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Everything posted by Kirkup_xp

  1. Hi Marco This is not possible on the original Frog range - on all of our desks, each DMX channel can only have one patch location (fixture or generic channel). On the Leap Frog 48 + 96 you can set your submasters up to work this way, however. Peter
  2. Hi Jimmy If you need this feature in a hurry, you might like to consider upgrading to the Leap Frog 48 or Frog 2, which already support this feature. We're always keen to develop existing products but unfortunately software development schedules always favor current products - the original Frog range has now been discontinued and as such upgrades are hard to justify to the Sales team! If we get a chance, we would love to add this feature to the Frog range, but I can't at this stage guarantee a timescale. I hope this clears things up, Peter
  3. Hi Marco You need to unpatch channel 25 from the generic faders first - select channel 25 and press CLEAR, then select the fixture and you should be able to patch to channel 25. Hope this helps
  4. Hi The wheels have an algorythm attached to them which means that the faster you move the wheel, the further the increment will be. Therefore to get incremements of 1, move the wheel slowly. On the Frog Range there is no way to adjust the wheel sensitivity, however there are ways of doing this on the Leap Frog 48 & 96 and Frog 2. Hope this helps, Peter
  5. Thanks Kresten - I've added these to our database.
  6. Two good ideas - i've added them to our database. References FX-2308 and FX-2309
  7. Hi Jools These features really belong in our higher end desks (the Leap Frog 48 + 96, Frog 2, etc) and already exist. We have discussed adding them to the Jester range at some point, however the problem is keeping the User Interface clean and simple whilst still offering these high end features. Unfortunately you do have to manually program the 'auto move' cues at this stage. JES-2220 - Auto Triggers and Dwell Times
  8. Hi Carwyn We're aware of a couple of bugs relating to 0 second fade times with updated channels - these will be fixed in the next release. What sort of 'freeze' did the desk do - did the monitor go to sleep, or have a X displayed? This will help us work out what has happened. Also, did the desk ask to save a debug file when you rebooted? If it did, can you email it to us? Thanks
  9. Kirkup_xp


    Good idea - this issue has been added to our database, ref FX-2283
  10. Hi Brad Here you go For reference you need to use File->New, then File->Import when importing from the library to the Fixture Editor, see THIS TOPIC. designled36mh.ift
  11. We've just uploaded a Quick Reference Sheet to the website, which gives you a quick run down on how to perform all of the functions of the desk without having to flick through the user manual. It's designed to be quick and easy to access so you can print it out and have it next to the desk, whenever you need it. This can be found here. We hope it helps those who are getting to know the desk and maybe even teaches those who already know it some tips!
  12. Kirkup_xp

    Fade Question

    Unfortunately there is a small bug in version 4.3 software which removes the capability of setting timed fades on UDKs. The only way would be to use a macro which executes a palette, but that would then require you to select the fixtures first. You could do this in the macro too: RECORD MACRO 1 ENTER 1 THRU 4 ENTER COLOUR 5 TIME ENTER MACRO MACRO 1 RECORD <UDK> TIME RECORD <UDF> This will then allow you to use the UDF you have specified to set the palette fade time (displayed in the corner of the monitor + touchscreen) and then press the button to select and access that palette. If you're using the macro I specified above, you could modify the macro command to set the fixture to 0% whilst it was setting colours...e g: 1 THRU 4 @ 0 ENTER COLOUR 5 ENTER @ FULL ENTER The only disadvantage of doing that would be that the playback fader would no longer control the level of those fixtures. Some fixtures have an internal "blackout whilst changing" feature - i'm pretty sure the Robe fixtures have this feature, on the Pan/Tilt Speed channel. Check the manual for details. Unfortunately not at the moment - there is a small time delay to allow the desk time to process the command before the next button press. You could record a small cue stack which only changes the colours (be careful not to include intensity unless you want it - for this you'd probably want to turn Smart Tag off!) and trigger that instead of the UDKs. eg: Cue 1 - White Cue 2 - Red Cue 3 - Blue etc Then when you want to change to a colour, you can just say CUE 5 <GO> and the stack will go to Green. Hope this helps - if you need any more help, please don't hesitate to let me know.
  13. Hi Mike You have to select a blank memory in order to convert it from a Scene to a Chase. Blank memories are indicated on the LCD screen with a *. Hold the Memory Type button for a couple of seconds until the LED indicates that the type has been changed. Hope this helps, Peter
  14. There are a couple of small bugs related to the fade times of channels in updated memories - these will be fixed in the next update This is something we're planning to add to a future update Again, we're planning on adding localised keyboard layouts to a future update. What commands do Ctrl+3 and Ctrl+5 relate to on the keyboard? You can Topset channels in Edit Fixtures - select the channels you want, move to the topset tab and set the maximum value you want that channel to go to. This topset is applied at the output stage so won't affect your programming. Both the reporting functions you're talking about are being planned for a future upgrade - watch this space Hope this helps
  15. In the Memories screen, move to the right hand column (labelled Comments) and press Enter. If you have version 3.0 installed, you should have a button labelled Macro. Press that and you should see the Don't Move macros. Hope this helps,
  16. Hi Matt The reason that the movers are presetting themselves is that you have Move On Dark enabled. This helps you by presetting all of your fixtures wherever possible, making your show run more smoothly. In this situation you have a couple of options. Option #1 is to program the lights with a low intensity level in a couple of cues before they are needed doing the effect - therefore forcing the desk to preset to that low intensity (1% or so) instead of the effect cue. Option #2 is to use the inbuilt macros "Don't Move Position" on each of the cues you want to prevent the auto-move happening on. This is found in the Comments column of the memories, under the Macros button. Once you've done either of these, your show should be much quieter! Hope this helps Peter
  17. Chroma Q Cascade (Creative), Cascade (Library)... are the profiles for the Chroma Q Cascade colour scroller, which has 2 strings of gel and 2 modes it'll run it either allowing you to mix any colour, or pick from a library of colours. Chroma Q Rotator 1ch and Rotator 2ch... are the profiles for the Chroma Q Gobo Rotator. Again, 2 modes. Hope this helps,
  18. Hi Simon The fixtures are treated HTP so if they are programmed at 100% on the memories or a submaster is up at 100%, you won't be able to dim them down. Try bringing the Playback X master down and all the Submasters and see if that helps. What fixtures are you using? Peter
  19. Kirkup_xp

    Frog 2

    Hi Stuart I think I spoke to you earlier, but for the benefit of the forum, the next step is to press GROUP and select the group you want to patch (on the touchscreen), then enter the patch data numerically (eg 1 THRU 5 @ 1/1 ENTER). Hope this helps, PEter
  20. Here you go - the updated version mh575s.ift
  21. Hi Peter The desk simply outputs DMX - the pinout that you use from there on is upto you. Technically the DMX standard stipulates the use of 5 pin XLRs although many manufacturers use 3 pin for cost reasons, the data itself remains the same (infact, so does the pinout - the 4th and 5th pins on the XLR connector are currently unused). Therefore yes, if you plug the hazer into the splitter and address it correctly, it should respond as you expect. Good luck
  22. Our training in the US is looked after by ACT Lighting - contact them for details of courses. Cheers,
  23. The desks will set their own default layout - for the (original) Frog range this will be done based on the sequence you've added the parameters (eg if you add Magenta, then Cyan, then Yellow, your wheels will say MCY). On the Leap Frog 48 and Frog 2, this is a bit more clever - we know that you'll always want CMY as CMY so we automatically arrange it that way. However, if you have a preference of sequence, it's best to set the wheel groups yourself. The profiles i've done are pretty basic (no details, no default values) so if you can provide any more information, that would help us to improve them. Cheers, Peter stairville_mh575_manual.pdf
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