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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. The 2m separation rule disappeared from the IEE Wiring Regulations many years ago... because as you've found, it's wholly impractical. To get a cross-phase shock, you need to have two fixtures with phase-to-earth faults where the protective device hasn't cleared either fault. That said, if you can partition fixtures to keep some separation, then why not. However, in practice you might find that tricky with anything but the smallest and simplest of rigs... Disappointingly the HSE have this "rule" in one of their guidance notes (*1) about not mixing phases on a given lighting bar. What is advisable though, is yellow 400V warning labels in proximity to socket outlets that can be on different phases. BS7671:2008 514.10.1, along the lines of these: http://www.labelsonline.co.uk/danger-400-volts-labels-50x25mm-el1068?gclid=CjwKEAjwsLTJBRCvibaW9bGLtUESJAC4wKw18TxVeYcyu5_hyOFPdPbeHzCD2b8Zn0M5TsjBDrDKdRoCw4Tw_wcB Blue Room have covered this topic many times. If you have a login, you should be able to see the "Safety" forum and this discussion: http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=15328 However, I'm just "a bloke on the net" so make your own enquiries... (*2) (*1) GS50 says: "22 Great care is needed if the equipment is to be supplied from a three-phase supply or if adjacent items are fed from different phases. Many local authorities have their own rules on this topic. They should be consulted.". However disappointingly, the section on "Lighting Systems" still says "Only a single phase should be supplied to any one boom and the connections from the individual light fitting to the boom should be by plug and socket." (*2) You could Google HSE, IET, Blue Room for example.
  2. When you starting there permanently....? You taking over from Jon when you've graduated?
  3. Edward - If as an extremely proactive "insider-outsider" to Zero88 if you can't find out, what hope... Thanks for trying. Maybe the next time you're in the Zero88 offices you could make some enquiries... Thanks, Kevin
  4. OK M3.5 sort of works, but I'm not convinced it's right. Any Zero88 volunteers to give me the proper spec? Come on, I answer enough questions on here for you guys to take 2 minutes to go into the doc stores and take a quick look at the mechanical assembly drawings/parts list for me...
  5. Hi Keith/Jon, Could you let me know the size of the screw for a Betapack 2 that secures the DMX security plate (at its top). Bigger than M3, smaller than M4 and possibly a tapered self-tapper rather than a machine screw so I thought I'd ask...! Thanks, Kevin
  6. I'm sure you'll be able to load your old shows onto the new OS. The new OS will offer you new features and change the programming model a bit, but you shouldn't lose any existing functionality. Edit: "use" -> "lose" Phew!
  7. (First guess before someone who knows what they are talking about comes along...!) It looks to me like you're trying to load a fixtures file rather than a show file. gft29_00_filtered.ift is a fixtures file.
  8. I think so called switch cleaner is frowned upon for carbon track faders. Compressed air (from a can) is safer. It's covered on Blue Room a lot. Here's one example topic: http://www.blue-room.org.uk/index.php?showtopic=33826&hl=fader+cleaning Kevin
  9. Great stuff I'll just add that hopefully your desk is using the latest 10.12 software. I know that in 10.8 (http://zero88.com/forum/topic/4562-chase-modifiers-not-as-programmed-using-108/) there was a bug that stopped the Chase Modifiers being correctly recorded, so beware if your desk happens to have that older software on it.
  10. Hi Rich, (It's been a while since I've used my FatFrog, but I'll try to help...) In the Chase Modifiers - Attack, ensure you have ^ selected (crossfade) and that the speed is set slow enough that the fades can run their time before the next step is started. (Manual p4-2)... Although I'd have to confess I'm not sure if the fade times follow the FadeUp/Down times set for the cue or match the time that can be achieved by the set speed, sorry. When you say the "Type Window" are you meaning the Shot column on the memory screen that tells you if the cue is Scene (SC) or Chase (Cxxx)? (Manual p7-10). If the memory was programmed as a Chase (Manual p4-8) i.e. you held down the Memory button for >1sec before programming the first step, then the Shot column should say "Cxxx" (where xxx=number of shots or 000") otherwise it's not a chase! Fade Times are Minutes:Seconds.Tenths (Manual p7-14) For your Outputs button, contact Keith, although if the actual electrical operation of the button is broken then the desk will need to visit a dealer who can repair it. Keith at Zero88 would be your starting point: KeithRogers@eaton.com or an experienced Zero88 repair outfit, like ian@serviceguy.co.uk Regards, Kevin [Edit] OK I've had a play with Phantom Frog [10.12] tonight and I need to correct myself a little... So making a memory a chase means holding the "Mem Type" button for >1sec. Then the Shot column on the Memory screen says "C 0". But you knew that already... In terms of the fade speed, assuming Attack = ^ then the fade up/down time of the crossfade between the steps seems to be equal up and down times, and the longest of the Fade Up/Fade Down time of the cue. So it looks like you won't be able to achieve the 0.5s/0.75s split you require but will have to chose 0.5s or 0.75s for both up and down. Or you could chose the snap-up/ramp-down (|\) Attack setting as with tungsten, snap will be pretty much 0.5s fade up anyway. When you "Set Modifiers", the Speed pot needs to be set such that these fade up/down times can fit in the speed, and you'll thus need to adjust the speed pot to get the step equal or greater than your crossfade time unless you want pauses between each step. If you've already programmed the memory then you can select the memory in the Memory screen and use the Edit button to revisit the settings for Attack and Speed when on the Set Modifiers field. The fade up/down times can be changed at any point by editing the columns from the Memory screen. The corollary of the crossfade using the cue fade up/down times is that you will have to suffer those same settings for the fades into and out of the cue as a whole. If this is not acceptable then one workaround may be to create a "pre" cue before the chase cue with the desired fade in time, then set the Dwell to 0 and set the Trigger of the chase cue to Auto. Thus triggering your "pre" cue will run that desired fade and then automatically start the chase cue. Happy of course to be corrected by the Zero88 folks if my analysis is incorrect! Hope that helps. Kevin
  11. Hi, If you look in the System Text pane in System information under the Z key, is there an error message logged during boot? If you program some more then power cycle the desk, is the new programming recovered? Kevin
  12. Just intrigued; Jon on your Orb screen shot, "Next: 2", yet the orange bar is next to cue 1 "Audience enter", and if "Current: 1" shouldn't that bar be green? Sorry... just interfering...!
  13. That's a really interesting paper Jon. It's from 2014, do you know where the standard got to and what industry adoption is like? I've not heard much talk of this so maybe not much? It looks to me that a lot of the complexity could be in the fixture rather than the controller, so maybe not attractive to manufacturers except for high end fixtures?
  14. Oh-yea, that's really nice now grouping them under the subgroups - looks good on phone and desktop! Thanks!
  15. Hi Jon, Thanks for the feedback! I can handle known "irregularities" versus am I just being thick/going mad! Cheers, Kevin
  16. I've finished the show and I want to reset the desk back to a fresh state ready for setup of the next. I want to remove the current show and everything that is specific to this show. I can use Clear All - but that leaves the patch in place for all dimmers and fixtures, including their modified names. I can use Reset Desk - this removes the patch but also removes my additional fixture definitions, so I need to reload them from USB (ok, a simple job). Factory Reset - what does this do in addition to Reset Desk? The manual doesn't clarify this. Thanks, Kevin
  17. Thanks Jon! It would be nice to still have the release notes as a separate (i.e. small!) pdf file as it takes a long time to download the 80MB gzip file, Also the release notes are handy to pull up on the phone quickly when 3G access or worse can be all that's available! The new ZerOS page looks nice on the laptop/desktop, but on a phone it's quite hard to navigate - took me a few moments to find the links as they are over to the right of the page/half way down (I was looking top, bottom, tapping the pictures etc, which got me nowhere!) Thanks, Kevin
  18. Hi Peter, Might be worth dropping Keith a direct line, either with your text or to point him towards this Forum entry: KeithRogers@eaton.com Failing that, then Ian at CTS might be able to give you some knowledgeable support: ian@centraltheatresupplies.co.uk Hope you get this sorted soon. Regards, Kevin
  19. Likely candidate is the 100k sync resistors. I've posted on this so will try to find the details for you. Here - Just a couple of topics down in this same sub-forum: http://zero88.com/forum/topic/7712-betapack-1-channel-fault/
  20. Ah the dipswitches mixed with an "oh yes.... I had been having a little firtle under the hood..." Those dipswitches are used to tell the processor information about the fader panels - the larger consoles in the Frog range (Leap Frog, Bull Frog) have more faders and the CPU needs know which is which. It looks like you had two fader panels with the same ID which confused the interpretation of the fader position which is why you had 'n' vs 'n+12' channel issues. Glad your problem is solved now! Good luck, Kevin
  21. If you're still having issues, then worth dropping Keith an email on KeithRogers@eaton.com as it could be a voltage reference issue on the fader card. If you use ch13 on it's own does that behave properly or does that get stuck at 81% too? Kevin
  22. Just use a dry air spray nothing more unless advised by Zero88.
  23. Come on Ian, you're from Coventry, so be a bit more realistic. I think you should aim at.... Rugby! mardy - I'm assuming our southerner friends found it as the first item from Google! Sorry to Amy for going off topic so far...!
  24. Oh, sorry, 'fraid not. Secret language you see. We can't let you in on everything, Devon is certainly in the 'down South' camp 😂
  25. Well it's a good job you're responding to a fellow Midlander. I've had to explain this regionalism more than once to my Southerner wife! Down there they have no usable equivalent!
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