onto the Preset fader (actually you assign the whole fixture onto the Preset, and use the flash button in Off/Select mode to select the fixture). That doesn't quite do what you're asking, but it may be of use.
  5. The patch view is exactly that - a view I'll look at whether we can make the manual any clearer on this. At present it is not possible to alter the patch via command syntax. This would theoretically be possible but we would have to work out the user interface, since the MFKs are tied to specific jobs in Setup and therefore not available to enter syntax commands.
  6. Hi Torch Can you send it across to me in an email (pkirkup@zero88.com) and i'll add it to the next library release.
  7. Hi At present the sound to light input on the desk is only used for triggering chase steps, which is effectively what the linked topic is asking for. As a beat is 'heard' by the desk, another chase step is triggered. Hope this clears things up. Peter
  8. When you go into Edit Fixtures, you have to select the fixtures you want to edit by pressing their flash button (or MFK) to select them. Press again to deselect. Again when you're in Add Fixtures, if you have the blank screen you should press the MFKs to assign the fixtures onto them. The Main LCD will guide you through this process. I hope this helps
  9. Kirkup_xp

    Mix Cmy

    You may also want to set up the UDF to be LTP-MIX mode, which will grab the parameter level and then enable control, as opposed to the default (LTP mode) where control is grabbed as soon as the fader is moved.
  10. Hi Carl Thanks for your message... Our suppliers often purchase multiple desks for stock, and therefore sometimes these desks become out of date before they are sold. All of our desks are updatable via a download from our website, and we advise that before commencing programming you should make this download if the desk is out of date. When you purchase a new PC you are in the same situation - Microsoft Windows will download updates for the first few hours it runs, because it has been sitting a cardboard box for a few weeks whilst on its way to the shop, then on its way to your house. All desks are shipped from the factory with the latest software at the time they were manufactured. I hope this clears things up.
  11. Times appear as blank if there are no channels recorded for that attribute in that cue. For example, if no colour attributes change in a cue, the colour fade time will be blank. There is a known bug in version 2.0 where unprogrammed channels will snap if you jump around the cue stack out of sequence - this has been fixed in our current beta test software and will be fixed in the next release.
  12. Select a blank memory, press and hold MEM TYPE, then program each step of the chase in the popup window that appears (press PROGRAM each time). You may need to put the desk into Partial Mode to avoid the moving light channels being programmed into the memories - have a search of the forum for information on Partial Mode, its been covered lots before.
  13. 1) Does this console has built in shapes? Yep, there are currently 4 shapes - Ellipse, Fig 8, Triangle & Square 2) How many steps are in one chase? Upto 999. Each step you record uses up one memory, so the more steps you have, the fewer total memories you can record. The total number of memories depends on which fixtures you're using and how many of them. 3) Can somebody explain me about functionality of Submasters and about possibilities of them in this console? Submasters are ideal for mixing several lighting scenes together using faders. Imagine having a set of wash lights and a set of spot lights. You can bring up one submaster to point the wash lights at the stage, and one submaster to point the spot lights onto the podium. By separating the segments, you can reuse the podium fader whilst pointing your wash lights at another area. The JesterML24 takes this a stage further as you can assign a single channel to a submaster, if you want. Only moving light channels that are 'tagged' will be recorded - hold down TAG/UNTAG and move a wheel to untag a parameter, or hold down TAG/UNTAG and press COLOUR/BEAMSHAPE/POSITION to tag/untag all parameters under that attribute. Hope this clears things up.
  14. Hi Duncan We've seen this issue a few times and have a fixed version of the software currently in beta test. Once the beta testing is complete, this version will be released - please bear with us! Peter
  15. The original frog range at present do not have Move On Dark built in. You have to program manually an additional cue, to move the fixtures but not bring the dimmers up. This feature is available on the Leap Frog 48 and Frog 2.
  16. If you could email it to pkirkup@zero88.com, i'll do my best to get the profile done for you. Peter
  17. This is something we have discussed previously, but has not yet been implemented. I'll add your comments to our database.
  18. I think I have spoken to you on the phone today already - it is not possible to download version 1.37 as it has been superceeded by version 2.0. Version 1.37 still contains Tracking - the Leap Frog 48/96s have had tracking since version 1 and it is integral to the way that the desk works. Smart Tagging (added in version 2) helps users who are not so familar with Tracking to utilise the desk without having to learn it. I hope this helps.
  19. No, the whole top bank of the desk (UDFs and UDFKs) are all on one page. One thing we have discussed is creating "freeze" UDKs or UDFs which would exist on all pages.
  20. I'd suggest patching the non-dims as fixtures (1 Channel or 6 Channel, found in Standard Fixtures, are both relay devices) - these attributes feature under Beamshape rather than Dimmer, so won't be affected by the GM.
  21. Hi If you can provide a copy of the user manual, that would be useful. I can't find anything online that tells me the channel assignment, which I need to build a fixture profile. Thanks
  22. Hi The second output on a Fat Frog outputs the same data as the first output (they are paired) Therefore, to patch and use the second output, all you need to do is find a free channel (or a fixture) and patch it to the relevant DMX address, then record the submaster in the same way as normal. I hope this helps
  23. Yes, we removed Basic-Partial & Basic-Full modes in version 2.0 of software, going instead for a single programming mode (Basic Mode).
  24. Kirkup_xp


    As you can see we did consider this option but due to the cost of such an upgrade we decided instead to develop the Leap Frog 48 & 96 desks, which have a lot of new features on top of the usual Fat Frog mentality & feature set. The lower end of this market place has now been filled by the Jester ML, which also sports a USB port. Unfortunately this isn't an easy answer for you. Edit: the poll seems to have disappeared from this topic, not sure why...
  25. Beta Testers Required As part of our ongoing commitment to producing user-driven products, Zero 88 is always looking to expand our team of Beta testers for the ZerOS consoles (Leap Frog 48 / 96, Frog 2 and ORB). Becoming a Beta tester gives you access to pre-release software, which may add new features, as well as fix any bugs found in older versions. As a Beta tester, you can download and try the software before anyone else, and report back your comments and findings directly to the Zero 88 development team. Zero 88 is keen to get feedback on our latest software updates and as such are looking for users who have access to one of the above desks to come forward and register. Is becoming a Beta Tester something you are interested in? If so, please email pkirkup@zero88.com with your support forum user ID and you will be added to the Beta Test user group. Please Note: Beta testing should not be carried out on a ‘live’ show, as this software is not fully tested. As of November 2009, the beta test forums for the original Frog series and Illusion desks are closed, as no major new feature enhancements are planned for these desks.
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