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  1. Well, if the new product that is to replace the FLX is of the same award winning design - I look forward to hearing about it!
  2. PhilSpeck

    HELP window

    Thanks - much appreciated.
  3. PhilSpeck

    HELP window

    Hi, This is hopefully straight forward... Students today, on our FLX, managed to remove the output window and the playback window / replaced it with a HELP window. Is there a specific shortcut to revert back - or what was the shortcut that they accidentally did to get the help window up? Thanks. Phil.
  4. I had a feeling that was the case... Sorry - yes that is the node. I was having a look today and don't think we can give any kind of upgrade. I may be rolling back for now - is that best done with a bootable USB? Last software we ran was 7.9.4 - we never upgraded to .5 - is it still available??
  5. Hi, Since the update on FLX our artnet stream has stopped working - i.e. not control over any fixtures/channels. IP address has remained the same and is static. Data lights suggest desk and N4 artnet node is communicating. Everything will still work via DMX...
  6. All good! Bootable USB did the trick... Thanks. Phil.
  7. Failing to boot since I was in setup and loaded new ZerOS. It continues spin when power on. I'll go with the bootable USB and let you know. Thanks.
  8. FLX was operating fine, new software version loaded via USB in setup. Now the FLX appears stuck - with the mini display screen above PAGE UP spinning lines in circles. Nothing else has happened... Sorry - should say, got to point of loading the file where files were installed and then prompted to turn desk off and it got stuck when I switched back on.
  9. nope, I see nothing... :-)
  10. and crashing the FLX... Puzzling... after flx crash, laptop will take over. Restart the flx and then get a load with error code 00010004. But it does load... It asks to take control and laptop recognises its back, with option to return to tracking. Taking both options on laptop and flx - but Flx crashes and hangs after clicking take control. Laptop keeps returning on the same question. they both go through synchronising, and FLX says loading show but never pulls through. Process just repeats. Phantom zeros just crashed as well. restaretd flx and recorded some cues. Turned on laptop and restarted phantom zeros. It loaded show to say file 2open failed error code 00020001 - but then on to load compelted ok. then let’s me take the show file form the master ok and sits as tracking backup. FLX, goes down, but not the same show on laptop Restarted the 2, both on - pressed setup on FLX to look at network devices and check settings and it’s now stuck with backup synchronisation please wait box - it’s dead - which is what killed it earlier on. I shutdown the laptop and he FLX unfroze... This could be going better... just looked at artnet IP on laptop which says it’s transmitting on
  11. It appears to be working like this, but very clunky... problems with taking control and synchronising
  12. I get this message after pressing setup to leave setup after setting laptop as backup... master ip backup ip subnet status disconnected (retry in 4/3/2/1 second) 10:54:28 ( whatever time it is...) then a box: take control in (in 4/3/2/1 second) - if I click this box it makes no difference to anythign after this, all showing up in network devices. Appearing as FLX with correct IP addresses on both network devices screens. Ticked green, OK along with the artnet node.
  13. FLX is: master - dhcp disabled - - artnet enabled broadcast remote enabled - laptop is - running as FLX backup - IP - master desk none found currently arntet enabled (when disabled not on network devices) i can see the laptop with its ip on network devices on FLX - ticked green OK + see artnet node dont see the FLX on network devices on laptop, can see artnet node Then see nothing show related on the laptop...
  14. As soon as I can get back to it I will confirm...
  15. PhilSpeck

    Tracking backup

    Hello again... still on the network setup here, with projectors working, but no tracking backup... I may be missing something in terms of setting up a tracking backup, but... here is where I’m at: I can see the laptop and flx via each other on network settings without issues. I can use either the flx as a desk or separately the laptop with dongle as a desk. I just can’t get either to recognise the other as a master, even with manual IP entry when they are set to backup. Do you have guide for setting this up? Had a quick look, but haven’t found anything yet. Thanks. Phil.
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