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Vari-Lite Controls Support Forum


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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/06/2024 in all areas

  1. Try turning RDM (RigSync) off and see if they still blink. Some fixtures don't decode the "packet type" field at the start of the DMX stream. It is 00 for DMX and some other value for RDM packets. If the fixture doesn't check for the 00 then it can interpret RDM packets as DMX packets. Because RDM packets are relatively short, this usually only affects fixtures that have DMX addresses quite low down. I don't remember the exact value, but fixtures with addresses over 256 don't suffer this even if they don't decode the packet type field for the required 00. If you re-address your problem fixtures higher up the DMX address range, they might behave. If they do, it's because they have this issue (they are not truly DMX compliant).
    1 point
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