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Posts posted by Kirkup_xp

  1. Hi Piero


    We've now resolved this issue. It turned out to be a small bug in the Compulite tool - they don't add a carriage return after the end of the ENDDATA in the ASCII file, which the file format requires. We've fixed these files for you, so you should be able to load them into ZerOS. In the next version of ZerOS, we will be tollerant of this requirement for the carriage return, so you won't see this problem.


    You should be aware that in the show files, the Compulite tool has added a 4 second delay time to almost every fade up time on the show file - this might have been in the original file, but it seems unlikely.


    You can see this in the text file:


    CUE		4.2
     UP		 4.0 , 4.0
     DOWN	   0.0 , 0.0


    You may want to perform a find and replace on this file, to remove these delay times - you can do this in Notepad or any other text editor.



      UP		 4.0 , 4.0


      UP		 4.0 , 0.0


    Hope this helps,






    Compulite Files Converted.zip

  2. Hi archie,


    Unfortunately, there's no easy way to do this. What you could do is program a sub which overrides the values HTP (so pull all the values to full), but of course that's going to be quite bright compared to the normal chase.


    Hope this helps,

  3. Hi Piero


    There's a utility on the Compulite website to convert from Spark (or any 4D) showfiles into ASCII. This outputs with a file .cpl - if you rename this to .txt, you can import them into ZerOS.


    However, there appears to be a problem bringing those files into Version 7.4 of ZerOS - i've just tried the whole process here and it's giving me some errors, which we'll need to fix. I'll let you know once these are fixed, and we can export a show file for you.


    I've attached the converted ASCII files to this message, incase those are helpful to you (you can view them in Notepad or any text editor).




  4. Hi Ferg


    We've looked into this and it's a small bug with ZerOS which worked in older versions of Capture. Capture changed their software to modify the behaviour when it saw that bug, in version 2.7, which stopped it being able to see the desk. We'll get the bug fixed in the next version of ZerOS, which is nearing completion. The bug reference is ZOS-4864.


    I hope this helps,




  5. Hi there,


    You don't need a hardware upgrade to enable the ZerOS Remote app.


    What type of router do you have? D-Link have a large product range, so it's worth checking the exact model number. Most importantly, we need to know if this router is acting as a DHCP server.


    Is your iPhone connected to the router, and does it have an IP address allocated from that router? What are the IP addresses of the two devices?


    If you're using DHCP on both devices, and the DHCP server (router) is allocating sequential addresses, you should see something like and for the two devices.


    If you try connecting a PC to the same router, does the ZerOS Remote Monitor application allow you to connect to the console?

  6. Hi there cycy


    Do you have the user manuals for these fixtures? I've had a look online but can't seem to find a user manual for these. We need to know the layout of each channel for the fixtures, for example:

    1- Red

    2 - Green

    3 - Blue


    If you have a copy of these, please post it here and i'll get the fixture profiles made for you.





  7. Hi bvanenk,


    You can adjust the programmed speed of the chases individually, by selecting the submaster and pushing EDIT, then making the adjustment required. For live adjustment on the fly, all chases will be adjusted together.


    I hope this helps to clear it up,





  8. Hi there,


    We have actually enabled the Effects Window now for the Leap Frog 48 & 96 consoles - hold down SHIFT and push EFFECTS to open the Effects Palette window, then push the 'Effects Window' button in the top left, or use the 'Other Windows' dropdown in the Output Window to open it.


    Hope this helps,




  9. In celebration of 40 years of Zero 88, Cooper Controls are running a competition to reward loyal Zero 88 users with a chance to win a new lighting desk. To win a console, users simply submit a photograph of them with their Zero 88 product, from past or present. Pictures can be submitted via the Zero 88 facebook page (http://facebook.com/zero88) or by email to mamz88@orbdesk.com, and should feature the user themselves alongside any Zero 88 product. If users don’t have their Zero 88 product to hand, a photograph in a Zero 88 t-shirt at an interesting location is also acceptable. The competition runs until Thursday 6th September 2012, and the lucky winner will be announced at the PLASA Show the following week.

    Full details on this competition can be found at http://zero88.com/mamz88 together with terms and conditions.

  10. Hi Jack


    It's probably easiest to give us a call at the office tomorrow on +44 (0)1633 838088 and we'll be able to talk you through fault finding this. If you don't have a memory playing back inside the dimmer, and it's not responding to DMX control on those channels, it's possible there is a hardware fault inside the dimmer.





  11. Hi Ben


    This sounds like it could have been down to a congested WiFi environment.


    Try downloading the Network Ping app (http://mochasoft.dk/iphone_ping.htm) and use the Ping function to see what sort of latency you get from the network (I use the 'lite' edition, and the 'ping forever' function). It could well be that your response time across the network is being slowed by additional wifi traffic, causing the remote to drop out.



  12. Hi Codebone,


    If you double click on the in Phantom ZerOS, you should be able to select from other IP ranges on the PC - Phantom allows you to route the IP traffic from any of the Network Cards within the PC it's running on.

  is the local loopback IP (also known as 'localhost') - it implies that the network card you have selected hasn't had it's IP address configured (maybe it's set to be allocated it's IP by DHCP, and no DHCP server is present on the network? or maybe it's disconnected from the network?)


    Phantom ZerOS, unlike the real desks, doesn't allow configuration of the IP address of the device itself - you'll need to use the Windows control panel tools to alter the IP configuration, then restart Phantom ZerOS.


    Note that in order to connect to a visualiser, you do need an Ethernet connection active - you can't just use the loopback, even if Capture is running on the same PC.


    I hope this helps,




  13. Hi Kalamaku

    The ports 4, 10 and 11 relate to the internal serial ports used on the PC104 main board inside the desk. Due to the design inside the desk, the WARN errors are normal - it's an advisory that it's trying other port numbers, nothing to worry about.


    I'm not sure of any dealers in Hawaii who can service the desks at the moment - if you let us know the problems, we may be able to suggest fixes that you could fit yourself, though?






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