The issue here is that you are unblocking cue only.
Let's say cue 11 is blocked, and cue 12 tracks from cue 11.
If you unblock cue 11 (UPDATE > SmartTag > GO), you are removing data from the cue. If you are doing this as a "Cue Only" update, this means the console will remove blocked data from cue 11, and add that removed data back into cue 12, to make sure that cue 12 looks exactly how it was programmed. This is exactly the same as if you were to turn a light off in a cue, and do this as a Cue Only update - the console would need to add the light into the next cue, so the next cue looks how you originally programmed it. In your example, cue 12 then may become partially blocked, as it is now telling fixtures to go to values they were at in the previous cue.
So, in this example you could update cue 11 with SmartTag and Track Forwards enabled, and this would unblock the current cue, and would not add/remove data to/from the next cue.
I hope this helps. Please let me know if you have any questions.