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  1. Yesterday
  2. Phantom ZeroOS is ZeroOS with a Windows "wrapper" - unlike a hardware desk, you don't/can't load ZeroOS onto it. So Phantom ZerOS version is ZeroOS v8. If you want ZeroOS v7.14.3 then you need to download Phantom ZerOS v7.14.3 which should be in the 7.14.3 zip file under legacy software on the downloads page.
  3. Last week
  4. Will Phantom 8.0 work with ZerOS 7.14.3 ? System requirements for Phantom 8.0 ? Thank you Klaus
  5. Hi, firstable try to update ZerOs to 7.14.4, and change the CR2032 battery coin inside the desk. I don't know but hope this help. Thierry
  6. I have written a FLXS48 User Booklet as a basic guide on how to do specific tasks on a FLXS48, mainly for new users. I am trying to word a section on controlling mini LED movers with colour and gobo wheels, as the initial Tab selection screen does not provide control, you need to use the encoder wheel button to access any selection. Any comments on this wording please ? Using Colour Wheels and Gobo Wheels on Mini Movers If you have selected an LED Mini Mover that has a Colour Wheel or a Gobo Wheel, after you select the Colour or Shape Tab on the top of the internal touch screen, you then need to press the centre button of the first encoder wheel for the selection screen to appear, which shows the colours or gobos that are available to select. To return to the main window, press the centre button of the encoder wheel again. FLXS48 USER BOOKLET 24 March 2025 ZerOS 8.pdf
  7. Earlier
  8. Our Solution Desk decided to randomly shut itself down immediately before a show. Monitor went blank and DMX output stopped. Then the windows started showing 'loading' and 'solution' We turned off the power, waited and then restarted it and it seemed stable for the show.It is running ZerOS 7.9.4. It stays in a control room and is not moved around between venues/spaces, although it can be quite cold overnight. Any ideas? Thank you
  9. No at all. Valid correction.
  10. Ah ok gotcha, makes sense. Sorry wasn't trying to be hostile or anything just wanted to provide all the options
  11. Yep, OK, point taken. My take on it was affected by wanting static i/p addresses in my network. Not that I've used TB, just wanted a network I could use it on without re-configuration.
  12. I believe it can, just not with static IP mode?
  13. You have to use sACN if you want tracking backup. It cannot work with ArtNet. See the grey information box on the manual page for tracking backup. https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/devices/tracking-backup
  14. Hi. Can’t help you with a card but some info on here if it helps you search for one. https://www.vari-lite.com/b-dam/vari-lite/discontinued-products/illusion/english/illusion-500-specification.pdf
  15. Others please do correct me if I'm wrong, but I can't see it making a difference depending on the protocol as they're both reliable unless something later down the line failed in which case a backup desk wouldn't solve the issue. So it shouldn't do as I can't see the desk failing exclusively with sACN.
  16. Hey Guys, i shortly got an illusion 500 from ebay for our church. I have learned on it in my school time and i think its very intuitive to controll, if everything is setup und you can use the monitor and mouse. Badly my exemplar has no input extension card. I thought about connecting a simple dmx fader wing for fader extension to the illusion. Has anybody a spare card to share or a hint where to get one? I know the illusions are very old, but i have a cheaper botex which also can save scenes etc, but its not very intuitive to set them up, so the illusion will it be. Newer devices with the featureset are too expensive for us. Thanks for any help.
  17. To me, this sounds both complicated to set up and hard work to play back but, if it works for you, then carry on!
  18. I often use our FLXS24 for concerts with our brass band. The venue has 12 LED pars and 4 moving lights which I tap into. I bring a selection of other lights for each show; these could be any type of light. The majority of the show depends on preparing the PARs into different zones/angles. I'll then pair up duplicated zones/colours (eg Downstage red; downstage green etc); this gives me 20 basic channels. Being very old-fashioned I record one colour per channel telling the desk these are conventional dimmers. I'll then make up the show one scene at a time, mixing the colours and areas to suit. I'll record playbacks with 'go-to' states (eg Preset, Full Up Finish, etc). I'll then record the complete show onto the main fader in sequence. This enables me to mix evenly from one random state to another at whatever speed is needed at the time as live shows always go off-script at some point. I'll then do some sequences or preset positions with the moving lights, and either play these back in manually on top of the prerecorded cues or play them back as chases on playbacks. Theis gives me the advantage of being able to fade at whatever speed I want for each main change, to add or boost particular channels as required without affecting the base colour state. I will have a maximum of two hrs to set up from arriving at the venue till doors opening, check all the venue's lights focus and check all the states I have prerecorded, On top of all this, I also play in the band, with the desk sat next to me. Love it!
  19. I said you'd probably get me here too! 😄 This would probably be a better place to continue the conversation otherwise we'll probably end up cluttering up the Blue Room forum with a level of chatter and detail many others there will get irritated with. Also on here you can post pictures/screenshots etc which you can't do directly on Blue Room. Kevin
  20. LOL, I posted here as I thought UI was taking up too much of kgallens time and thought ide take another approach, will chack bak there.
  21. Hello, I I had a few hours and finally worked out the cause. When I change pages, if I don't give a 2 second pause before using "Go Snap" to preset movers, they light up 100% and swing into position. It was just my hands moving a little fast for the console. I'll need to make it muscle memory to force a pause. I love having the extra pages! Cheers, Harold
  22. For the benefit of others I’ve been ‘helping’ Ben with this on the BlueRoom forum. However as yet we’re not ‘on the same page’. Maybe other users can help us see the light! For those who aren’t familiar with the Zero88 Alcora it’s a basic entry level non-tracking memory console with a single memory stack with a Master Fader and a Grand Master Fader (since you could mix memory levels with other ‘manual’ fader levels). There is nothing ‘quirky’ with the Alcora in this respect. The BR thread is here: https://www.blue-room.org.uk/topic/79592-flx-s24-setting-grand-master-on-master-playback/#comment-616676 Thanks! Mods: @DMH @RJP ideally this post would be moved to the FLX S24 forum.
  23. With our old Alcora desk, the Grand Master affects all fixtures that are set (if I have all faders to 0 except 1-3 the grand master affects only 1-3. With our FLS S24 Master Payback (which I think has been setup as Grand Master) changes the level of ALL fixtures, regardless if they set to 0 or 100% or anything in between. Is there a way to get the Master PLayback to behave like the Grand Master on the Alcora.
  24. Interesting. I have an FLX which has hard keys for these functions. However it does put different information on the external screen compared to the internal screen. I'm not familiar enough with the S48 to know if it moves certain functions to the external screen when one is attached (but it would need to know that was a touch screen to move a function such as "play"). Having said all of that, I'm not sure I know what the "play" icon is for on S24/S48, since you still have a "go" button on master and for each other playback! Sorry, I'm not helping much. This sounds like a subtle implementation question that we would need an answer from the folks who have now departed our tiny bit of universe 😞
  25. Il me semble que non, mais par contre l'icône de lecture apparaît bien sur mon écran tactile externe.
  26. … we need pictures! 😆
  27. Did you accidentally switch the view to another (unprogrammed) playback? (I'm sure not, but just checking).
  28. Bonjour, je rencontre un problème avec le flxs48. Après avoir enregistrer plusieurs cue, l'icône de lecture en haut de l'écran, n'apparaît pas, il faut faire un reset du pupitre pour qu'il revienne. Je ne sais pas si il s'agit d'une configuration à faire. Merci d'avance
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