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  1. Yesterday
  2. Yeah it's multicell, the fixtures are the showtec octostrips I've mentioned before. Basically I have 3 units,each unit having 8 physical fixtures, each with 8 cells in. They are rigged in 6 lines of 4, so the first line is unit 1, physical 1 -4 with the cells 1-32 the second line is unit 1, physical fixtures 5-8 with cells 33-64, this then repeats with unit 2, then unit 3, if that makes sense. I want to create a chase, just using the built in effects, so a 1/8th chase from cell 1 thru cell 32, then apply this to all the "rows" of cells. So unit 1 would chase from 1-32 and 33 thru 64 at the same time buy if I create the effect on 1 thru 32 then try to apply it to 33 thru 64 I can't. If I could apply the effect to all the "rows" it would give me an effect of each row chasing across the stage at the same time so on unit 1 id have 1 thru 32, 33 thru 64, unit to 1 thru 32, 33 thru 64 etc. Picture attached for reference as to the layout, so the top 2 rows are unit 1, middle 2 are unit 2 and bottom 2 are unit 3. Each individual rectange is 8 cells, or in essence 1 individual physical fixture. So what I want is a vertical line that chases from 1 side to another. Yes I could just type the syntax in for each row but adjusting speed etc would be so much quicker with a pallete Guess what show were doing 🤪
  3. Hmm yea, I think effects record against the selected fixture(s). Looks like you have multicell fixtures so it’s disappointing you can’t re-apply across different cells of the same fixture. No personal experience of this so hopefully other experienced users can comment. As it’s quite a key question, maybe ‘experienced users’ @Edward Z88 or @Jon Hole might be around 😃…
  4. Hi all, I am trying to record an effect, for example just a 1/8th chase accross some fixtures. I can record the effect fine, then recall it on those fixtures when i want, no problem. What i want to do is recall that effect to a different set on exactly the same fixtiures. For example, im recording a chase on 43.1 thru 43.32. I then want ot be able to recall that effect on 43.33 thru 43.64 and on 44.1 thru 44.32 etc - is this possible as if i use my groups to select 43.33 thru 43.65 and apply the recorded effect, nothing happens. Thanks
  5. Thanks - I've emailed Ultra Light & Sound to see if they can supply one.
  6. It is isn’t it. I’m reporting them as soon as I can probably like other regulars but it takes a while to get purged.
  7. Last week
  8. Spam seems to be getting worse on the daily! Perhaps some sort of user verification is required?
  9. You may get a reply from Vari-Lite if you're lucky! Try Graeme at https://ultralightsound.co.uk/service-repair-maintenance/
  10. I have a Betapack 3 with channels 5&6 faulty. The transformer TX3 has failed with the primary going open circuit - a common fault it seems from reading the forum. Is it still possible to get replacements from Zero88/Vari-Lite?
  11. I have my own solution for playlists with manually started timecode for zero 88 if you need it. The playlist looks like this. #20 colorado manual stop setup|C0/20,C14/9,C47/5|ready 00:00.0|P2|*LED* TIMECODE START 00:01.8|L1/100/4|hihat 00:24.7|R45,P3,C47/5,P36|narvaný kapsy 00:40.1|C33/2,P2,R47,R36|z billa 00:55.5|R33,R2,C47/5,P36|tam kradou 01:29.6|C33/2,P2,R47,R36|z billa 01:45.0|R33,R2,C47/5|Roman solo 02:00.8|C33/2,P2,R47|z billa 02:14.8|R33,R2|o ty 02:15.5|C33/2,L16/100/1|o ty Explanations: C0/20 = cue 20 in playback 0 L1/100/4 = level Playback 1 to 100 via 4 sec. P3 = playback 3 max R33 = release playback 33 Automatically converts to OSC commands for FLX.
  12. Earlier
  13. Hello, Mon problème a été résolu avec le changement de la carte SD avec l'outil fourni par le support pour imager cette dernière. Merci !
  14. Darren @DMH, Ryan @RJP any thoughts on the matter, is this a bug? I also cross posted to the Facebook group, someone called Bobby who also appears to work at Vari-lite left me with no solution either. Disappointed at the new 'service' level!
  15. Hey, so I tested the show file during the final rehearsals on Friday and on two shows today. They work perfectly. Without you, those fixtures wouldn't have been used in this production. Thank you SOOOOOO much, you're the best! ♥ ♥ ♥ All the best from Leipzig Lena
  16. Hi all, I've been reading your replies and they've really meant a lot to me, thank you. I've deliberately waited a few weeks before replying. All the very best for the future and, if you're at a trade show in the future, please come and say hello - this LinkedIn post shows where I've headed to, if you're interested! Jon
  17. I have been experimenting a bit with OSC and faced the issue of the software being recommended for windows being Show Cue Systems. While I have no doubt it's brilliant, for my limited requirements, it's a little pricey. All I needed was to start some music and be able to have a desk change cues at set points of the music. I came across Multiplay software and found that it has all the features I require. So far I've only run it with the Phantom software, looping back via localhost, but I see no reason it won't run with the actual desk when I get a chance to run it, long as the IP address is updated. I've done a screen recording which should show all the required information to get you going quickly, but I'll type the main points. Going to File > Production Properties > Network, you can add a network patch. Patch name isn't important, as long as the destination IP is your desk, the port for OSC is 8830 (or whatever your non factory setting is changed to on your own desk) and the encoding is OSC. Next you need to select a Network Cue (little icon that looks like an RJ45 connection). Description is the only important part of the Common tab, then in the network messages tab, you need to select the Zero88 network patch (or whatever you named it above) and create an ASCII command with the form /zeros/cue/go/<cue number>. In the video I have created a cue 0.1 which sets everything to black each time everything is run, so the lights come on with the music. For the Cue 0.1 alone, I also change the Cue Advance options to Action: End Play and Target: Next Cue and the Post Wait option to 1.00 seconds, so that when it is played, as soon as it does its 1 second to make sure the desk has time to move everything back to black, it then advanced to the next cue. All the other cues are just duplicates of this with the description changed and the cue number changed in the ASCII command. You can just add as many of these as you require. None of these have the above options for Waiting and going to the next cue of course. I then insert an Audio file just below the Cue 0.1 cue, which is played once Cue 0.1 has done its 1 second wait. You can obviously select whatever audio file you need to run in the Audio tab. The important bit for this is the Cue Points tab. I add a list of New Cue Points for each of the cues from 1 onwards. Time is changed for each one to be the time in the audio playing that I want the desired cue to be run on the desk. The target option is the name of the Cue I want to run, based on the description of the cue. As such, you could imagine making a standard file with a large number of cues and cue points, then putting in the times for the ones you need and deleting any after that point you don't need. Just a note also that the OSC command I have used runs a cue in the current playback, so make sure you have the correct playback active. You can use cues that run a given cue in a specific playback if you need to. For more information on the possible OSC commands, you can check this link: https://www.zero88.com/manuals/zeros/setup/triggers/osc-examples Not saying this is the best way to do it, but it's a way I've got it working and it's free to try. Hope it proves useful to someone. You can find the screen recording here:
  18. You should report the CMY issue as well I think, maybe include your before and after show files if you have them.
  19. Oh my god, thank you SOOOOOO much. I'm gonna try this tomorrow!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥ xoxo Lena
  20. Update as promised: Using the personality in the desk, and when viewing the DMX Output charts under the Z Key, the values corresponding to CMY remained on '0' even after changing colour parameters, or running colour effects etc. Definitely confirmed it was a personality error at this point. So using the inbuilt fixture editor, I took a copy of the existing personality and amended the CMY control channels to be 'Other Colour' control parameters. This worked and enabled the encoders to control the CMY parameters, however colour palettes or picker didn't work as the desk didn't know what colour they actually were. So I then edited the 'copied' personality, changed the 'Other Colour' parameters back to CMY, which then worked as it should have done so in the first place. I now have full control of CMY, using colour palettes or the colour picker! No idea what was going on, but quite the oddity and an annoying time sponge trying to resolve! Either related or unrelated, I also had the desk crash four times throughout plotting, so will forward on the crash reports to the team after the show is done. Thanks again all for suggestions, research, and the created fixture profile @kgallen
  21. @scottydog75 Here we go, give this a bash. martin_mac_quantum_profile.ift
  22. Had a quick look through the profile on Phantom Zeros and I don't see anything obvious. My expectation was that there may be some mode option which was a default value other than zero, which was causing something weird when the profile operated, but when you put it in as dimmers, they were all defaulting to zero, so it started to work. Given this worked via dimmers, I'd bring up the profile and watch the dmx values being sent out to see if anything obvious is raised above zero, other than those you were doing with the multiple dimmer channels. Otherwise, an RDM issue if it's enabled, jumping to something unexpected, or perhaps a mode issue on the light settings or just a general communication issue. Will be interested to head the full update on what fixed it though!
  23. Have fixed.. full update tonight. Thanks both!
  24. Just to check, if you select the fixture, in the Colour window do you get anything on the encoder wheels - and try paging over too. Anything on the Colour Palettes if you hit the "Auto create palettes" button? I wonder if the fixture definition didn't use e.g. "Cyan - positive" as the "Special" type in the colour definitions. You did say you were able to confirm at least the existence of e.g. "Cyan" - as a name at least - in the desk editor, but maybe this is not actually attached to the Colour attributes section. Maybe check in Beam and Shape to see if there is anything colour-wise on those encoders. Homeless parameters tend to get dumped there. Also see if the DMX window shows any numbers changing in the appropriate channels whilst you have a play around. Later I'll see if I can patch the same fixture on the desk and have a mooch around. Sorry these are probably all things you've already tried (although I'm certainly guilty of "panicking" and not trying some of the "obvious" things when stuff doesn't work!).
  25. Oh I doubt that! @scottydog75 Not sure if it's timely enough but I can have a go at making a new fixture profile later tonight (using ye-olde Fixture Editor which you may well be similarly familiar with). Other idea if the definition might be suspect is to use the fixture patch search feature to try and find another fixture definition that closely matches the luminaire you have in terms of which DMX channel controls which feature. I was re-watching one of Edward's videos the other day - might have been 7.11 update video which reminded me of this. Sorry I can't be of more immediate/direct help. I'll have a think, but I think @Davidmk and yourself have suggested/tried the obvious things and I know you're both not newbies with the desk...
  26. Not sure I can help since I've no experience of CMY fixtures. I've scanned through the manual and not spotted any quirks that could trip you up. Best I can do is ask stupid questions and, maybe, you'll see the problem for yourself by answering them. Have you tried a colour or full fixture reset (channel 22 or 19)? Is the colour wheel at "open" when you are trying to colour mix? What output is the fixture giving? Is it (apparently) stuck on white? Black? Something else? What does the desk's DMX output screen say for the CMY, colour wheel and shutter channels? I see from the manual that these fixtures can display the DMX values being received. Do they agree with what the desk says it is sending? Have you contacted @kgallen? He's generally more use than me.
  27. Hi all, Hoping our new moderators, or other skilled & experienced users may be able to assist. Ideally need to sort before programming starts tomorrow at midday (GMT). I have hired four Martin Mac Quantum Profiles, running in extended (27ch) mode. I have no control of CMY, but all other parameters work on the fixture. Have tried swapping to 'basic' (19ch) mode, still no control of CMY. The fixture personality looks like it matches the DMX charts in the manual when I got into the edit options on the desk. I have patched 27 standard dimmer channels and have proved that CMY does in fact work on the fixture, leading me to believe there is an error with the fixture personality? Hire company said these fixtures worked fine on an ETC ION only the other week. Any advice what I might be overlooking? Manual here for ref: https://www.martin.com/en/site_elements/mac-quantum-profile-user-guide Thanks in advance, Alex
  28. Had to fix a FLXS48 today, the clear led was staying on, the operator said that it was initially taking a while to clear but after a day of use the clear button did not clear, they had to power reset the desk to clear the clear function. I reloaded ZerOS 7.14 and the clear is working again, no clue as to what caused the fault. I have reloaded their show, left the desk on for an hour to see if it was heat related, but the fault has not reappeared. It is in a clean, airconditioned school theatre. Camp Rock.zos
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