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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Retirez toutes les clés USB. Quelle version de ZerOS ? Avez-vous changé quelque chose récemment (matériel/logiciel) qui aurait pu déclencher les problèmes ? Remove any USB sticks. What ZerOS version? Did you change anything recently (hardware / software) that may have triggered the problems?
  2. Ed, record here the versions of ZerOS / ZerOS Monitor you're using and seeing the problems with, it's the first thing Edward will need to know before he can help you.
  3. To elaborate on the discussion above (and hopefully not confuse you more). If I'm reading this correctly, then maybe you can programme two Playbacks, one for each of the positions you want to manually "fade" to. As Edward says above, you need to record the final position of the mover for each required "cue". With the fader configured as "Controls Position" then you won't need to separately control pan and tilt on separate playbacks. So if you record (say) Playback 1 with the mover positioned at "stage steps" and Playback 2 with the mover positioned at "foyer exit" then the respective playback should be usable for you to manually "fade" the position from where-ever the mover currently is, to that respective "final" position (for both pan and tilt) per the playback. Whether the mover will track along a path of your liking is to be discovered, but I don't think you would have a good time with a playback being "pan" and one being "tilt" if that was your original thought (you could do this but you would also need to configure "Parameter Separate" for Position as by default, if you move Pan then Tilt will also get tagged and hence recorded - sorry if this bit makes no sense, I just wanted to confirm you could do that, but it requires a change to the desk default setup). I hope that helps!
  4. You can't assign the Grand Master function to a MFF in Channel mode, the MFFs need to be in Playbacks mode. In Channel mode, fader 24 will always be the intensity/trigger for fixture 24. The way to configure an MFF in Playbacks mode is "Setup + Playback button" (then select Grand Master), noting that the Playback needs to be unprogrammed to get those options.
  5. I think Setup on a playback has a ‘fader controls…’ setting you can set to Position. There will be some examples somewhere on Fader Controls… Colour, which should be translatable into similar for Position. Youll have to record just Position info for your fixture to a Playback by turning off SmartTag when you record it.
  6. kgallen


    It’s not here. Work the rest out yourself 😜
  7. That just means when you turn off the console you don't lose your programming. Either the Solution has a battery-backed RAM area or it has some non-volatile Flash or EEPROM that it updates from volatile working memory. So what I'm saying is, that "save" is just non-volatile working memory, not a "backup" that you can recover. Basically if you don't have your show saved to USB stick (I think that's the medium used by Solution), then you've lost it and will need to reprogramme the cues from scratch. Sorry 😞 Sounds like you need to save to USB stick more incrementally so you have an earlier state to go back to. When programming I usually save at key points (i.e. when I have chance!), <show>_tech<n> or <show>_dress<n> etc where <n> is 1,2,3,... etc so I have a chronological sequence of states I can go back to. The "final" show I save to two USB sticks, one that I leave with the console, one I take away from me (and try to remember to upload to the computer at home!). Kevin
  8. Nope (although you don't say which "board", but I don't think it matters). Hope you have it saved on USB stick...
  9. Hi Eric, I've had a good experience with 7.13 on FLX. I posted some comments on the Beta forum if you have access to that. The main takeaway seems to be that regarding the library compatibility it's better to start "fresh" on 7.13 if possible rather than load an old show. Having said that, if you tend to use the official library fixtures then Edward can recommend the fixture update process. Regards, Kevin
  10. For (1): I'm not sure but have you checked "Programmer Time" under the Z key? Or SETUP+BUTTON and ensure any fade times there are 0? For (2): Make the cue live on stage. Select the fixture. Press HOME. Press and hold UPDATE. Select REMOVE. (Also confirm cue only/track forwards setting). Press ENTER. See: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/cues-playbacks/updating-cues/update-options#remove You can probably arbitrarily select the fixure (without making the cue live on stage) then when you do the UPDATE also type the cue number and at the end instead of ENTER, press the GO button for the playback containing that cue number. However I've never done this, but Edward shows that here:
  11. If you have the full FLX (which I think you do) then I think you have to look to the Waveform editor rather than the built-in effects. However, having said that, I'm not confident you will get the level of granularity you need for such a large number (300) of "fixtures" - in part probably because even on my small stage, I find that each "click" of value on each parameter has a big effect, particularly the "speed" parameter where I find "1 click" can easily take you from "too fast" to "too slow". So if you haven't yet, I'd take a look at the Waveform tab within Effects... and then await Edward who will know what he's talking about!
  12. Which console is that on? I don't recognise it as a form on FLX so maybe you're on Solution/Leap Frog/ORB? When you dialled up the on-line manual, did you select the correct console type?
  13. Yes. In Setup make both outputs Universe 1.
  14. Mike, It's worth uploading your showfile so Edward can have a look. If those fixture profiles were built by someone not experienced at it, they might not have attached the correct detail information to each (colour) channel in the profile. I would expect both of those fixtures to be in the standard library, so if you have chance to experiment, would you be able to try swapping out to the "official" fixtures and see if you can get proper behaviour? If you have 7.13 on the desk then you might be able to use the new on-desk fixture editor to at least take a look at how those fixtures are defined. Kevin
  15. As discussed on another thread, being able to "clone" or "apply" palettes recorded on one fixture type to other fixture types, e.g. colour palettes. ZOS-3718 is already logged for this and updated with discussion from the following thread. ETA: Reading through this thread, I see I already added the "Format Copy" idea which is related.
  16. Hi Edward, From how you word this above I'm concluding that tagging is not enough to get the data onto the type "B" fixtures, it really is necessary to nudge each colour to make the absolute values snap onto all selected fixtures? Thanks! Kevin
  17. I have asked before 😁. But you’re right it’s probably not on that list but you might find a ZOS for it already!
  18. Hi Edward, Thanks for taking the time to reply late today, I’ll be having a play with this later. So from your reply I’m guessing there is no easier way to tag all colour parameters than nudging every colour encoder - something like Shift+Colour or HOME which is a trick we use for REMOVE. I realise I can’t use HOME since that will not only tag all parameters but HOME them too! Thanks again! Kevin
  19. So we know that currently on ZerOS, if we programme a (colour) palette for light type "A" we can't apply it to light type "B". What's the easiest/most reliable way to update a (user) type "A" colour palette so it can be applied to light type "B" when doing prep offsite - i.e. all of the fixtures to be used aren't rigged/attached/operational. So I've devised and programmed some (LED) colours using light type "A". But there will be more (LED) fixtures of a different type (several types) that I'll also want to apply the "same" colour to - accepting it could be a different shade initially - until I actually have the lights rigged and I can see how they respond to the palette, when I can tweak it for those lights and UPDATE. Assuming the lights are in the showfile patch (albeit not attached to DMX), how can I update the palette in this prep? The only thing I can think of is: Select both type "A" and type "B" on the desk (and set non-zero intensity) Apply the colour palette (that will only currently work for type "A") "nudge" one of the colour encoders - will this cause the other RGBW values to snap onto the type "B" lights? UPDATE the colour palette (so it now has data for type "A" and type "B" lights) The crux is step 3. What's the best thing to do here without having to redefine the entire colour "blind" for the type "B" fixtures? The assumption is that the (colour) palette was defined on an RGBW device (say an LED mover) and will need to be applied to other comparable RGBW devices (say LED PARs). Thanks! Regards, Kevin
  20. (Broken out from another thread to avoid hijacking it - so this maybe read a bit disjointed, sorry!) As another aside I was also using the Effects quite a bit and got to my requirements relatively quickly - both Position and Colour effects. One suggestion for a new one would be "Explosion" as a new Colour Effect - deep red baseline with whites flashing rapidly across the top (would work over a number of LED PARs for example). I will maybe persevere a little more with "Red Sparkle" but any suggestions to achieve that effect welcome! I also used the (slightly quirky) guidelines in this thread to record some Effects palettes with EC or EB or ECB attributes 🙂 You'll also be pleased to hear I used the Waveform engine too - I wanted a blue/purple cross fade cycling and I actually managed to achieve this fairly quickly with a Blue base overlaying a Red sine. Whilst I happily understand sine functions and all the rest, this engine is still a little bit of "black magic" and "luck", it's not at all intuitive, particularly as there is no "waveform viewer" to understand how the waveforms. offsets and size are combined to generate the results. I acknowledge that the maths under the hood is being applied to spec, but the net result at the fixture is something of bemusement! Also that screen is extremely fiddly - the fields are so very small to get at with your finger...! Regards, Kevin
  21. kgallen

    Colour behaviour

    Hi Edward, Thanks for the answers. But no fixtures with a (cool) white emitter? (Or is that the "C" on the Strand fixtures?) Maybe not the case on a large external screen, but on the internal screen if you get towards the end (like I was doing with the Sat fader), it jumps about like crazy with big changes in fixture response. It is a screen I've not used much before, but I've now got a new-found interest in it as it was very useful in the respect of adjusting "Sat" for example. The R/G/B can of course be set on the encoders, so the faders are of less concern. But it's good to have that screen. (Broke out side-chatter to a separate thread to avoid hijacking this one more!). Kevin
  22. kgallen

    Colour behaviour

    I rigged my FLX 7.13 last night with some RGBW LED movers. I find the (Lee) swatch colours very pale as they seem to contain a lot of the white emitter - although I don’t know if this is different to before. For this show I used a Lee swatch book to pick a fair few colours but I’ve ended up mixing my own to get some saturation back, especially on the blues. Side question - I used the colour faders screen quite a bit (like the Sat slider) - and it was very useful - but it’s very sensitive: can these controls be brought down onto the encoders? Of course my fixtures aren’t colour calibrated as they are ‘cheap’ so by no means am I a reference here. As prep I did a factory reset (7.13 on the desk) and then reloaded my fixture definitions and patched afresh.
  23. Hi Edward, This ‘upgrade’ process - how does that relate to user fixture profiles implemented using the legacy Fixture Tool? If they’ve been implemented using the correct colour detail metadata will they work properly using 7.13 and the auto palettes, gel palettes, mood board and colour picker (talking full FLX here)? Hoping so, as you know I’ve written most of my own fixture profiles to ensure they are compatible with the firmware in my intelligent fixtures and I don’t want to go through a validation process of the ‘official’ library fixtures and nor do I want any RGBA/RGBW surprises (because for example the library only has the ‘wrong’ variant). Thanks, Kevin
  24. kgallen

    Colour behaviour

    Hi @Gerran and @Edward Z88 Thank you for your interesting questions and responses above. Regarding ZOS-11120: Edward, would you be able to elaborate on the conditions for this issue occurring and if there is a workaround when using 7.13. I have a large/complex show coming up in October so I would like to be up to speed with handling this. Thanks, Kevin
  25. Maybe the "Custom Desktop Layouts on FLX / FLX S" option?
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