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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Your lights flicker problem doesn't sound battery related (although the clock probably does). Good idea to change it though, follow these instructions: Regards your light flicker, did you really test all of the cables? Did you use the exact same cables when using your PC software - i.e. take the DMX plug out of the back of the Frog and plug it into your PC DMX interface? Can you take the Frog to the dimmer room and use one *known good* DMX cable to plug into one of your dimmers and confirm the fault? If it's a Fat Frog or above have you tried both DMX outputs on the desk? Can you try in a different dimmers one-to-one?
  2. That manual looks really good. I think you have all the info there you need. If you need any tips then have a look at a MAC250 or MAC500 fixture profile as it will have similar entries. Give me a shout if you want me to have a bash at making one as an example. Kevin
  3. Check you have release on lower configured (Setup->Playback button). Sorry don’t have my desk or a rig out at the moment to try and it out.
  4. I’ve often just used a screen grab from the pdf manual, so no it can be whatever it is. When you read it into the Detail tab then it gets scaled. Kevin
  5. Rainbow effect then set Fader Controls -> Effect ?
  6. To clarify we're not saying you should records lots of playbacks with red, green and blue etc and have to mix from primaries all of the time. More that you record playbacks, with restricted attribute information that you can combine to make more interesting scenes. For example you might have a playback with only spot positions for the musos (only record position). Then you might have another playback that has certain colours (I don't just mean RGB) for those spots (only record colour). You might have another playback that sets all those spots to white. You might have another playback that puts gobos in (only record beamshape). You might have another playback that you use as a "base" that has a certain position, colour and beamshape. You trigger that first, then think, ok I want the gobos in for the backlights - so then push up the playback that only has backlight gobos programmed in. So a given scene might have 3 or 4 playbacks active, with each providing part of the picture. And of course you should use palettes and do palette referencing so when you move to a new venue, you update your position palettes and all of your position playbacks automatically see and use the updated positions. Easy to say of course - this takes time to set this up the first time, but potentially gives you more flexibility. When the band add a new song, say some soppy balad, and you need a pink wash, you just create a playback with the pink in it. Then you use that as your "colour component" when mixing on to of your existing position and beamshape playbacks. It all comes down to recording only certain stuff into a playback, not everything for every fixture.
  7. You need to be in Partial Mode. (This in itself has a lot of implications if you're not already in Partial Mode if you've already programmed your show). I'd also ensure you have 10.12 software on the Frog and select Partial Mode with Tracking is what I'd recommend. When you record the submaster, the only attribute that should be tagged is the appropriate attribute (intensity, colour, beamshape, position) of the mover you're talking about. Then when you raise this submaster then only information that will change is that attribute of that mover. I'm not clear from your question if you just want to fade up the intensity, or move the mover to a new position. Acoordingly before you record you should only tag the intensity or position of that mover. When you know the solution, it's "easy" - however getting there may be a more complex journey, so I wish you good luck! (This is all perfectly do-able on the Frog, but I don't think you can switch between Full and Partial mode without consequence, unlike the FLX's where you can switch the equivalent setting at will. With Frog you need to decide your programming approach [Full or Partial] upfront.).
  8. You're experiencing "Latest Takes Precedence" behaviour plus you're recording your other memories with too much information. For example you are recording a memory with your other light settings and including "new" information (like make it red) for the spotlight you want to stay white. Thus when you execute this new memory, your white spotlight gets new information from the memory that says "change to red" - and because that information is "later", then LTP behaviour causes your spot to change. Regardless if you are creating a cuestack or using individual playbacks with "looks" (or "partial looks") on it, you should read up on tagging - so that you only record into a memory the information you want to change. i.e. you'd not tag your "spot" so it didn't get new information from your other "look" memories. Other options, although more clunky, but possibly a get-out-of-jail, is to PARK your spot - this stops it being affected by anything. However when you want to change this spot, you need to un-park it first. Relevant KB articles include: http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-Products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/1014189311/What-is-Tagging.htm http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-Products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/975070091/RGB-Colour-Mixing-on-Faders-Changing-Fixture-Defaults.htm http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-Products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/1011405471/Fader-Controls.htm http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-Products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/1011403601/What-is-Parking.htm http://support.zero88.com/Legacy-Products/Legacy-Consoles/Legacy-ZerOS/ORB-XF/1011587771/How-do-I-manually-Release-a-Playback.htm And this jargon series from this Christmas (see HTP, LTP, Tracking, Park, Busking, maybe Inhibit):
  9. Edward. This is great. Please create a KB article with this info! Thanks, Kevin
  10. It doesn't. It's not really a function of the desk (yet, as in ZerOS is not currently able to handle such fixtures as gracefully as some higher-end consoled can [apparently, I have no experience]). You need fixture definitions for each "sub-part". If you're used to writing your own fixture definitions then you can do this partitioning yourself. If not then you'll have to ask the Z88 guys to create you each piece you need. Edward might be around soon to comment on your query, in which case you can engage them according to his advice.
  11. You could assign the whole thing as one fixture - but in doing so you won't have such flexible assess to each element of it to exploit effects and the colour picker. There are lots of queries on this forum on this topic, have a browse around. The recommended approach is to have one fixture for the "master" section of the unit, then one fixture for each "light group". Also please remember you spent £1500 on this desk, not £20000 on a Hog...
  12. Follow this: https://www.zero88.com/library#support Basically create your own using the Windows Fixture Tools, or send the manual to the Z88 guys who will do it for you. There is a third option which is to ask a Forum member to make one for you (I'd offer but no time at the moment, sorry).
  13. Maybe we could translate the French one back into English, it will probably have more information in it! 🤣 😈
  14. Hi Edward, Possibly... So can you define what loading "Setup & Palettes" actually loads (the "Setup" bit, I can guess the Palettes bit - and assume this includes Effects Palettes). Thanks! Kevin
  15. - Save and load (position) palettes alone. So I don’t have to spend hours each new show setting up the same positions for movers that are hung in the same (marked) place in the same theatre. (Or how to do this with existing software). - fixture definition management. Being able to update a patched fixture with a new definition and deleting the old one and not have it hang around in the showfile where I don’t know whether the desk is using the old or new definition.
  16. No, because I don't have an FLX S24 (I don't work for Zero88, I'm just a punter like you!). But this does work, so check your work flow and follow that KB article very carefully!
  17. That Showtec desk has a "DMX polarity switch" (which is a really strange thing to have but probably dates back to the early DMX years when equipment compatibility was shaky). It's possible the DMX lead or connections within the Anytronics dimmer are reversed, because that dimmer has screw terminals not a 5-pin socket for the DMX connection. A clue would be the Showtec desk DMX polarity switch is in the "invert" position (this switch is on the back next to the two DMX sockets). This is the manual for the current version of the desk. It's in the document as "Polarity Switch (38)" https://assets.highlite.com/attachments/MANUAL/50710_MANUAL_GB_V2.pdf I can see from your photo that there looks to be a patch lead wired in to the dimmer with an XLR on the end where you've presumably plugged in the desk. You need to open up the dimmer (WITH THE POWER TO THE DIMMER ISOLATED OFF) and look at the wiring of the DMX connection lead into the dimmer screw terminals. The DMX data-plus should go to XLR pin 3 (5-pin or 3-pin XLR) and DMX data-minus should go to XLR pin 2. They may be reversed.
  18. Sounds like either RED is set as some kind of Inhibit (look it up on the KnowledgeBase) or the fixture is in some other mode. Can you link the manual for the LED fixture and identify the mode you are using in and which fixture definition you've patched on the desk. Also as you've been playing with HTP/LTP settings and the like it might be wise to do a desk factory reset and start a fresh setup following the KB article on R/G/B faders, paying particular attention to the tracking setting and tagging (i.e. making sure you don't tweak any other setting whilst you're in the middle of programming each colour). I take it you're following this KB article: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/playing-back-cues/rgb-colour-mixing-on-playbacks
  19. Is this the dimmer? http://www.anytronics.com/assets/t2180-any-12-24-contractor-issue-2-0809--web2-.pdf http://www.anytronics.com/assets/contractor-24-dd06.pdf Controlling a dimmer like this, which looks to be a perfectly sensible DMX dimmer, should be pretty much the simplest thing one can do and should pretty much work out of the box. Erics has covered some relevant settings like RigSync that might not be compatible or supported by this dimmer. Is the dimmer DMX address set to (say) 1 and the 24 dimmer fixtures you've patched at DMX address 1 through 24? Have you terminated the DMX at the dimmer, or does the DMX chain continue to some other lights?
  20. Yes. Confirmed by Z88 in a similar query a couple of days ago.
  21. Yes that’s what I did. It will want to do coprocessor update too.
  22. Edward, thanks for the confirmation. I'm getting the hang of it... slowly...! What we need to do is write a Crib Sheet...
  23. Thanks Edward. As I don't remember the whole article I'm not sure what bits you've added, but I can see a section on what we've recently been discussing re adding other attributes to the Effect palette. What is not fully clear to me is why I need to use the "green stripe" (I realise this means all parameter of the attribute versus tagged parameters of the attribute) - although I'll hazard that it's the following reason (please correct/clarify): If programming an Effect palette, then it's ok to have Effect with the red stripe, as we're recording an Effect-type palette, so we are allowed to capture only some Effect parameters. If we want to add (e.g.) Colour to an Effect Palette then we are "forced" to record all Colour parameters so have to use the "green stripe" - it's not permissible/allowed to add only some colour parameters to an (Effect) palette, so we can't use "red stripe". (An "interesting" requirement, but that seems to how it is!). Thanks, Kevin
  24. "Oh yes we would!" (Sorry, it's Panto season...)
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