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Posts posted by kgallen


    3 hours ago, frostyboy said:

    I did record the 2 lights to a user defined key and that works perfectly to manually flash the lights. 

    I do that a lot for transient lightning type effects, nothing wrong with that approach. The reason this works is that when you stop pressing the UDK it does a "release" operation that allows the lights to be re-controlled by whatever other cue stack is active.


    3 hours ago, frostyboy said:

    What would be perfect though would be if I knew how to create my own 'effect' so that it was exactly how I wanted it instead of the preset lightning effect. 

    I'm sure there is a way, maybe with waveforms, but it is beyond my early use ability. Kor maybe a macro!) 

    Since there is no "visualiser" for the Waveform engine this is hard. I've only had limited success. You really need the lights there so you can see what is happening. A usability improvement for the Waveform Generator is long overdue for the console, Z88 have been promising something for a long time now but as yet nothing has materialised (and it's #2 request here: 


    In this case one of the presets is probably the most practical approach, but use the Speed and Size to try and get it to work with the right feel. We need to encourage the Z88 folk to build in more effects presets like strobes and explosion type effects. But also to continue to include effects that support tungsten and not just newer LED fixtures. Your requirements aren't unreasonable or uncommon and I feel this is harder than it should be with such an advanced console.


    3 hours ago, frostyboy said:

    I've been using Phantom to try and familiarise myself with the board, but it is very limiting not being able to see the results of the settings (like on Edward's videos) without the Dock house Capture, which I assume costs a fortune. 

    You can use the Dock House setup with Capture for free but if you want to design your own rigs then you have to buy Capture, which I think starts close to £400 for a Solo license. I bought a license a few years back (Capture 2019), but honestly I don't get on with it very well, I find it very un-user-friendly and clunky. Edward swears by it though...!


  2. You could use a chase and set Shots to 3 or 4 (or a multiple of depending on your sequence).

    Lightning effect might be too quick for tungsten. 

    If you use an effect your follow cue needs to programme No Effect. If you are using SmartTag and set your effect lights to 0 intensity this No Effect won’t record. So make that cue then go back in with Update, select fixtures and No Effect then turn off Smart Tag for that update. If you’ve recorded later cues make sure Track Forwards is also enabled in that Update.

    This behaviour of SmartTag and No Effect is well known as a PITA even though the console is behaving consistently with the definition of SmartTag.


    Your other comments on programming do suggest you’re making life needlessly complicated though, no wonder you feel confused. 

  3. Change permanently or temporarily?

    I think your main options are to select the fixtures/group and then tap the palette so this is in the programmer (enable programmer time if you want this to fade). To keep this use UPDATE to change in the cue, or alternatively RECORD this into another playback and then use this LTP to override the colours in the running playback.

  4. If playback #2 is LTP it will override the old playback. Only the parameters recorded in #2 will be overridden. 

    If you want to cancel everything in playback #1 then CLEAR+Playback button will RELEASE all parameters of playback #1.

    • Like 1
  5. Been there with the same thing with Effect and have the scars to go with it. You have to use exactly, and only, the process in the manual page you’ve found if you want a hybrid of attribute types in a palette. Yes including SmartTag off and the green stripes otherwise the console won’t do what you think it should given the selections you’ve made on the Record Options screen. Tagged fixtures and red stripes just doesn’t work regardless you think it should. 

    This is was my journey down this particular rabbit hole. The same will apply to your scenario. Probably you can jump in at this post so you bypass all of my petulant tantrums earlier on (swap Effect for Colour/Beam/Shape/Position as required):

    • Thanks 1
  6. Hi,

    20 minutes ago, Jean-Marc Desbonnets said:

    Do I get undimmed power supply, (230 Volt) when I press the test button to the right of dimmerpack?

    The power is always provided through the triac, so is implicitly "dimmed" even if the channel is at full. Betapack2 does not have a bypass or "non-dim" circuit. The test output level is hard-coded in the design - it's notionally "@FUL" but this is not the same as direct undimmed AC.


    20 minutes ago, Jean-Marc Desbonnets said:

     And can i operate LED fixtures with the power generated this way?

    This is not recommended as explained above this is still a notionally "dimmed" output and will be chopped by the output triac, even if only to 1-2% - i.e. it's not clean AC. Your LED fixtures will almost certainly use a switched-mode powersupply, which will not take kindly to an "unclean" AC supply.

    Unfortunately you need to get installed some "hard power" (i.e. normal mains AC) outlets, correctly protected for overcurrent and overload (and probably with RCD), into your venue, with which to supply your LEDs. (I do sympathise, I've had to do the same thing - my main venue has Betapack1 and Betapack2).


    20 minutes ago, Jean-Marc Desbonnets said:

    Otherwise can you provide me with a electrical circuit diagram of the dimmerpack (Betapack2) so I could discuss that with an electrician?

    Google is your friend. I just searched and found them straight away. Zero88 will not provide these to you and you need to self-certify that you are competent to use the information from a safety point of view. ...but you will find what I describe above and your electrician friend should conclude the same.


    • Like 3
  7. If it's plugged into DMX then it's effectively just a radio-based wire substitute isn't it? It's not an "end fixture" just a means of getting the DMX signal from the console to wherever the actual DMX cabling starts (at the Lumenradio receiver). viz there is nothing to set on the console and the console won't know (or care) that it's connected to the Lumenradio.

    If your connection was with ArtNet or sACN then there are a whole load of things that can go wrong with IP addresses, universe mappings, protocol. But DMX should be plug-and-play providing you've set up the radio properly on the Lumenradio kit.

    • Like 1
  8. It should just work unless your programming style is stopping MoD working.

    Cue 1 - fixture is lit

    Cue 2 - fixture goes dark - fixture will then prepare for Cue 3 - you should see the fixture intensity figure in the Output Screen with a light grey box during the time the fixture is preparing with MoD - the light grey box will go one the fixture has prepared for Cue 3

    Cue 3 - fixture is lit in another position/zoom

    If you record snapshot cues, this will stop the fixture preparing for Cue 3 after Cue 2 executes. It is best to use Tracking mode.


    • Like 1
  9. You can load a user fixture definition into the console using the normal Load function. It will be available for this show and any subsequent show (until you do a Factory Reset, Clear User Files or upgrade ZerOS).

    When you patch it, it will appear in the fixture list in red, which means it's a non-library fixture. That's just fine (I have lots).

    When you save your showfile the fixture definition will be saved with it.

    Go for it.

    • Like 2
  10. 8 minutes ago, jmd said:

    Yes, with the same fader I record a color from 0 to 100% effect one

    I lower the same fader,

    I go back to 100% and I no longer have Fade UP and fade down 

    If I understand you correctly, the 0% and 100% need to be two separate cues.


    Cue 1:

    27 minutes ago, jmd said:

    I record the 1st effect with color in Master playback at 100% I have faders UP and fade down are recorded


    Cue 2:

    27 minutes ago, jmd said:

    Effect 2 I lower and raise to 100% with colors the same faders


    Cue 3:

    27 minutes ago, jmd said:

    Effect 2 I lower and raise to 100% with colors the same faders

  11. @jmd Can you attach your showfile please, then @Edward Z88 can take a look (save to USB stick then on PC drag and drop into a new comment).

    9 minutes ago, jmd said:

    Effet 2 je baisse et remonte à 100% avec couleurs les mêmes faders et fade UP et fade down n'apparaissent plus.

    Can you explain this again please. Is this one cue that drops intensity to 0% and then a following cue that increases intensity to 100%?

  12. Halogen only has intensity. When you patch a "Dimmer" fixture that gives you an intensity control.

    If you don't have up/down for your LED then either:

    (1) Your LED doesn't have an intrinsic dimmer channel, or you patched the wrong definition


    (2) The cue you programmed didn't have a change in intensity

    If you respond to some of the points in my earlier comments, then we can narrow this down more. At the moment you've given me no more information to help you. I'm guessing what the problem is.

  13. 30 minutes ago, jmd said:

    Sorry, I wanted to know if there was anything to do on the console?

    If the patched fixture only has R, G, B colour "handles" then that is all you have to work with.

    If you want an "intensity" channel then the fixture definition loaded for your LED projector has to tell the desk to create a "virtual intensity" and what real fixture channels to scale.

    If your LED fixture is only R-G-B then the ZerOS library will already include an R-G-B-(VI) fixture definition which you could use.

    Alternatively, if your fixture has other channels (strobe, program etc) then FLX now has an inbuild fixture definition tool you could use. I've never used it though, sorry. Maybe@Edward Z88 can advise.


    Edit: Having quickly watched the video, I'm not sure if virtual intensity channels can be created in the on-console fixture generator.

  14. 7 minutes ago, jmd said:

    Je précise que j'ai désactivé colour dans dans setup et playback 

    3 minutes ago, jmd said:

    Je vais regarder, Sinon comment procès de ton sur le pupitre ou sur les appareils LED ?

    Désolé, je ne comprends pas.

  15. If your LED fixtures only have RGB DMX channels then you will need to map a different fixture definition that includes "virtual intensity".

    Virtual Intensity is a feature that allows the console to scale the fixture's RGB channels proportionally to act as an overall intensity.

    First, check if your fixture has its own in-built intensity or dimmer DMX channel and if so, swap to using a more suitable fixture definition.

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