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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Hi Edward: I'm referring to ZOS-8569 (interested when this will be fixed or if it already is and I've missed it in the Release Notes!). Regards, Kevin We discussed 8569 a couple of times, regards GROUP and P/T grid (the second is in Beta - some readers might not be able to see it):
  2. Don't take this at face value, the order selection is a*** backwards sometimes... a bug not yet fixed...
  3. Geez, I've told them so many times - us blokes don't have girls fingers for all of these tiny dialogue boxes, effects selections and teeny weeny narrow scroll bars - and we have fingers as rough as a badger's sitty-down areas after a couple of days up a ladder rigging!!! There're two of us now telling them this, hopefully they'll listen! 😁
  4. Maybe drscoop could tell us which desk lamps and how many. Edward - what current output do the FLX S support? The minimum 100mA? which is still quite a lot and gives 500mW of output and I wouldn't expect an LED desk lamp to draw that much power.) The Adam Hall SLED1 (quad COB) as an example claims to draw 50mA @ 5V, which should be supported easily by any USB output. https://www.adamhall.com/shop/gb-en/stands-tripods/lamps/5491/sled-1-ultra-usb
  5. Brilliant Mark, I like it and will "steal" it for my FLX! Kevin
  6. Guessing now... is there a "fade" time you can apply to the Raise Fader that will do the "gentle introduction" for you?
  7. "Is it true that RDM causes lights to flicker?" You need to include your handy tip which is to address problematic fixtures above a certain address. 6/June/2020 Updating with info from the latest Z88 video series (DMX & RDM): *If* RDM start code interpretation is the issue with the fixture's DMX implementation: Address the fixture above DMX address 32 (90% chance of solving issue) Address the fixture above DMX address 257 (should definately solve the issue) Jon also covers it hear on the Forum. I can never remember the upper number, so let's write these down everywhere!
  8. Cheers Jon, much appreciated for the fast reply! Kevin ps I'll edit the title of this post to reflect Mk1/Mk2 for future reference.
  9. Any chance someone from the team could let me know the dimensions of an Alcora Mk1 (12 channel). The dimensions aren't in the manual (GB/DE or FR). Yes I have one I could in theory measure but it's not accessible to me at the moment and Google has failed me! Thanks, Kevin ps Not in the Mk2 manual either.
  10. "It would be nice" to have the equivalent of the Strand GSX "LOAD x" function, so cue x is stacked ready to press GO. Currently with ZerOS, you have to "GO x" which means you have to be sitting there holding the GO button (having typed the new cue number) until the cue. I realise (on FLX at least) you can step back the Next bar on screen, but this is not always convenient if the new cue is distant. Also I know you can type the cue number and ENTER, but I believe this also does the "GO". Kevin
  11. This link seems to work: https://www.zero88.com/storage/downloads/7f906b85-80f1-4646-bd18-d2327d94fc60/FLX-Range-&-ZerOS-Accessories-User-Manual-v7.9.6.pdf
  12. Hi Edward, Brilliant, thank you, I'll have a play with those ideas! Thanks, Kevin
  13. I have 4 movers hung above. The effect I want to create is beams swinging across the stage. ‘Swinging elephant trunks’ I think is the most visual way of describing this! At one time I might want to phase align all 4 so they move in unison and at other times I will want to have the 4 moving in an arbitrary phase to each other, but the period would be the same. What is the quickest way to achieve this (as a movement effect stored in a palette). I guess I need to use a sine wave on the pan and/or tilt and offset this randomly across the 4 fixtures. Your wisdom please! Thanks, Kevin
  14. 7.9.3 seems to be the legacy. Maybe Edward can put 7.9.4 and 7.9.5 on there too. https://zero88.com/forum/files/category/4-legacy/
  15. I think only if they are of the same type of mover. Probably also you need to have programmed the MFFs using groups (which you'd update to add in the new movers) and palettes. I know palettes are referenced, but I'm not sure about groups, so that bit of my sentence above could be a non-starter too... Let's see what Edward says...
  16. Nah, I don't see "GO" on Phantom but I do on the desk button! 😋
  17. Hi Mac, It's ArtNet over Ethernet or sACN over Ethernet. ArtNet and sACN are just two higher layer protocols, for carrying DMX-like numbers, that exploit an ethernet network (and even then I think there might be some network restrictions/implications!). Likewise DMX512 is just a protocol for transporting 512 numbers regularly over a pair of wires!
  18. Ouch. Those things - even the "budget" brands (although in my experience Showtec are pretty good) - are expensive aren't they! Glad I can (currently) stay within the two universes of DMX XLR on my FLX! Good luck Mac! ETA: I bought the Brad Schiller book a while back. It's ok, but if you've been doing this stuff for more than a couple of months I don't think it will take you anywhere new. I'm certainly no expert on using movers - but I got one decent idea from the book - to lay out my palettes akin to the physical placement of the fixtures!
  19. Maybe I miss something - and sorry if I'm stating the obvious! My assumption here is that the other end of that RJ45 is plugged into the back of the FLX. The RJ45 is carrying ArtNet or sACN. So to extract the DMX needs some "fancy" kit - it's not just DMX over the wires of the RJ45 cable that need breaking out from RJ45 to XLR. That Stairville FX4 is just that - an RJ45 to XLR breakout box (just some wires and connectors), it's not an ArtNet/sACN decoder. For ArtNet decode, you're into a lot more bucks than the £21 for that FX4. Zero's own offering for example include this, and you're in to many hundred of pounds. This one for example is a couple of grand! https://www.zero88.com/products/control/ethern8/index.shtml
  20. When programming I find the cue stack listing and current/next bar behaviour really annoying - because by definition I'm at the end of the cue stack I'm always working at the bottom of the cue stack list on screen. When playing back then the "next" cue is in the centre of the screen cue list. This is fine. It's when programming it drives me batty... There are some screens provided on Orb that I've seen you chaps using the get more detailed information on cues/fixtures etc when debugging stuff. As you don't sell Orb anymore (so don't need feature-differentiation to FLX) can you port these screens to FLX? Of course now I want one, I can't find an example where you've done this on the forum to show here even though I've been looking for about an hour... 😣 Debugging RDM fixture setup is impossible. Like Erics above, "RDM controls to see RDM parameter from devices" please. I know you have some internal debug screens you use. Looking back there are a lot of ZOS enhancement requests that us early-adopters have raised. Would be good to see some of those make it into the software finally, or at least get some sort of roadmap so we can "reliably" know when to expect them. I'm including the ones from 2015-2016 that have "gone quiet"...
  21. kgallen

    FLX Startup issue

    Can you share the symptoms for the rest of us? What ZerOS version?
  22. Not on the console. The Fixture Tools can be used on a Windows PC to create new fixture definitions: http://support.zero88.com/Fixture-Library/975405071/Fixture-Tools.htm
  23. kgallen

    Default Color

    I believe so. Even with the "old" Frog range I made that mistake, having the mind-set a colour palette needed to be "red" or "rosy pink" when in actual fact it could be any set of colours across the fixtures it was programmed for. Something I too should exploit more often but one does get artificially stuck in "this is my red palette", "this is my blue palette"! Same with beamshape and position. Beamshape could be whatever selection of gobos you wanted across a set of fixtures and you could easily have a position palette "jumbled about" as much as "line across"!
  24. Select fixture. Beamshape. Press Beamshape until you get the gobo spin channel above one of the encoders. Wind encoder or maybe press encoder to see if there are any predefined settings. Please try to give a little more information in your posts (and give it a meaningful title) - one-liners really don't help us understand your issue or help us answer your question. We also like it when you pay attention to your spelling and grammar. Remember we're not sitting in front of the desk with you.
  25. When you say "scroller" are you meaning a traditional colour scroller on a conventional (tungsten) fixture? If so, for Move on Dark to work, you need to use the composite dimmer+scroller fixture so the desk knows what intensity channel the scroller is associated with, then it can wait on dark before moving the scroll. Also, did you program the next cue as a Record All (Snapshot)? If so, Move On Dark can't work.
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