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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. See, he's like a genie in a bottle! One quick rub and... oh, hold on, this isn't going in the right direction at all...! It must be getting towards panto season...
  2. I don't think that's any excuse. They get what they put (or don't put) in the spec, so they should spec the requirements better. As a company they are wanting to elevate themselves from DJ gear to the pro world so they should get a grip on their specs!
  3. Edward - in LF48/96 does the battery retain showfile information or just time/date like Jon says for FLX? (Honest, I'll let you have some peace and quiet in a minute...!)
  4. Cunning! Thumbs-up. Thanks Edward - I thought the ZerOS LF48/96's were blue. Is my CR2032 comment valid for this desk?
  5. The OPs picture shows a green facia - so it looks like a Mk1 Leap Frog (FrogOS) rather than a Leap Frog 48/96 (ZerOS)... So this thread is in the wrong Forum and we need to be careful to give the correct advice for this particular console due to the ambiguous naming. Edward: Maybe you could clarify which side screws need removing as I suspect this is not all of them. For example on a Fat Frog, only the two lowest ones need to be removed to get into the system tray for e.g. replacing the coin cell. On a Leap Frog with the bigger chassis, maybe more need to be removed, but possibly not all - which would result in all metalwork coming apart in big mess! To the OP: Before you go in there, get yourself a CR2032 coin cell, and whilst you're fixing the wheel, replace the motherboard battery at the same time. See: http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/ORB-XF/975067721/Replacement-Battery-Information.htm And also maybe check the software version you're running. Your desk looks to me to be a Mk1 Leap Frog, in which case the latest FrogOS software is 10.12: http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Frog-Series/975242041/Frog-Series-Overview-Software.htm IanK - get on this one quick! Kevin
  6. That's a bit disappointing for Chauvet - they're not the cheapest of fixtures. I think the problem can come about from as simple an issue as not decoding the start code byte for 0x00 which denotes a normal DMX packet. An RDM packet has 0xCC in this position. When the fixture doesn't enforce the 0x00 decode it interprets any RDM packet as a normal DMX packet. I guess the reason the higher addressing works as Jon suggests it that the RDM packets are shorter than a full 512-channel DMX packet and thus the fixture, which is counting channels up to its own, finds the inter-packet BREAK first and thus the RDM packet gets ignored by that means. Flicker is listed on the Wikipedia RDM page ("Compatibility with existing DMX hardware") as a symptom of fixtures not decoding the start code as they should.
  7. That is weird. Were the 3 flickerers(!) much earlier in the DMX addressing as Jon eludes to? Do those fixtures support RDM?
  8. Hmmm.... Interesting. My "problem" fixture stopped flickering recently. Initially when I was playing with it out of the box I had it (probably) at address 0. More recently I moved it up to 220 to fit into the rig DMX map and it hasn't flickered since, so there is wisdom in that suggestion! I think I'll have a play with some addressing and maybe check out some of my other fixtures!
  9. Some ‘cheap’ fixtures aren’t compatible with RDM because they aren’t truly DMX compliant. This usually manifests itself as a flicker in the fixture because the fixture incorrectly interprets the RDM data as DMX. You need to put the fixture onto a separately DMX universe or turn off RDM/RigSync on that universe and patch/configure manually. With FLX S24 there is only one universe so you can either turn off RigSync and patch the whole rig manually or remove the fixture. As it sounds like a fixed install then once it’s all configured you’re done anyway. It's also worth checking you added DMX terminators at the appropriate places. I recently bought (new) such an intolerant fixture too which is annoying... So in summary, it’s not the FLX S, it’s the fixture. Just to check - do your other fixtures support RDM? If some don’t then you’ll have to do manual patch and configure on those anyway. As you’re suggesting you’re a supplier/installer I’m going to assume you understand what RDM and DMX are and what they can/can't do for you and what the requirements on the fixtures are! Hope that helps. Kevin
  10. Eric - I’d get some quotes for FLX. The numbers I see quoted list and on e.g. eBay are not representative. At those levels I never could have afforded my FLX. From what you’ve said I think you should look towards the ‘mother’ FLX to give you maximum flexibility and expansion scope. The FLX S range look darn good but I’m guessing FLX would be the one for you. I don’t work for Zero88!
  11. It could be that on higher Jester models (ML, TL) maybe more RAM is fitted? Or it could be as my earlier post that "1.n" to "999.n" is just a reference and you can have 500 of them! Seems like you need to save quickly for that FLX! All the best, Kevin
  12. Thanks Jon. For future reference, "beta" above refers to ~ (probably) or later. This function is thus expected to be production in 7.9.3.
  13. (On which note, Jon's graphic is not being displayed this morning - seemed to be showing ok last night...). Admittedly I'm on my work laptop this morning and last night on my home PC. But both Win10 and Chrome browser. ETA: Hmmm, rendering ok at home still...! Weird. Maybe a firewall at work...
  14. kgallen

    can be delate

    Hi Pip, Just a thought to check: the new software will need to be in the root directory of the USB drive otherwise the desk won't see it. Can you check that's the case? Kevin
  15. Nice one! Bet it took you longer to find that graphic than add the tab! Thanks Jon!
  16. Poke - to ask if 7.9.3 as the "third" might have this in? Thanks.
  17. Hi Eric, I'm not sure I fully follow your question, but I had a bit of a read of the manual around this. I will base my comments on you saying you have a Jester 24/48 which has two rows of 24 faders in a 2-preset organisation. If I understood the manual correctly... I didn't find it fully unambiguous myself... In Program Mode, you will be using the faders to set the lighting levels of 24 lighting channels (traditional 2-preset fader layout), or 48 channels if you're in Wide mode (2-preset emulation based on one set of 48 physical faders with software paging). In Program Mode, the channel flash buttons are used to program the submaster that will correspond to that same number once in Run mode. When in Program Mode you don't actually have any submaster faders i.e. you can't assemble a lighting look using submasters in order to program a memory. Once you're in Run mode then you have a fixed mix of fader usage. The top row of faders [Preset A] can be used as HTP overrides of the given channel. Those channels will be 1-24 and if you are set for Wide mode, then you'll have to use [Page A] button to get access to channels 25-48. Similarly, when in Run Mode, the bottom row of faders [Preset B] are devoted to submasters. Initially that is submasters 1-24 and you press [Page B] button to get to submasters 25-48. So in Run mode, you can't operate the faders as 2x24 or 1x48 (Wide). Nor can you operate them as 48 submasters. The mix of channel control and submaster is fixed. In fairness to Zero88 I think they packed a lot of functionality onto the faders in as simple method as they could. Giving other "mix" options would arguably be beyond the use model of customers adopting such a console. The predecessor of the Jester 24/48, the Alcora, which I have, does not have any submaster capability, and this looks to be a great addition on the Jester, even if it doesn't have the assignment flexibility maybe you seek. I'd get that FLX asap if I were you! Hope that was of some assistance. Of course, if that changed in later software versions to the manual, I'm ignorant to that! Kevin
  18. I can't post in "News and Announcements" so have to start a topic here. We used to be able to get back to the main Zero88 site from the Forum. There doesn't seem to be a click zone to do that now. OK, so I just edit off the "/forum" bit in the URL but that is a bit of a drag because I have to wake my fingers up. When I'm helping other users on your behalf (*) it can be necessary to go back to the main site to provide a link for documentation/software/related products etc so making this easy helps us help you if you are able to add this. Thanks, Kevin * Yes I know the Forum is there for users to help users and is not there just for Zero88 to answer questions, but you get my drift . I'm a resource not on the payroll...!
  19. Hi Eric, I suspect what you need are a complete set of Release Notes to bridge between the Software Version described in the manual and that on the desk. With the Fat Frog, the most recent, most powerful, most radical and sometimes most useful features were described (in some detail) in the release notes! I found this page for the Jester. There are release notes, but from a quick glance they only seem to cover the most recent changes. Maybe you can find some useful information here. After that maybe Jon or Ed (Zero88) can fill in the blanks for you. http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Jester-12-24-24-48/975199541/Jester.htm Kevin Jon: The "Software Update" link for Jester is broken on the top Lighting Consoles page, This one: http://zero88.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/List/Index/32/software
  20. If I understood you correctly, just because the desk will allow 10 inserts (on other desks this is 10 "point" cues) on a cue numbered anything 1-999 it does not mean the desk has the internal memory to hold 10 inserts on every memory 1-999. I would understand it that the desk can hold 500 memories. You can number these 500 memories using a cue number of the format nnn.m. So for example you might have cues (viz "memories") 1,2,3,5,7,7.5,15,15.2,15.8,17,20 etc etc where there are no more than 500 of these. The point cues usually come about because during programming the director asks for a lighting change between the cues you have already recorded. Gaps in the numbering happen because you delete a cue or decide you didn't want to record that cue in the first place. Certainly in my experience, when I prepare my proposed cue list from the script and discussions with the director, when I get to tech rehearsal and actually do the programming, the director asks for an unplanned change, which can results in a point cue (so I don't have to renumber cues in all of my documentation), or I/we decide not to do a lighting change we had envisaged to do - which results in a gap in the numbering. It seems Jester has this sort of flexibility - which for example I did not have with my first programmable desk, the Alcora - where I had to strategically leave blank memory (cue) numbers in case I needed an "insert"! On FLX, you can have 100 "point" cues, for example a cue numbered 15.24, but that does not mean the desk has memory capacity for 9999x100 cues. HTH Kevin
  21. Welcome Eric! I'll attempt to give some responses before Ed/Jon come back online to tell you the latest information! Jester 24/48 still shows as current product on the Zero88 website. However it's likely there is no further firmware development, maybe that is what you mean. I suspect what this means is the desk can hold 500 memories. However maybe they can be numbered anything up to "999" and don't need to be numbered 1-500. GM=Grand Master (see the manual for more information). Other than trying to understand the manual, I can't help you any further with this question, sorry. Overall though I think you should very much look forward to an FLX (or FLX S) next year. I'm curious that you should spend ~1k on a Jester 24/48 this year if what you really want is an FLX... Regards, Kevin
  22. But Joe - Ed didn't say when ZerOS 8 is due let alone the minor rev for this feature - it could be at least a year. So it depends when you're thinking of needing the feature!
  23. Hi Ed, Earlier today you replied to Mac on Blue-Room regards "Fixture Swap-out". I just had a read of the FLX manual and didn't see it described. Maybe you'd share the salient points here or on the BR thread? I'm sure it would be of interest to users. Thanks, Kevin
  24. kgallen

    Tracking backup

    Ed, This sounds all too familiar from what I saw too when testing .60 beta. Jon did provide a brief explanation, but it seems there ought to be a clearer explanation of the use-cases that are supported in "Tracking Backup", because the FLX locking up (or appearing to be bricked which gave me a fright!) isn't a good outcome! Thanks, Kevin I tried to post a link, but the new Forum seems to have added something more elaborate. Phil - you might not be able to see the following unless you're in the Beta testers group.
  25. Thanks Ed. I tend to post them here then if other users need them, they know they are available. In the Stairville, I've decoded all of the preset colours into the Detail tab. These aren't documented in the manual so I had to work them out by comparing with a Lee gel swatch book. Please check the fixture names are in accordance with Zero88 style - sometimes I'm not sure how to name these things and how to derive the short name. Thanks! Kevin
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