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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Possibly. If Zero88 can't help (I'm sure Edward or Tyler will reply shortly), then Ian Knight can probably help out one way or another: http://www.serviceguy.co.uk/zero88-legacy-service-repair/
  2. Hi chaps, Urgent query, hope you can help... I know FLX can read some ASCII showfiles. Can FLX read a showfile from ETC Ion? I only need conventionals for a cut-down version of a larger show. Do I need to confirm the particular software version running on the Ion and do I need to get it exported any specific way - I need to get the producer to email the ETC Ion showfile to me so it would be handy if I could give them specific instructions on how to get the correct format for the FLX to use. FLX will be ZerOS 7.9.4. Anything else I need to know to facilitate this? Thanks for any help. Kevin ps, Yes I've seen this: http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-Products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/1011408431/How-do-I-load-files-into-my-console.htm
  3. I find it hard to believe that the LCD itself isn't replaceable, rather than the whole PCB assembly - ok it will require some soldering so Z88 might not offer that as a service (and that is a little disappointing). £500 seems a bit steep. Is the LCD a standard part that's available from an electronics supplier? Maybe you should have a chat with Ian Knight http://www.serviceguy.co.uk/zero88-legacy-service-repair/ to check feasibility. Kevin
  4. Probably you have the Speed or Size settings such that the effect is too large or too fast for the mover to mechanically keep up. I experienced this the first time I used a mover (MAC250 in my case) with desk effects. Kevin
  5. I think you will for a (fair) while until the ZerOS colour mapper improves support for such LED fixtures. At the moment it can map to R/G/B/W LED elements. Anything on top you'll have to dial in yourself and create a colour palette. Is it an ETC LED fresnel?
  6. Hmmm, interesting. I posted a similar fixture request to the fixturesupport email on Monday at 10:04, got an auto-ack email at 10:05 and Tyler emailed on Tuesday at 16:24 to say someone would look at it within a day. Edward/Tyler usually look at the Forum daily so I'm surprised it's not been picked up by now. Could you try the email again and check you get the auto-ack email within a few minutes? Kevin
  7. Hi Pete: Requesting new fixture profiles To requests new fixtures, please email us, ensuring you supply full details of the fixture (Make, Model, Mode) and a download link to the Operating Manual. FixtureSupport@Zero88.com
  8. I looked on Facebook... the Elf thing?... You could have at least given us Tyler with jet-lagged panda eyes...
  9. This is a constant topic of discussion. I don’t think either work well for position and colours should really have a palette name. Percentage only really works for intensity - for other parameters that have DMX ranges, percentage doesn’t really work as you lose 2.56x the precision and because of this a given percentage could be ambiguous on DMX range boundaries. Also fixture data sheets give the actual DMX value - the odd one I’ve seen that gives colour etc in percentage is a pain because this is not how the electronics decodes an 8-bit binary number, and the percentage rarely lines up correctly with the actual decoded binary value.
  10. I don't believe so - would be interested to hear if it's possible - and if not I would like to see an enhancement request for ZerOS. (I believe consoles from the "other" major desk supplier supports the definition of a dimmer curve on the desk - an on/off switch at a user defined DMX/% threshold would be the simplest form of this).
  11. Hi Edward, Could you write a short KB article on replacing the internal battery on FLX - specifically which screws need removing, and any other tricks to access the battery (ribbon cables etc!). I'm not in this position yet, but as my FLX is now just over 3 years old it might be a job I need to attend to at short notice... Thanks, Kevin
  12. kgallen


    SETUP options on a playback can depend on whether the playback is programmed or not. For example an unprogrammed playback fader can be configured as a grand master, a programmed one can't, and the options under SETUP+P/B Button will reflect the available options. Edward's answer (3) should work regardless of whether the playback is programmed or not. Hope you find what you need... Kevin
  13. Pah! Don't use such scum! Give us back our Advent Calendar!
  14. Hi Martino, This is because of LTP (latest takes precedence) operation of the colour parameters. You need to record your submasters such that only one colour channel is recorded. See: http://support.zero88.com/Consoles/FLX/1014413041/RGB-Colour-Mixing-on-faders-FLX-Series.htm Regards, Kevin
  15. kgallen

    UDK problem

    Can you try <DELETE> <UDK3> ?
  16. Unfortunately you can't upgrade to 7.9.4 on Frog2 hardware 😞 The last supported ZerOS for Frog2 is (as you have). http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/975204871/FROG2.htm This means you'll have to stick with an older ZerOS remote. Maybe Jon or Edward can help with which version and provide a pointer to that version...
  17. You’d programme this as a sequence of cues recorded to a playback. You can’t record something like this to a palette as far as I know.
  18. Many units have different mode options. Ensure the fixture is configured (probably via it's front panel menu) to the same mode as the fixture definition loaded into the desk. Kevin ETA: Doh, beaten to it by Edward!
  19. Hi jb07. You should see a "Downloads" tab at the top of the forum. This should get you here (you might have to scroll to the next page by clicking the >). It should get you here:
  20. What, like a User Manual? 😁 (Sorry, Jon!)
  21. Not unless you pay out ~400Eur/GBP and buy Capture 😞
  22. Does anything on this thread help?
  23. Hi Philip, To elaborate on what Chris is saying: Say you have an (old) fixture that only has Red, Green and Blue control channels in the DMX map (3 DMX channels), then it is tricky to set up a colour then just fade in or out that colour, because you'd have to move the R,G and B channels proportionally to maintain the colour during the intensity fade up and down. Newer fixtures would have R,G,B and Dimmer built into the DMX map (4 DMX channels). Where the fixture does not have Dimmer built in, you can emulate the function on the desk. With your example, the "LED Par 56: Virtual Dimmer" has 4 control channels on the desk, but only 3 of these (the R,G,B) actually go out to the fixture over DMX (just the same as the "LED Par 56: No Dimmer"). The fourth channel - the dimmer (or virtual dimmer) is available on the desk, and the desk does the scaling of the DMX R,G,B values according to the level of the (virtual) dimmer channel on the desk. That way you can fade up and down the brightness of your R,G,B colour just by changing the level of the (virtual) dimmer channel on the desk. Unless you've got very old (10 years+) or very cheap fixtures it's unusual for them to not have Dimmer built into the DMX map these days. If you've got some of these... https://www.thomann.de/gb/stairville_led_par_56_alu_schwarz.htm ...then they don't have an inbuilt dimmer channel, so I'd recommend you use a fixture definition with a virtual dimmer. However this particular product has 5 DMX channels: CH1 is a MODE channel and CH5 is a SPEED channel. CH2-4 are RGB. It would be best to have a profile specifically designed for this fixture to handle the 5 DMX channels, plus add a virtual dimmer. You could get away with the two profiles you list but you will not have control of CH1 and CH5 and you would have to configure the desk to map that fixture to DMX address+1 compared to the address setting on the LED Par (because you want the desk R,G,B channels to line up with CH2,3,4 on the LED Par) and you'd have to make sure you didn't have any other fixture channel overlaying that CH1 and CH5 - i.e. you'd still have to space your addressing at 5 address increments. You wouldn't have control of MODE, but a value of 0 on that channel means you get RGB control and the desk should output a data value of 0 on an unpatched address. Hope that helps and I didn't over-cook the explanation... Kevin ETA: I just looked in the fixture library (release 35) and there is a Stairville -> LED Par 56: Virtual Dimmer in there that defines the 5 real channels (and adds a virtual dimmer). If that was what you were referring to in your opening post, then that's the one to choose!
  24. I’m not aware you can set a proportional master over an arbitrary set of channels. Of course you could set up 4 channels and record that to playback 24 - but that is effectively a normal submaster but I suspect that is not what you’re after...
  25. Hi Edward, This recent post is a perfect example: The ORB article is exactly what was needed. You knew it existed, so you found it. I was looking for something along those lines and found nothing - fortunately you came along quickly and helped Harry out. I ended up on this page, which gave me nothing of use: http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/975362971/ORB.htm The link you found should have been on the Orb page I ended up at. Neither do I find your article on the Orb XF page. (I found it on Orb XF now I looked again knowing the title).
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