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  1. I've found a solution to the problem! I used latest winzip to unzip the files to c: then created a dos boot disk and booted up my pc on it. Then in DOS copied the unzipped files from C: to the floppy. This worked fine for the FatFrog.
  2. I have exactly the same problem on the fatfrog as samcoombes. Preloads, but carries on with normal start. Formatted both in desk and on pc and tried different floppys. had the same problem a while ago when upgrading to version 9.6.
  3. Nice work on the new software and parameter tagging! But wouldnt it be nice to be able to tag just an effects parameter individually? making it possible to control eg. the size of a circle by moving a submaster. I know this might be due to limitation in the implementation of the effects engine and require a lot of work. But will this feature be available in the future? Thanks Erik
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