So I bought an Illusion desk at auction for pennies thinking it might be good for the village hall, typically being me I'm now so deep in I don't want to give up until I have made it work. So initially I I had nothing, not a sausage, no VGA output, no lights on the front. Inside I found the Mempac Battery and three lit LEDS. I replaced the Mempac battery and left it powered up overnight. In the morning there was an output on the screen with a number 06.
So I put the software on a floppy and put that in the disk drive, I get nothing. It refuses to boot from the floppy. (the floppy is totally dead, there is nothing not even a buzz and a light)
So if there is anyone out there.
Is it possible to lose the bootstrap ? Has a rom Been corrupted ?
If I get no answer I will try another floppy drive ..