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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Yes, install on a Windoze PC...
  2. Oh come on! You've got a pretty basic fixture: R,G,B,W,A,UV colours, a dimmer and a strobe. Here's one I made for a similar fixture, it's probably pretty close to the one you've got, so probably not that much to change! Use the "Performer 18 Quad : 8 channel mode" as a starting point... LEDJ_P18Q_S7Q5_S9Q8.ift
  3. If you're in a big hurry, use the Fixture Tools provided by Zero88 to write your own fixture definition. See here, there are instructions too:
  4. See: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playing-back-cues/rgb-colour-mixing-on-playbacks
  5. If you have a cue at blue, then a blackout on that fixture then a cue at white then this should be handled automatically by move on dark. However you need to make sure the blackout is a tracked cue not a "Save All" cue, which is the mistake I've made in the past!
  6. Hi Richard, Brilliant work for giving this comprehensive feedback - I have some sympathy with some of your observations, particularly the messaging/error feedback. (In my experience of using lots of very expensive commercial software at work, this need has to be driven in detail in the requirements: if you just leave it up to the software engineers to code something ‘useful’ then the quality of the message depends on how much the coder sits in the users shoes and really understands what information they need for the particular issue). Some of your symptoms suggest old software to me - are you using 7.9.4 ? Welcome to FLX anyway, good to have you ‘on board’, Regards, Kevin
  7. Sorry, I don't know. However I will be interested in the answer from Edward as I might end up investing in CAPTURE soon too... Sorry I can't help any more!
  8. Maybe you've been pointed to this page already, if not, maybe this helps? http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/996119181/How-to-connect-apps-to-ZerOS-iOS.htm
  9. kgallen

    Flx Back button

    Use SETUP+PB button and set the shifted option to Pause. Then button=GO, shift+button=Pause/Back
  10. See here: http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/975056031/Compatible-touchscreen-monitors-with-ZerOS-consoles.htm I think I've got the Iiyama 1731SR-B which is the one that Zero88 use for their training and demos etc.
  11. On my FLX (not FLX S), I connect the touch screen to one (rear) USB port, then in the other (rear) USB port I have a 4-way Belkin unpowered hub with keyboard, mouse and sometimes USB stick (usually I use the USB port on the top of the FLX for the USB stick). Zero88 would recommend a powered hub, but if you're sensible with what you attach I think you're ok for an unpowered one in the keyboard/mouse application. Jon/Edward may disagree. It's possible the different USB ports can support different power requirements, but certainly on FLX I know Jon said they did lots of USB power load testing... Mileage may vary slightly on FLX S - I don't know how many USB ports are on the S24 or S48.
  12. I recon this is RDM data that is not handled by the fixture. If you want to use RDM (RigSync) I think you can work around this by addressing the non-tolerant fixtures higher up the DMX address range. Jon mentioned this in some post a while back, something like above address 200. I'll see if I can find the post. Lots of my "cheapo/£200-range" fixtures are not tolerant to RDM packets. ETA: My post crossed with Edward's above. His is, as usual, a much better answer!
  13. If you're logged in to the Forum, see if you have a "Software Testing and Beta Releases" section under "PRODUCT SUPPORT - SOFTWARE". The Beta is listed under there. If not, worth dropping Jon an email: JonHole@eaton.com
  14. Yes do the same I guess!
  15. Hi Matt, You can find 7.9.3 here:
  16. Depending on the DMX details of the SunStrip, you need to identify the "unique" bit and the bit that is repeated per segment. The per-segment bit is probably just RGB, so just patch "n" consecutive generic RGB fixtures from the first DMX address of the first degment. For the "unique" bit - which will have some control channels specific to the model of SunStrip - you need a fixture definition just for this bit. This might already be in the library, if not then send a link to the manual to FixtureSupport@Zero88.com explaining what you want to do, and they'll make up the fixture definition parts you need. If you search the forum for sunstrip there have been a few queries related to yours, so these might help or point you in the right direction. Kevin
  17. Your monitor needs to support DVI-D because the desk doesn't output DVI-A or VGA. Most half-decent computer monitors should support DVI-D. The NEC LCD2170NX I'm using now on this PC is about 10 years old and it has DVI-D. It doesn't need to be touch screen. Datasheet: https://www.zero88.com/datasheets/FLX_S48_Datasheet_UK_Rev2_0418.pdf
  18. Did you plug the USB cable back in as well as the DVI-D?
  19. I recently had an issue with one of our Betapack 1's where there was some instability/flicker on channels 3 and 4. Tonight I've tracked that down to loose nuts on the mains inlet - not the ones on top of the phase joining bar, but the ones *underneath* that clamp the M6 bolts to the metal phase plates on the PCB. You will only find this by removing the phase joining bar which otherwise holds the three bolts locked together (assuming the top nuts are tight which are the easy ones to check!). Pair of 10mm spanners to tighten. Check all three phases and the neutral too, as whilst phase 2 was distinctly loose on mine, phase 3 and the neutral also needed a tweak. There should be spring washers in place too under the nuts. Diagnosed by having some lamps plugged in and tapping around the case with the rubber handle end of a screwdriver and seeing some flicker and hearing a little buzzing/crackling every now and again! Recording for the reference of others competent to remove the rear panel - danger, mains voltages, unplug/isolate before doing so!
  20. Hi Edward, You are right, certainly from "cold" this works correctly on 7.9.4. At the time I had the "issue" I had been programming other playbacks, and had then gone back to PB0 to add the trigger macros into the main cue stack. I'll try to keep a watchful eye next time I'm doing this! Thanks, Kevin
  21. Page 23 in the User Manual: https://zero88.com/manuals/FLX S User Manual v1.pdf "Deleting Cues To delete a cue, press the Delete button, press Ⓩ , and then type the cue number you wish to delete (for example 15 ), and then press the Playback button which contains the cue you wish to delete (for example, the Master Playback). To delete multiple cues, the “thru” button can be used (for example 15 Thru 20 ). To delete all cues within a playback, see “Deleting playbacks” on page 16. Deleting a cue cannot be undone." Cues are not renumbered, so yes, you will have a "hole" between cue 5 and cue 7.
  22. Might be some defaults have changed and the old programming set those defaults to "the old method" rather than what we'd expect from a "fresh" desk. Good stuff!
  23. (Edward will give you a clearer answer in a moment I'm sure!) Yes that should do exactly what you want. If you clear the programmer then you should just be able to push up that playback fader and get all of those lights to fade up, and likewise fade down when you pull down the fader.
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