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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Yep, that’s the ticket.
  2. We didn’t do anything really! Good luck with the gig, sounds like you’re up to your neck in it!
  3. Looks more than capable.
  4. Doesn't sound like the console, sounds like an electrical noise coupling issue between your dimmers or control wires to those dimmers What are your dimmers? Where are 14 and 26 in respect of the dimmers - same dimmer box, or different dimmer boxes on the same phase of the electrical supply? Are they analogue control input (with a DMX demux)? If you swap control cables (DMX/analogue) around does the problem stay on 26 or does it move around? If you go into the Z key there is a tab for DMX Outputs. Do you see what you expect under address 14 (whatever) and circuit 26 (0 presumably). (This assumes your dimmers are patched at addresses 1-<whatever>, adjust above numbers if they don't start at 1).
  5. The Zero88 YouTube channel I think is "mothballed" in preference to now using the Vari-lite YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@zero88/videos -> https://www.youtube.com/@VariLite/videos Is it worth, if you can, putting something on the Zero88 channel to direct users to the Vari-lite channel plus referencing that channel in the About and Channels tabs? Probably a 30 second video would be the best way to get a notification in front of users looking for information beyond (e.g.) ZerOS 7.12 because for example the 7.14 stuff is on Vari-lite rather than Zero88 (which of course I realise you know, but users possibly don't!) Ta.
  6. Yea Edward is right, since both of your fades are 15 seconds then you don't need the Auto cue in my explanation. If you wanted different fade times then you would need the Auto method in my post (say you wanted 15 secs to 0% and 20 secs to 25%). Sorry for over-complicating it!
  7. It's a standard ethernet port so you can use a standard ethernet switch as you would with a computer network. (I'm guessing it's 100Mb/s not Gigabit). https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/building-a-network
  8. As I understand it, the internal database does not change with the Tracking setting. What does change is how the console interprets that data when you play it back. Different to Frog consoles if that is your history, you couldn't change between Full and Partial mode without corrupting your cue stack (generalisation - but you couldn't swap back and forth without consequence).
  9. I think we'd need a little more information to find an explanation for this. Maybe if you upload the showfile this will be enough for Edward to try "unblock" and give you an explanation if the unblocking doesn't work for a specific fixture.
  10. Nor did I, until Edward explained to me a while back. Likewise it makes sense once you know, and the UPDATE (SmartTag on) to get the console to recalculate tracking is the way out of it. (I think there might also be a global "unblock this cue stack" too, but I've never used it - too scared!).
  11. Hi, Yep. easy: You will need two cues, one for each of your requirements - let's say you number them cue 2 and cue 2.5. The cue before (cue 1 in my example) will need to set those 10 fixtures to whatever intensity you want to start from. Cue 2 will be recorded for those 8 fixtures to be 0% with Fade Down of 15s, cue 2.5 will be for the 2 fixtures to fade to 25% again over Fade Down of 15s. Then on cue 2.5 you go into Cue Settings (button at the end of the line in the Cue list window) and set that cue to "Auto With". This means that cue 2.5 will be triggered at the same time as cue 2. I would recommend being in SmartTag on and Tracking to record this requirement. When you record cue 2 make sure you only change (hence tag) the 8 fixtures to go to 0. When you record cue 2.5 make sure you only change (hence tag) the 2 fixtures to go to 25%, otherwise each cue will affect more lights than you intend and your requirement won't work properly. See https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/cue-settings/cue-triggers
  12. Hi @LLuk Blocked (white) values will inhibit move on dark from operating on any fixture that is blocked in that cue. MOD can operate on the following cue if the fixture isn't blocked assuming that fixture is not used until later. COPYing cues will result in blocked values. Updating or recording with SmartTag off may result in blocked fixtures if you tagged that fixture but actually didn't change the intensity. Using UPDATE with SmartTag enabled will clear the blocking and track if possible. If you've seen other behaviour (and your opening text suggests you do), then Edward will probably need a little more info on your exact programming sequence, a showfile and which ZOS version you're using. Reading your paragraphs your understanding in each seems correct to me.
  13. If you’re wanting to record an Effects palette that includes other attributes, you might want to refer to the recipe I documented here: (don’t torture yourself with the whole thread, I’m still in therapy!)
  14. Hi @discover I will let you follow @Edward Z88's instructions first. If subsequently you need to load "user created" fixture definitions, you just load them with Setup->Load (with the IFT file(s) on a USB stick of course). Here is the entry in the English manual: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/load/fixture-files-2 Good luck, I hope you get your lights working!
  15. I know nothing about this stuff, but could Multiplay do what you need? https://www.blue-room.org.uk/topic/73548-multiplay-new-version-in-development/page/11/#comment-603888 https://www.da-share.com/software/multiplay/ https://da-share.com/forum/
  16. Hi @discover If you're desperate, I've attached my own fixture profiles for these fixtures and modes. (The ones in the library might be based on these but Edward possibly rebuilt them in the GDTF editor). Regards, Kevin Showtec.ift
  17. For Elara: Test Mode - Faders and Rotary Controls A Master - Sequence 2 button B Master - Sequence 3 button Speed Control - Memory Page button Test Mode - Internal Tests Internal EPROM test - Sequence 1 button
  18. Posting here for reference (because I needed it today), hope the Zero88 folk don't mind! (No action required from Zero88 folk). This is certainly for the Mk1 (grey) desks, it might also work for the Mk2 (blue) desks. Alcora_Elara_Test_Mode.pdf
  19. This just needs release on lower disabling doesn’t it? The trigger level could be set to 1 or 2% if the colour needs to snap the first time the fader is pushed Setup+Playback button then you’ll find it in there, I think under one of the page tabs.
  20. Yes. 🙂 https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/universes/citp
  21. This is really important feedback @Amy Worrall, thanks for taking the time to capture it all!
  22. Hi @dolphins 7.13 will require an old coprocessor code. When you install 7.13 after 7.14, the installer will also move the coprocessor back to 7.13. -> your experience is expected 🙂 I hope that translates ok!
  23. Hopefully @Edward Z88 will be here soon to give you proper advice, but it seems for now you should backdate to 7.13 for your show. If you did update coprocessor firmware then it will want to regress that too. A while back I was testing some beta releases of ZerOS and needed to regress to 7.13 for a show. I didn't (fortunately) have any issues. Note this was FLX rather than FLX S though.
  24. Hi both! @delfine Did the console want to update the coprocessor firmware, and if so did you allow it to do it? @Flabbe With the touchscreen, did you recalibrate it after the ZerOS install? (Maybe you need to press the Update button to make calibrate work on your monitor?)
  25. If you Untag something then that untagged change will not be recorded or updated. You need to use the REMOVE method discussed above to take a something out of a cue.
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