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Everything posted by ziglight

  1. Hello normally on the Solution Desk we have 20 pages of 10 Submaster each (-> 200 Subs) but we can also have up to 30 Submaster/page (instead of 10) personnaly I am using just a few dimmers and don't need all these preset faders so in my case I managed to have 22 Submaster on one page (the 10 officials plus 12 others for which I use the 12 preset-faders just above (via DMX-IN) I never had enough Subs to fill all the pages (and never will...); but one can get 20 pages... so I am wondering if I have now 440 possible Submasters (20 pages et 22 Subs) or if the "page-filling" ends at the total number of 200 Subs ?? (I am just curious about it; I think I never will use even the 200 Subs....
  2. hello I would simply create a CUE where I tag only the parameter which should change say you have CUE10 and you want only the Gobo change on some fixtures so créate and insert CUE 10.1 with only the Gobo Chanel taged for the fixtures you want to change (all other parameters should be untagged) and record the new Gobo-Value ... and thats it !! another way (maybe more comfortable) is to create palettes and then record these palettes as references into your CUEs...(the CUEs will update when you update the palettes) if you want only edit one parametrer in a given CUE, the best is to do it on the monitor (in the window Memory-Editor)
  3. okey I now understand better your request... but don't have the answer.... sorry Jon surely will come by the way...
  4. thanks...!
  5. hello I am not sure to understand right.... (I don't know very well the Grand-MA) but to obtain fader-control for explicite parameters, you can try to créate a Submaster with tagging only what you need (say only the PAN of your selected fixtures) and with its maximum parameter-value and you have than to go to Submaster-Setup (for edition) and select "position-control" for this paticular Submaster but this is often not very satisfying in live-workflow because editing in the programmer window over-rides the Submasters (but Submaster , often, do not override the Progammer, but only merge the values !!!
  6. okey, Jon thank you very much for your answers.... !!
  7. ...oh yessss -> very good news !! thanks for your attention !!
  8. I think this is only a problem of tagging parameters if all the necessary parameter are tagged right, the behavior is as discribed by bullocmg some examples : say the basic Sub (with color Red ) is Number 1 and the White strobe one is Number 2 to get it working right ALL Color parameters must be tagged in the both Subs ! if your fixture is RGBW, in number 1 this means 100; 0; 0; 0 for the colors and in number 2 : 100; 100; 100 ; 100 (and all tagged !) - or maybe 0; 0; 0; 100 (if you prefer this sort of white) if the White is tagged in number 2 but not in number 1 it will "stay on" when returning from 2 to 1 ..!!! (and not doing red color) if you do colors wth a colorwheel its the same argument !! (the right colors must be tagged in the two Subs !!) and for the Strobe; if the strobe (shutter) is tagged at its rignt value in Sub number 2 it has to be tagged at "0" in sub number 1 !! (if not it keeps on going when returning to Sub 1 !!) and vérifie also that the Sub number 2 is in Release mode it may help also to switch the behavior for Color to "ON" for Sub2 (but sometimes this makes strange things... so you have to try !!)
  9. here is what you can do : Load the memory into the Programmer (via the Load button) and then record this into a Submaster (via Record button) instead of just copy the reference of the memory into Subs don't forget to verify if all important parameters are tagged ! (and all other parameters are untagged !!) but when there are chases the thing is more complicated because you have to record any step one by one of the chase
  10. hello in the manual of the Solution Desk one can read this: ...but it seems to me that "memory zero" cannot be copied..!! if I try the answer is "Memory Value is Invalid".... and its not possible to get the "--" selected for copying this is not a real problem (beacause its very easy to programm the "blackouts/resets" otherwise) .... I am just wondering what we are supposed to do to get the thing done (-> copied) like discribed in the manual...
  11. my personal feature request : I think that has been asked allready => I would be very happy to have a random-generator (random-pulse or step or so...) in the FX-Window it takes me a lot of time to create random effects with the actual generators when there is a great number of fixtures ! it would be so much easier and faster to have a random step (or fade or pulse) generator... thanks another request : it would be great also to have the possibilité to export the "Patch-View" as a text file (CSV ou ASCII or so) and a last one (I talked about that allready): a little feature when selecting fixtures : actually one hit (on the fixture MFK) selects the fixture, a second hit deselects it on other desks we have the fast double-hit that selects the fixture, but also deselects (clear) all other fixtures (when there is allready a selection actif) this is very usefull (and quick acces) for little adjustments (I know that since OS 7.8 this is easy to do also in the "old way" because one hit on the clear button clears now the patch first; in 7.7 we had to hit twice on that button and the programmer-window was cleared at the same time...its more parctical now ..) anyway -that sort of "double-hit=solo-selection" would be even more practical.... thanks for reading me....
  12. Yepp thank you very much for these informations...!! (these are very usefull to understand the progression of parameters in the stack and helps to improve edition...!!) thanks ! is there a chance to get this kind of "fixture-levels" also for Submasters in a future ZerOS ???
  13. hello everybody I have one more question about the color-codes in Zero-OS some color-codes are explained in the manual other are not... so for example in the Prgrammer and the Output-window red parameters are tagged; yellow are not tagged... key but what about the blue ones ?? or the (lite)green-ones ?? other question : the color-codes in the Fixture-Level window are a real mystery for me beside that the purple-ones seem to be coming from earlier tagged memory parameters (see the screenshot below).... but what about brown, lite-green, lite-blue etc ??? thanks for any help
  14. Hello Jon and the developer team Zero OS (and Solution) get a very useful feature-window called "Fixture Level" which allows to edit directly the parameters of the Memories via the screen (and keybord+mouse) but I am very sad that this feature is not availible for SubMasters (other brands like ETC have this feature within the software-editors...) so I would know if there is a chance to get this possibility for the SubMasters also in a future OS-Version ?
  15. okey thanks for these iinformations now I understand why the colored label is not created in some cases (when non-RGB fixtures are in the active selection with the RGB fixtures...) thanks !!
  16. thanks Bullo for that positive answer so I tried it again with a brand new Show and it now works fine (I tried it several times before and it won't work !) I don't really understand what happend before; maybe there was something wrong in the "other show" or maybe its after refreshing the USB stick... thanks for your help and encouragement EDIT : yepp I got it : => I didn't realise before that this feature exports only memory information (I thought and hoped that patch and submasters are exported as well.... but it does NOT) so when memories are empty (no memory registered) CSV Export does not work because there is nothing to export.... (and for my Live-Shows I, more often work with Sub-Masters than with Memories...)
  17. I'm asking for some news ! has someone tried this feature "Export a CSV File" on the Solution Desk ??? is this feature really supposed to work ?? it doesn't work for me !!! so I am wondering if there is a bug or if I did something wrong.... help please ...!!
  18. Hello When creating Color Palettes via "Auto-Menus" the Color Pallets get colored Labels how can I get those labels when I create my own Palettes ..?? this should be possible because some of my personal Palettes got those labels but I could not understand "how" ......
  19. okey thanks for these good suggestions !
  20. I use the "DMX IN" for various use and I am very happy with this example : to extend the Submaster-layer/page example : also to create some sort of master-dimmer for groups of fixtures (very useful !) unfortunately it seems that a fader can only control intensity of a fixture (or a group of fixtures) but that its not possible to control other parameters (like pan or tilt or color etc)... or say to control any choosen DMX channel via DMX-IN is there a special reason that this is not available on the solution desk ?? if the double control (fader + wheel) is available for intensity it should not be very difficult to get other accesses by fader too (via DMX-IN)??
  21. a feature that I miss a bit (because I get used to it from other desks) when selecting fixtures, a double-hit on one fixture-button does some sort of "Solo"; it selects the fixture but does deselect all the others in the same time (okey, I know that I have the same result in hitting first CLEAR and then the desired fixture-button....) but once getting used to the "double-hit => solo selection" you won't miss it anymore... maybe there is a little chance to get this in a next OS ??
  22. this is on the screen (soft-button) in the top of the output-window
  23. Thanks Jon I tried it with the official 7.8 version and also with your last Beta version (and it didn't work in 7.7 neither as I remember...) hitting the "ok" button just clears the screen but nothing else happens...
  24. Hello I tried several times to export a show of my Solution desk in a CSV file, but nothing happens ! it seems not to work ?? (or maybe I forgot to do something ???)
  25. Marvelous !!!! that's the thing !! thank you very much !! I thought I had that feature before but wasn't really shure... I am happy again !!
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