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Everything posted by Kirkup_xp

  1. Increasing the number of brightness channels per fixture would be a major change to the data structures of the desk and therefore is unlikely to happen in a future release. The Leap Frog 48/96 and Frog2 desks support virtual intensity channels however, and this is something which we are considering providing a software update for the original Frog series for: Frog Reference 5593 - Virtual Intensity support for fixtures
  2. Hi Steve We don't tend to run organised training courses for the Jesters as they're a fairly quick desk to learn - the online help and user manual are normally enough to get people started. We're always happy to help if you want to give us a call at the office - we can talk you through the basics on a Jester very easily. If you require a formal training course, we can offer on-site training at a cost. Hope this helps,
  3. Hi Sydney It sounds like a training course would be the best way to show you how to use the desk - we can either do this on-site at your premises, which is chargeable, or if you come to us, the course is free. There are some new training dates coming up - see http://www.zero88.com/en/news/288 If you'd like to book something, please do let me know. Peter
  4. You need to create a Virtual "Dimmer" channel, tagged "virtual channel" and then select the Red, Green and Blue channels and tag them to "Scale by Virtual Intensity". You should then get a Dimmer channel. Hope this helps,
  5. Here you go Hope this helps mac575k.ift
  6. On the original Frog range, LTP channels (such as the fixture channels you've assigned) are triggered when you activate a submaster, so yes, the only way to 'turn them off' is to trigger them to move to another value. The alternative is to patch the fixture channels as faders on the generic presets, which will then be treated HTP and therefore will fade down when you fade down the submaster. On the new Leap Frog 48/96 and Frog 2 desks, the desk has a virtual intensity channel for these LED fixtures which will dim them out when you bring the submaster down, and the submasters also release (meaning that the LTPs are returned to doing whatever they were doing before the submaster was triggered).
  7. This is something we've talked about in the past, however as you'll see on the screen there are quite a few other options that need displaying in the Save Show window. I normally name my shows using todays date, so it would become 200308 - which I can do using the keypad. Peter
  8. 1) A Next/Previous function for jumping between fixtures. The arrows would be ideal for this. Nice idea - any idea what UI you would use? 2) SAVED VIEWS! This is intended for a future release. 3) Group lights on the mfks should NOT illuminate unless they are selected, and we should be able to select multiple groups. Again, a nice idea... i'll add it to the list. 4) I need an "AT FULL" button without having to open up the command line each time... too many keystrokes FIXTURES+HOME? 5) Somewhere it needs to show me fade times when executing cues. Where would you like to see it? 5.5) A "go to cue" button. If you press MEMORIES, then ENTER, then enter the memory number, you can press GO to activate that cue. You can record this sequence as a macro, or if you have the upgrade card fitted, you can assign a remote button as "Go To Memory nn" 6) A "release" button for cuelists OTHER than having to go in and hit go on the "--" cue. It's too time consuming when working on the fly to have to open the memories screen, click the lines, and then hit go. Hold down CLEAR and press MEMORIES to release the stack. Same for submasters, or CLEAR and submaster flash button to release that specific sub. 7) The ability to crossfade between palettes using a button... I need to be able to click on a palette and have it snap (as it does now), or be able to hold down a button, click on a palette, and have it fade instead of snap... not one or the other. Set a TIME on special Page 1. Hold down TIME and press a palette to crossfade it Press a palette (without TIME held) to snap it Hope these help :-)
  9. Hi Matthew A couple of things to check - first of all, are you running the latest versions on the desk (version 4.0.10 Operating system and Desk Software 4.2.15) - you can see this in Desk Information in Setup/Files When the desk crashes, it generates a debug file which it'll ask you to save to a USB stick when you reboot. If you have any of these (called debug.dat) can you email them to me - pkirkup@zero88.com - and we'll have a look at them. A copy of the show file would also be useful. Sorry to hear you've had problems with crashing, Peter
  10. At present, the Solo function only applies to the area you are soloing from (eg if you solo a preset channel, it only Solo's the channels which are controlled by the program window, and if you solo a submaster, it only solos other submasters). Hope this clears things up,
  11. This is not possible at the moment on the consoles, although we have it logged in our database for future addition to the software.
  12. I think we should use SHIFT+FULL as we do on the Frog 2.
  13. Hi David You shouldn't need to press POSITION in the four commands you state above - when you press FIXTURES the wheels stay focussed on whatever parameter they were modifying last. I agree it's not perfect, but again the problem is what button would you use for 'next' and 'last' functionality - the arrow keys need to maintain focus onto the monitor, otherwise users without a mouse will be stuck unable to use a lot of buttons. Peter
  14. We have discussed this a few times, but which button would you like to use for the command line? Most USB keypads have different button layouts (for example, the one I have here has a Calculator button on it) - we'd have to cater for all these layouts, or find a button that does nothing. Any ideas?
  15. Groups: Select the fixtures you wish to include in the group, then hold down the GROUP MFK until it gets a number - this indicates that the group has been stored. You can then select the name using the NAME button. Macros: Hold the MACRO MFK until the LED in the MACROS button starts flashing. Now all your front panel commands will be stored into the macro (note that on the monitor, "LIVE" is replaced by "MACRO nn"). To finish recording the macro, press the MACROS button. Hope this helps
  16. The description should read "Virtual Channel"... Edit: this has now been corrected in the Issue2 manual. Note that this feature is currently only supported on the Leapfrog48/96 and Frog2 desks. We are considering updates to other products to add this feature: *Original Frog series - Frog Reference 5593 - CLICK HERE for further discussion. *JesterML - JES-2065 - CLICK HERE for beta test version.
  17. Yes, these are still available - the part no is 4417000 (Alpha 10K Fader Lin 60mm : RA6044-201-15D1-B14-01G) and you can find a list of our German distributors here: http://www.zero88.com/en/distributors/6/11 I hope this helps Peter
  18. Have you managed to get the fixtures patched into the desk? That's the first step, and involves going into Super User, selecting Desk Setup and then Assign Fixtures. You'll need a fixture profile for the fixtures you're using - you can download the Fixture Library (Release 18) from our main website. If you've got them patched in, next step is to exit super user and start controlling them. Let us know how you get on
  19. Thanks for the suggestion - I've added it to the list - ZOS-1995.
  20. Hi Bill Probably best you give us a call at the Zero 88 office and we'll try and work out whats going on. 01633 838088 Peter
  21. Hi Tim They're a little pre-emptive, but version 3 of the Leap Frog software will be out in March. We're currently beta-testing it, and will be previewing it at the Pro Light & Sound Show (Frankfurt Messe) next week, and USITT the following week. Hope you can wait - it's worth waiting for Peter
  22. Maybe worth considering a Leap Frog 48? You can do upto 200 fixtures, plus it supports Virtual Dimmers for the LED fixtures
  23. Hi Wol If you double click on the little picture of a fixture at the top of the Parameters tab in the fixture tool, you get up the SubFixture Properties window. In here you can change the number of channels the fixture requires. By default it goes to the highest DMX value in the fixture, however if you then subsequently delete channels, the DMX Allocate stays high. Hope this helps, Peter
  24. Hi Dave Any standard USB-CD drive should work with the Leap Frog Let us know how you get on. Peter
  25. Hi Bill To install 10.9, first format the floppy disk in the desk (choosing Format Disk from Super User/Floppy Disk) Then unzip the file on your PC and copy the .osf file onto the floppy disk Then boot the desk up with the floppy disk in it - the desk will detect the operating system and will ask (on the Main LCD) if you want to install it. Press ENTER and the new OS will be installed. Note that this will wipe your show file, so please take a backup if you have anything you want to keep. To use the gft file, unzip it onto a floppy disk (again, formatted in the desk is ideal). On the desk go to Super User / Desk Setup / Assign Fixtures and select <Select Fixture from Floppy Disk> - at this point you should be able to choose from the whole library. Hope this helps, Peter
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