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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. If you really did want magenta then you need to either: - programme with colour parameters separate (colours usually record as all colour parameters together) - set fader controls colour, which brings us right back to the beginning again in that you don’t want colours to cross fade You shouldn’t get green unless green is a component of one of the colours you fade from or too. However LEDs can be a bit weird in that at some mixes, one colour emitter can dominate. This could be in part due to how the brain interprets colours - and I realise the ‘green’ was just an example.
  2. I will confess at the outset that sometimes this same issue ‘annoys’ me. But it’s my fault not the console’s. The console can’t make the fixture ‘the colour I programmed’ until I tell it to enact that operation - either by pressing go or raising the fader to trigger when the console then ‘thinks’ ok I now need to perform that colour instruction. The colour isn’t sitting there on the fixture ready for the intensity to rise. That’s because that fixture can be controlled by a whole host of sources - other playbacks or cues, the programmer, incoming instructions over MIDI or OSC. This is the nature of the more advanced controls we’re using these days. It’s no longer ‘fader per channel’ where we might set an RGB value on a bunch of faders then move the intensity fader up when we want to ‘go’ and voila the colour is just there. I guess you might have a whole bunch of submasters (single cue playbacks) with a whole range of colour mixes for those fixtures. One red one pink one blue etc; the console can’t read your mind which you’re going to fire next and hence which should take control of the fixture. You might be on red, then want to fire the blue (without dropping the red intensity). I presume you want blue and not magenta in which case on fader move the console is going to have to snap to blue - and this is LTP. Conversely the intensity is HTP so that ‘red’ playback is still holding the intensity until your ‘blue’ fader reaches it. To meet your requirements the console needs to be ‘told’ you want to trigger the new colour. I think in this application it’s either press the playback go or set the fader trigger threshold very low (1-2%) and be very careful not to nudge those set as such.
  3. This link in the manual still works: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/networking/connecting-to-capture See this bit of the page. I was able to download a zip file from that link: This is the link URL: https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/d890155d-c0f5-4496-867a-1674b68df1eb/Dockhouse-2024.zip and the ZerOS showfile to go with it: https://zero88.com/storage/downloads/e1086d56-724c-4d55-8c3b-431b7ab6b644/Dockhouse-2024-FLX-ZerOS7143.zos @Phil Mckerracher hope this helps!
  4. Can you see if the Capture files on this page work: https://www.vari-lite.com/global/products/zeros-software I can’t remember if it’s a custom version of Capture used or if it’s a standard Capture download with a demo Capture project and Zero88 showfile. I’ve asked this before (a few years ago - but I bought Capture in 2019).
  5. Edit: Sorry I see @Davidmk already said exactly this about half way down! The perils of replying on a phone! Just re-reading your original post. Sorry if we’ve already said this above but it seems the fader might be configured fader-controls-colour if you are seeing that graduated colour change across the fader range. Default operation would be the colour would snap at about 5% of fader. Don’t set the fader to ‘controls colour’ in the playback setup leave it at default (controls intensity) and maybe change the trigger threshold down to say 2% (but you’ll have to make very sure your faders don’t get accidentally nudged just off 0 otherwise that playback is now controlling colour!).
  6. A couple of videos that might be of use: as @Davidmk says, we’re both FLX users but I hope the main (and only) translation you need to do from us is the name and presence or absence of specific console keys. I’ve been looking at Orb and Frog2 recently which are pretty old consoles and they are very close to what I get on my FLX.
  7. If your fader is NOT set to control colour then the colour will trigger at 5% (configurable) of the fader. On the way down when you get to fader 0 the fader will no longer control colour (or anything) and will release control to some other cue or playback unless you disable Release on Lower. You get at these settings with Setup+Playback button.
  8. Hi. Move on Dark can only work when there is a cue in-between where the fixture is dark and the desk can prep the new position or colour etc for the next time it's used. If your cues are consecutive then there is no opportunity for the desk to do "move on dark". Maybe you were expecting the desk to "dark" the fixture, move it, then relight it? This is not move on dark. If you wanted that, either you would need to programme that specifically or some moving lights can "dark" themselves when moving (I'm not sure if they relight afterwards though!). If the fixture fades out to home, this sounds like a programming issue in that you've not told the fixture what to do in that subsequent cue. There was another user recently who had a similar query but with zoom on a fixture. I wonder if my reply might help (mentally change "zoom" to "position" when reading my comments!). If this doesn't help then maybe you could explain a little more or even upload your showfile? I don't know where the Zero88 folk are at the moment, maybe there is a trade show on. Your query should be something we users can help you out with if you can work with us a little. There are a great set of Training Videos for the FLX consoles. When you get time I would watch through them. If you want to jump in on Move on Dark, here is the video that might help you out: Here's the whole playlist on YouTube:
  9. Want to share the issue here in case any users can help?
  10. I know it's Rackmaster, but have a check to see if any attachments to this thread help. I've checked my service info stock and I don't have anything for Rack6.
  11. Maybe the Memories button. For Solution console that’s what that manual page says.
  12. There are several ways to avoid this I think. - Do a ‘go’ on the playback before raising the fader (where colour fade time is set to 0) - Programme fixture defaults to black R=G=B=0 rather than white as they are in the library https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/controlling-fixtures/defaults - Programme a two cue playback where cue 1 sets your fixtures position colour etc then a second that fades them up. Probably this is the least convenient though! Other users who busk more may have better suggestions but I didn’t want to leave your question unanswered for too long!
  13. Hi Phil Not sure what buttons you have on your console but CLEAR+Fader Function is how you do it on FLX. Probably you have equivalent buttons on your LeapFrog. https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playing-back-cues/triggering-releasing-playbacks
  14. User macros is one of the FLX vs FLX S product differentiators. FLX S of course doesn’t have physical UDK buttons which is one common place to put user macros (but they can also of course be triggered from cues).
  15. You should speak to Stage Electrics then as they are listing S24 as 1U and 2U at vastly different prices. https://www.stage-electrics.co.uk/Products/Search?search=FLX s24 Send the enforcement team round!!! (i.e. Tyler 🤣)
  16. I think in Setup it says ‘Channel’ when ‘Fixture number’ is used at other times (verbally, maybe in documentation) because ‘Channel’ there gets confused with ‘DMX Channel’ in discussion and when ‘DMX Address’ is not necessarily intended. Confusing for sure and not all of Z88’s making 😆.
  17. Indeed. I had a long discussion with Edward about conflicting and inconsistent terminology around ‘channel’ a couple of years back (when he was doing his vast set of ZerOS videos). Just as you state above.
  18. You should read up the manual because as @Davidmk eludes you can already use it. In its most basic form you could put out the same universe on both connectors - I do that with my FLX to send one cable to dimmers/flown LED fixtures and the other to groundrow LED fixtures. But even your 1U S24 you can spread those 512 channels across two or more universes, don’t have to use them all on one universe - although probably that’s the most usual method, but FLX/S doesn’t constrain you to. Manual link: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/patching/available-channels Note @Jon Hole I think the manual text has an error, I think it should say: ‘The total number of used channels across the 64 universes must not exceed the number of ->channels<- your console is licensed to output.’
  19. FLX S doesn’t allow user macros and no UDKs either to put one on. But good lateral thought!
  20. It did work. Programmed the show on my FLX with syntax bish-bash-bosh no problem. Loaded the showfile into their S24, worked like a charm. Sat with the op last night during the dress rehearsal, he drove, I stood by to help. He made a decent fist of it given it was his first time ever. Jumped a few cues - double tapped GO or was a bit eager. Was a bit of a pain going back a cue or two as S24 doesn’t have arrow keys and no USB keyboard attached. I set shift-go as pause but the ‘go back’ doesn’t work unless you’re running a cue, pause then step back. Chap kept going into Z screen as wasn’t using that button as a shift key. In the end I suggested he use the touch screen carefully to back step cues or bring in a keyboard. Let’s see if the phone rings later in the week… ‘Hello… he hasn’t turned up, can you…’ Thanks to @Davidmk and @Jon Hole for help and support on this endeavour.
  21. @Davidmk you may well be right but I think default FLX S24 come as 1U/512 unless they specifically bought the 2U version (or FLX S48). Maybe that changed over time (like the 3-pin became a 5-pin) but Stage Electrics still list a 1U FLX S24.
  22. Yes but wait for ZerOS 8.0 to come out (few weeks maybe) when your S24 will become 4 universe for free. As announced here:
  23. Select fixtures. Make the colour however you want. You could start with an existing palette then modify with the encoder wheels. Then RECORD and touch an empty palette location on the Colour screen. Same process for position, beam, shape (but on those generally parameters are separate). This is in the manual. https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/palettes/recording-palettes @van den abbeele Eric can help you with a French manual.
  24. They were on 7.14 so not too bad..! I think the console is pretty new though, so might have come with 7.14 on it! (I realise I've been typing 17.x rather than 7.x! Idiot...)
  25. My fear too... [chap doing LX op is a (potentially unreliable) shift worker, never done it before - the guy doing the sound is a Year 9 school kid, who seems perfectly fine, but... he's 13 - ergo there is no-one in tech FOH with any notable experience]. I've updated their FLX S24 to 7.14.3 the same as my FLX, so in theory we're good to go...
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