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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/22/2024 in all areas

  1. Hi all, ZerOS 7.14.3 is now available and includes a couple of bug fixes found solely on the most recently built FLX S consoles. We will soon start Beta Testing ZerOS 7.15. Aligning with this release, there are a few product updates to let you know about. FLX S24 & FLX S48 ZerOS 7.15 will upgrade all FLX S24 & FLX S48 consoles to 2048 channels (four universes) and 96 & 192 fixtures respectively free-of-charge. Available Playbacks, Groups and Palettes will all also be doubled. Full size FLX & ZerOS Server Due to component issues restricting production of the full size FLX & ZerOS Server for the foreseeable future, we are announcing their obsolescence. ZerOS software development will continue to support the full size FLX & ZerOS Server. ZerOS 7.15 will upgrade them to 4096 channels (eight universes) free-of-charge. Later in the year, ZerOS 8 will bring several new features to the full size FLX & ZerOS Server. Weโ€™re planning many further releases after that, too. FLX was released 9 years ago at Prolight & Sound in Frankfurt. Leap Frog 48 & 96, ORB, ORB XF, SCD Server & SCD Server Pro, Solution & Solution XL ZerOS 7.15 will be the last ZerOS software update for these consoles, as we are unable to bring the new features planned for ZerOS 8 to this hardware platform. Weโ€™ll continue to release ZerOS Library updates for these consoles and support our customers in any other way we can. Leap Frog 48 & 96 was released 17 years ago at Prolight & Sound in Frankfurt ORB was released 15 years ago at Prolight & Sound in Frankfurt ORB XF was released 13 years ago at PLASA in London Solution was released 12 years ago at PLASA in London Jon
    1 point
  2. Dear Forum Members, Some of you may have heard already, but to make it official, after 29 years I am leaving Zero 88 or Vari-Lite as we are now. My last day is Thursday 28th March. Since I started with Zero 88 way back in August 1995, as production test technician, testing both the PCB and complete units for the classics like the Sirius 24/48, Betapack Mk1, Rackmasters to name few, have seen many changes through mergers and acquisitions. I am proud to have been part of them and am looking forward to seeing what the future holds for the company. To those of you i have met personally, sorry about that โ€ฆ..not ๐Ÿ˜‰ Those i have spoken or exchanged post/mail with, lucky you, got away lightly then ๐Ÿ˜‰ In all seriousness, thanks to you all for the support and kind words over the years. I wish you all the best for the future, and will leave you in In Edward and Jonโ€™s capable care.
    1 point
  3. It was a summer refit at The College Theatre, Coventry in 1997 (possibly 1998 - I'm old!) when I'd specified Contour dimmers for our permanent dimming & when commissioning them found faults. I was a customer (at the time) of Central Theatre Supplies so complained to them - expecting to see a visit from Kirk with his magic hammer... Instead - the message came back that the manufacturer was sending someone to look at the units because they didn't believe they could have a fault... <Enter Stage Left with a Zero88 Manager - Keith Rogers> He chided us for not fitting the Contours with enough length on the mains tails and for using a cheap rackstrip (thank you CTS - a portent perhaps?) but happily cracked on and sorted the racks with an ever present good humour & then left. <Fast forward 13 months> I was now the Hire/Service Manager at CTS having replaced Kirk Wood & needed help with a faulty BetaPack - "Call Zero88 & talk to Keith..." came the answer when I asked DGH how I should proceed. I did indeed speak to Keith & we soon established our common link via The College Theatre & thus began a friendship that has endured to this day. Always keen and happy to help - an insufferable chocoholic & teetotal (as I discovered later) - good humoured (despite I suspect him putting the phone down on me after a couple of calls & cursing me ๐Ÿ˜œ) and an avid interest in his customers and their problems. It has been an honour to know Keith & the news of his leaving has been truly saddening (yes - I'm privileged as a friend to know of his leaving since the New Year but was asked to keep quiet). He is still supporting me until he leaves (and I shall continue doing what I do) and in typical Keith 'fashion' ensuring I have the means to carry on what I do - perhaps he might let me have a bit of fluff or a button off his mantle to fit on mine so that I can carry on (in small part) where he's leaving off? I shan't say "You'll be missed Keith..." because I know you've already told me to call you if I need you - I'm looking forward to working with Jon & Edward and the other support folks at Vari-Lite as the brand moves forward. I will say "Good Luck Keith" - we'll look back on these years with a smile I'm certain.
    1 point
  4. Several of these clips were brough back during the Best Man's speech at Tyler's wedding last year ๐Ÿ™‚
    1 point
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