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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Everything posted by kgallen

  1. Hi. Can’t help you with a card but some info on here if it helps you search for one. https://www.vari-lite.com/b-dam/vari-lite/discontinued-products/illusion/english/illusion-500-specification.pdf
  2. I said you'd probably get me here too! 😄 This would probably be a better place to continue the conversation otherwise we'll probably end up cluttering up the Blue Room forum with a level of chatter and detail many others there will get irritated with. Also on here you can post pictures/screenshots etc which you can't do directly on Blue Room. Kevin
  3. For the benefit of others I’ve been ‘helping’ Ben with this on the BlueRoom forum. However as yet we’re not ‘on the same page’. Maybe other users can help us see the light! For those who aren’t familiar with the Zero88 Alcora it’s a basic entry level non-tracking memory console with a single memory stack with a Master Fader and a Grand Master Fader (since you could mix memory levels with other ‘manual’ fader levels). There is nothing ‘quirky’ with the Alcora in this respect. The BR thread is here: https://www.blue-room.org.uk/topic/79592-flx-s24-setting-grand-master-on-master-playback/#comment-616676 Thanks! Mods: @DMH @RJP ideally this post would be moved to the FLX S24 forum.
  4. Interesting. I have an FLX which has hard keys for these functions. However it does put different information on the external screen compared to the internal screen. I'm not familiar enough with the S48 to know if it moves certain functions to the external screen when one is attached (but it would need to know that was a touch screen to move a function such as "play"). Having said all of that, I'm not sure I know what the "play" icon is for on S24/S48, since you still have a "go" button on master and for each other playback! Sorry, I'm not helping much. This sounds like a subtle implementation question that we would need an answer from the folks who have now departed our tiny bit of universe 😞
  5. … we need pictures! 😆
  6. Did you accidentally switch the view to another (unprogrammed) playback? (I'm sure not, but just checking).
  7. Here you go. Lots of controls will be under Beam/Shape. I've added a virtual dimmer for the LEDs plus a few "detail" entries for some channels to make usage easier. Put this on a USB stick and just Load as you would a showfile. When you patch the fixture it will show up in red as a "non-library fixture". It will save in any showfile you save. Let me know any issues with it. Enjoy. QTFX_LBF1.ift
  8. Hi Leigh, Thanks for following my guidance on BlueRoom. If nobody beats me to it, I’ll aim to do this for you tonight. Regards, Kevin
  9. Hi. You have to use the Monitor App on an external device. There is no video output port on the S24.
  10. Wow I’m with you there. Not so young myself! Well that’s some rig you’d put together. Given the ‘full’ FLX is not available new (and for me is spades above the FLX-S), I hope it finds a good home and some kind of return for you. Good luck and hope to still ‘see you around’. (And sorry for polluting your thread with ‘chat’!).
  11. That’s one heck of an investment you’ve made there. Out of interest, why are you ‘getting out’ of this setup? Didn’t meet your expectations? Moving to another brand? Sorry to see you go Mac, regardless
  12. Hi. Can you upload a show file showing this?
  13. I don’t believe that should the case. According to the ‘hype’ you should be able to spread the licensed channels across 64 universes so some piece of external kit should be able to get that data, even if only a couple of channels are patched to a given universe. @1:48 - 2:02 in this video (specifically @1:57):
  14. I’m sure you’re well up on it but I often revisit the training videos as it gives me a new idea or clarifies an approach or my understanding (or lack of!):
  15. Hmm yea, I think effects record against the selected fixture(s). Looks like you have multicell fixtures so it’s disappointing you can’t re-apply across different cells of the same fixture. No personal experience of this so hopefully other experienced users can comment. As it’s quite a key question, maybe ‘experienced users’ @Edward Z88 or @Jon Hole might be around 😃…
  16. It is isn’t it. I’m reporting them as soon as I can probably like other regulars but it takes a while to get purged.
  17. @scottydog75 Here we go, give this a bash. martin_mac_quantum_profile.ift
  18. Just to check, if you select the fixture, in the Colour window do you get anything on the encoder wheels - and try paging over too. Anything on the Colour Palettes if you hit the "Auto create palettes" button? I wonder if the fixture definition didn't use e.g. "Cyan - positive" as the "Special" type in the colour definitions. You did say you were able to confirm at least the existence of e.g. "Cyan" - as a name at least - in the desk editor, but maybe this is not actually attached to the Colour attributes section. Maybe check in Beam and Shape to see if there is anything colour-wise on those encoders. Homeless parameters tend to get dumped there. Also see if the DMX window shows any numbers changing in the appropriate channels whilst you have a play around. Later I'll see if I can patch the same fixture on the desk and have a mooch around. Sorry these are probably all things you've already tried (although I'm certainly guilty of "panicking" and not trying some of the "obvious" things when stuff doesn't work!).
  19. Oh I doubt that! @scottydog75 Not sure if it's timely enough but I can have a go at making a new fixture profile later tonight (using ye-olde Fixture Editor which you may well be similarly familiar with). Other idea if the definition might be suspect is to use the fixture patch search feature to try and find another fixture definition that closely matches the luminaire you have in terms of which DMX channel controls which feature. I was re-watching one of Edward's videos the other day - might have been 7.11 update video which reminded me of this. Sorry I can't be of more immediate/direct help. I'll have a think, but I think @Davidmk and yourself have suggested/tried the obvious things and I know you're both not newbies with the desk...
  20. You could try setting the fader as "Fader Controls Colour" (Setup+Fader Button). However for this to work I think you'd need to use a different approach rather than the cue-based one I gave above. I'm not too sure because I'd have to try it (and I don't have access to my FLX at the moment) but you might have to do something like change the default for the light to "red" (rather than white which will be the default) then programme the fader to change the colour to green (and set "Fader Controls Colour"). You will probably need to assign another fader to the light as the intensity control. Others on here do this sort of thing more so will probably have a better suggestion. Maybe I could have a play tomorrow, but no promises!
  21. Hi @Lena Here you go, all three modes (phew!). Everything is in there including all channel "details". You will find lots of channels under Colour and Beam(shape) so you'll have to rotate through the "pages" of them on your S24. However there is a limitation in what I've created. The FLX S24 will support multi-cell fixtures and the TMH-W555 looks like it could benefit with being defined as a multi-cell fixture for the 36 and 48 channel modes. However the Windows Fixture Editor does not support this (as it's a new console feature). You would need to request such an enhanced fixture definition from Vari-lite (or write one using GDTF which I'm not capable of!!!). I'm not sure if the colour palettes will work in the 36 and 48 channel modes as I've not picked any of the RGBW 1/2/3/4/5/6/7 as "primary". But they should work fine in the 24 channel mode. You'll have to see how you go on in 36/48 channel mode and come back to me if it's a little unworkable - I would need you to tell me which segment 1-7 you want to be "primary". Just put this file on a USB stick and use Load on the console. When you patch it, it will show in red text as a "non-library fixture". Enjoy! (ps there is a lot of info I've had to enter so if you see an error or spelling mistake, let me know) eurolite_tmh-w555.ift
  22. Red and green mix to make yellow so this should be possible. I would programme three cues on a playback. Set light to red. Record to playback 1. set light to orange. Record to playback 1 (answer yes to create cue 2). Set light to green. Record to playback 1. In cue 2 and 3 makes sure the colour fade time is set to a non-zero value, possibly quite long. You can either step through these cues using the button or if you want the sequence to run on its own (after you start it), set cue 2and 3 to ‘auto after’. You might not know how to do all of these actions in which case it will be a good opportunity to find out from the manual and learn a few new things about the console. Good luck!
  23. Hi @Lena If you can attach a pdf of the manual and say which modes are a priority for you, I’ll try and find some time today/tomorrow to write one for you.
  24. Possibly the internal coin cell (CR2032) gone flat? Access diagram: https://www.vari-lite.com/b-dam/vari-lite/discontinued-products/jester/english/jester-range-aaccess-diagram.pdf
  25. I agree and would be happy to do this. I’m similarly a ‘mod’ on other community forums essentially in a capacity of spam removal in the European time zone. This forum may be different as it’s commercial, but the offer is still there.
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