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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Hmmm weird. Sorry I didn't reach a conclusion. I did/looked at: - a flick through the general setup - nothing unusual, no remotes set up. DMX output 1/2 has RigSync (RDM) enabled but overall RigSync is disabled (looks like the default -> RDM is off, so that can't be the cause). - the setup/operation of the 6 playbacks on page 2 - nothing unusual there, basic submaster usage - a run through the cue list on the master playback - nothing seemed out of place, no accidental strobes - no chases I could see or tracked issues on those channels It's interesting you say you can grab the errant channels intensity and release it and it stops the issue. Also you see it on an LED unit and a dimmer channel (conventional -> spot or fresnel?) For completeness, can you confirm you have DMX terminators on the lines and only a linear DMX topology (no passive splits). It's not an issue I've experienced on my desk (currently 7.9.4) to date.
  2. Hi Bertrand, Give this a go. It is only a quick attempt and I've not had time tonight to put all of the details in of the gobo/prism/iris channels (ch18 on), but it should be detailed enough to get you going until one of the Z88 guys can build you a fully specified definition. Regards, Kevin servospot15k.ift
  3. Eric - I've loaded your showfile in PhantomZerOS to have a look - can you tell us which channels were affected by the spurious lighting? Which fader did you grab?
  4. Link the manual, say which modes are a priority for you.
  5. It's a link to the beta test forum for those that can see it. Peter, I thought you were a beta tester too? Kevin
  6. I don't see that ZOS-8363 is fixed in 7.9.4 (Release Notes) so I'm not sure if 2-way fader is going to work?
  7. Well done Eric! Can you upload your show file here so Edward can take a look at what might have caused your spurious light? There can be many reasons! Earlier we were talking about tagging for your effect. I found this Knowledgebase article: http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/ORB-XF/1014189311/What-is-Tagging.htm
  8. Edward will probably give better advice but I guess (as you suggest earlier) that intensity@0 means SmartTag does not record to effect off. For that cue when you go to record, on your external monitor you should get the record options page - turn off SmartTag for that record so fixtures with changed but intensity@0 will get recorded. Great photo. I see you get ch1-24 across one monitor line. That is nice, mine are spread across 2.
  9. Your naming question is easy, I generally do the record and name in one movement, for cue 10: record 10 name <type name> enter To stop the mover effect you will need to choose Effect->No effect. You could do this when you record your blackout or go back and use Update. You can use shift+record to put in a blocking cue if needed. That’s quite an achievement if you’ve already run a show with moving lights less than a week having a brand new console!
  10. Ooooo, interesting... thanks Edward! Good article by the way, I'll give that a go... 😊
  11. Hi Eric, Did you get these "issues" sorted out? (1) Looks like something that should be handled by tracking - FLX defaults to "Tracking (Basic)" which means it's a tracking console but SmartTag is enabled to handle most of the complexity of tagging so you can just program away without worrying about the correct information being recorded in the cue. Tracking means that if "something is happening", that "something" will continue to happen until you hit a cue that has an instruction to "do something else". So you shouldn't have to replicate cue 4 to cue 5 to cue 6 etc to get the effect to continue. I understand from another thread on an intensity chase that tracking doesn't necessarily operate across chase steps, but I don't believe this is your situation here - you have a cue sequence not a chase. (2) Looks like it should be handled by move on dark (this just "works" - as long as you have the fixture intensity=0% between the two cues - although one thing that caught me out is I recorded a blackout cue as a blocking cue (SHIFT+RECORD) and that stopped the MOD happening in preparation for the cue after the blackout - this makes sense as the cue would be carrying position/beamshape information for the fixture I wanted to MOD, so it was my mistake not the consoles). You also mention Capture visualisation software. I'm also toying with the idea of purchasing this software, however it is 350GBP so quite an investment for me personally. I'm thinking on this one, so any comments on using this with FLX would be interesting - Jon/Ed is Capture the visualisation software you used in the Christmas Advent videos? Which version/name? Regards, Kevin
  12. I've just got two moving head LED units which I used on the show just completed - first time with moving lights (ok I had one MAC250 for years, but rarely used with my Fat Frog). FLX made this very easy with position palettes, move on dark just works and I even got a circle effect going very quickly (Jon will be relieved to hear that with all of our historical moaning about the effects engine!). You will need to take a few more fixtures home to practice with! Try very hard to move away from the fader mentality. If your experience is with a much simpler/older desk, learn how to set up groups and palettes and how to dimension effects. With these your movers will become quick and easy to use. Without you will fight the complexity of all of the control handles and get very stressed during show plot. Reading back through this thread to some of the earlier posts, Edward (maybe Jon) suggests using different playbacks to set up a cue stack for each of your dance sequences. Then you can play back these whole stacks in any order - actually with FLX you could overlay them if you wanted. Another way would be to create "partial looks" on a larger number of playbacks and then overlay these to create different looks for each dance. This is fairly advanced and will take some practice, but would give you a very large range of elements you can mix on the fly if you need to busk. It might be worth getting some experience in your own time (at your own pace), then getting some more detailed help from your local distributor (ok, I guess you bought your FLX from Thomann though, so you might have to ask nicely...) and getting some support on creating more complex looks once you've grasped the fundamentals. Good Luck! Kevin
  13. Theatre (musical, pantomime, play) ~40 conventional ~20 LED +accessories -> gobo rotator, smoke, colour scroller, DMX controlled props, LED tape
  14. Yes!!! 😁😁😎 Iiyama touchscreens are trouble! The Touchscreen should continue to work - it will only need a new calibration if you use Factory Reset or when you update Firmware (e.g. 7.9.4 -> 7.9.5). Here starts a steep learning process on the FLX capabilities - good luck! I have had mine since 2015 and I learn something new every week!
  15. No, no, no! Press the physical UPDATE button on the FLX keypad when the External Monitor shows the screen with blue "+" 😊
  16. If you did Factory Reset, then you will need to calibrate the external monitor again (other resets you do not). Go to External Monitor Calibration (get "+" on external screen), press UPDATE button. Check if you can do 3 "+" then draw. Can you get this to work?
  17. Yes πŸ˜€ or any other playback - you have 241 playbacks, there is nothing special about the "master" playback other than dedicated buttons for Go and Pause. In it's simplest form an FLX playback is a submaster. But on FLX, playbacks are MUCH more powerful and flexible than a traditional submaster πŸ˜€
  18. To review: Have you been able to follow Edward's instructions and get A and UV onto playback faders? Have you found Strobe on any encoder (under colour or beamshape or position -> pressing the encoder centre button to cycle the pages)? Above you say "But for my part I will like when I am at the level of the faders in "channels" mode to control with a fader the UV" -> you will need the faders in "playbacks" not "channels" -> channels will always give you intensity control of that fixture number. To map the UV to a fader you are using a "playback" to be a control of a single parameter (colour attribute -> UV parameter) of a fixture. (If you want to control every parameter of each fixture manually on a fader then the power of FLX abstraction of control is not needed, you might as well buy a cheap fader-per-DMX channel desk. Point of FLX [and other "high" desks], is you deal with many fixtures in an abstract way with palettes, groups and other high-level features, not fader per DMX channel).
  19. Which mode are you using with the Stairville flat PAR? Can you try the 8-channel mode - need to set on the fixture via its menus, and by assigning the 8-channel profile on the FLX. I'm just looking in the latest Fixture Library, #35, and I don't see a fixture that looks like the Retro Flat PAR you list above. Which fixture definition are you using?
  20. I'd expect (as Edward explains) the Amber and UV on the encoder (probably second page) - I have this too with LEDJ HEX6 fixtures. As you require you can get a handle on a playback fader as discussed, I hope this works ok for you. I would normally expect strobe to sit under beamshape if the fixture is constructed correctly (and the fixture itself is not quirky enough to have the strobe parameter burried within an otherwise colour DMX channel!) - hopefully Edward can check this out for you. If you can find the Strobe somewhere on the encoders then you should be able to get a handle on a fader as per Edward's comments, choosing "beamshape" or "colour" (or "position" if it's really weird!). Your fixture looks like a Thomann brand so I'll try to find the manual and see if the fixture definition looks sensible, if I get a chance...
  21. Maybe the fixture profile is defined wrong - if you press the button inside the encoder you will cycle around the "pages" of parameters in a given attribute. Maybe you will find strobe under colour?
  22. Hi Eric, (Now you have FLX [excellent!], should we not move over to the FLX part of the Forum?] Regards "parameter on fader" there is this knowledgebase article on configuring this style on FLX. By extension as as per your conversation above with Edward, this can be used for all colours and other attributes too like strobe on beamshape: http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/FLX/1014413041/RGB-Colour-Mixing-on-faders-FLX-Series.htm Regards, Kevin ps I notice in your screen picture you do have "USB TouchController" so that looks promising... I suspect you just need to press the UPDATE key when on the Calibration screen - I had to with my Iiyama T1731SR (and I also forget too, when I've updated the firmware!),
  23. Thanks Jon! And ZOS-8669 could be expanded to apply to palettes and cues too - probably pretty much the same code in ZOS that handles this I suspect! I understand adding the name to the message probably wouldn't be feasible if a range was specified.
  24. You need to elaborate on what you mean by this, that's quite a vague question...
  25. Hi Edward, I need to check this as I was doing that originally and it wasn’t working until I typed the second GROUP.
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